Sneak Peek: The New and Expanded 4-Hour Workweek is Here

The 4-Hour Workweek was first published April 27th, 2007.

I did my best to cover all of the bases when it debuted, but there were gaps. Though I included cases studies of families using lifestyle design, for example, it was hard to find more than a few the first time around.

Not anymore. Things have changed. There are more than 30,000 comments on this blog, hundreds of people have shared their successes and failures via detailed e-mail, and both case studies and experiments continue to flow in from around the world.

This doesn’t mean that the current edition doesn’t do the job — it does — but more than 40 printings and 35 languages later, a new and expanded edition has finally been completed

This new version includes all of the updates and additions that I’ve wanted to make for the last 2.5 years, including more than 50 case studies from readers, as well as 100+ pages of new content. Many of the “tools and tricks” resources have been completely revised to reflect testing with newer and better technologies.

The book publishes December 15th but is available for preorder here at a 30% discount. Why not get some X-mas shopping done early? 🙂

The graphics in this post are the new cover and jacket, which you voted on here. Thank you all so much for the wonderful input and conversation, both online and in real-life.

I learn more from you than I could ever hope to teach.

I hope you love this new edition as much as I do (larger font in second graphic):

Pre-order it here for 30% off the cover price, making it less than $15.

If you’re in media and would like to discuss exclusive interviews, stories, or segments, please email amy-at-fourhourworkweek-dot-com with “4HWW Media” in the subject line.

Have a beautiful weekend!


Odds and ends elsewhere on the web:

Tim Ferriss on TED – Smash Fear, Learn Anything

How to Tim Ferriss Your Love Life (from WordCamp 2009)

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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5 days ago

Hi everyone! I see that there’s an edition of the 4-hour week from Penguin Editorial (The 4-Hour Work Week: (Vermilion Life Essentials)).Does this edition contain the expanded and updated content as well?Thank you!

Team Tim Ferriss
4 days ago
Reply to  Cristina

Hi, Cristina –

Yes, the Vermilion Life Essentials edition is the expanded and updated version of The 4-Hour Workweek. Thanks for asking!


Team Tim Ferriss

14 years ago

Perhaps my favorite book. Pre-order in the works as we speak. Cheers!

14 years ago

Looking forward to reading it Tim. Will it be out on Kindle format?

Cheers, Andrew

14 years ago

I can’t wait for that! And for your other book as well… any chance for a Kindle version?

14 years ago

Really looking forward to this. I bet the case studies will be inspiring and spur new ideas for all.

Thanks Tim

Ryan Wade
Ryan Wade
14 years ago

SWEET … going to pre order it now.

Used a TON of stuff in the first addition … making more money now, and working so much less.

Thanks Tim!


14 years ago

Going to get a copy for everyone in the family this Christmas!

David A.
David A.
14 years ago

Awesome. Can’t wait. Wish I didn’t have to wait until December 15th.

14 years ago

Wow, 2.5 years has gone by quickly. Congratulations and thank you for sharing these ideas with us.

Megan Donovan
Megan Donovan
14 years ago

WOW Tim!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on the new version. Just pre-orderd it. My first X-mas gift this year, and shamelessly bought it for myself :-).

14 years ago

Well, maybe it is finally time to give my friend back the copy I borrowed from him 6 months ago, and get one for myself!

14 years ago

Wow Tim, congrats! Your book has greatly influenced my life, and I am sure millions of others as well. I look forward to this new updated version, I am pre-ordering now! Good on you man 🙂

Andre Nosalsky
Andre Nosalsky
14 years ago

Looking forward to the updates, loved the first edition.

David (aka @threedot)
David (aka @threedot)
14 years ago


Will there be an audio version of this edition? If so, please have the same guy do it, I loved how he delivered the material.

14 years ago

I can hardly wait!

…And here I thought the first edition and the audio book would be enough…

Does this make me a Lifestyle Design addict?

14 years ago

Nice work Tim. I can’t wait to see what you have in there.

Chris Mower
Chris Mower
14 years ago

This is exiting. I’ve read the original book a few times and have found it very helpful as I’m redesigning my life. I can’t wait for the updated version :).

Darrin Michaels
Darrin Michaels
14 years ago


Loved the first book and followed lots of your advice. Published my first book this year and am working on the second as we speak. I working hard to join the new rich by dominating a niche market with the erotic fiction category.

Your advice has been priceless; I look forward to your posts on the blog and cant wait for the new book. Already preordered my copy!

Thanks for the inspiration and the instruction on how to accomplish my goals!

Darren Michaels


David Turnbull
David Turnbull
14 years ago

Was wondering when this post would show up. Had the new 4HWW on my Amazon shopping list for a couple weeks now. Really excited for it.

14 years ago

Sweet, glad I didn’t buy it the first time, now I will get all the nuggets;)!!! Can’t wait for the superhuman experimnet book or whatever you got cookin’.

14 years ago

Looking forward to this new edition, once I get it I will give the old one as a gift to a friend who is slaving away in a cubicle farm.

I hope you share the failure stories in addition to the success stories, since we learn a huge deal from the failures.

Andreas Climent
Andreas Climent
14 years ago

Congrats on the updated book. The other version of the cover looks a lot better though. Don’t like the colors of this one at all.

14 years ago

I wonder if all the updates are rehashed blog material. I hope not. Tim, please clear this up. If I don’t hear a response, I will assume this is the case.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  [Anon]

There is, of course, some of the best blog content in the book, but none of the new case studies or resources have appeared on the blog, to my recollection.



13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Hey Tim.

This is a bit delayed but I just wanted to say thank you for publishing such a great book. It has really changed my life.

I used to run a small eBay business and spend most of my time wasting my time. Since reading your book I have outsourced a lot of my eBay business, and my sales are better than ever.

I have also started a new eBay business, which cost me very little to set up and basically runs itself, again bringing in a little extra money.

I have even written an info product to teach other people how to set up their own eBay business – it has sold well so far and I have had some great feedback.

I’m not down to 4 hours a week just yet (probably more like 20), but I now have much more time and money than I used to. I am currently looking at ways to automate the last few things so that I can free myself altogether and go travel round Europe for a while.

None of this would have been possible without the 4hww.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Congratulations, Alex! Thanks so much for the kind words 🙂



Danny Davis
Danny Davis
14 years ago

Tim, you changed my life. I remember to this day when I first picked up your book by accident. I was graduating from high school and I was depressed as hell because I knew the rat race was never going to end. That same day I visited the bookstore and one thing lead to another. Thank you for saving me from what Thoreau described as a “life of quiet desperation.”

14 years ago

Any translated versions coming out soon? (dutch?)


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Joost

Hi Joost,

It’s out already in Dutch! Take a look and you’ll find it…



Russ Baer
Russ Baer
14 years ago


Congrats on the updated version. looking forward to reading all the new info and case studies. See everyone at Biz Tech.



14 years ago

Can we exchange the old one for the new one. I think that’s fair.

14 years ago

Oh man, I JUST bought the old version for Kindle a day ago. So sad.

14 years ago

Good good!!

Great new..

You are the best, Tim!!

Jose Castro-Frenzel
Jose Castro-Frenzel
14 years ago

Is this the cover they used for the German version?

Congrats on the new book…


Scott R.
Scott R.
14 years ago

Tim, you are the man! Congratulations on the new edition! I can’t begin to tell you what a huge difference–and I mean quantum leap–the first edition has made in my life over the past two years. I wish you every success with the new edition, and I hope we’ll be seeing a lot more of you in years to come!

14 years ago

Nooooo! I just bought the first edition!!!

14 years ago

very nice Tim. Congrats, sounds like you’re equally as stoked as all of us!

Hector M. Hernandez
Hector M. Hernandez
14 years ago

Buy this book like a month ago and now you going to update the book nooo XD jeje love the book good job

14 years ago

Awesome! 🙂

Best of luck with the new book too!


14 years ago

SNAG! I am so there.

This is one of my favorite books, and I’m missing mine. (I gave it to a friend.)

14 years ago

Ahhh just in time for Christmas. I bought four of the original version and no one read it but me. Maybe this time around with a funky economy some of my family and friends might be more motivated. 🙂

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago

Thanks for all the comments and kind words! I’m excited for December (and Christmas, as always).

One very important point: PLEASE don’t despair or feel upset if you just bought the current edition!

The current book in bookstores and on Amazon works just fine, so you don’t need to worry about having an obsolete edition. There are a few resources that have been replaced, but it is still reliable and self-sufficient.

Have a great weekend and pura vida 🙂


Scotty D
Scotty D
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Is this your long awaited second book? Or is just a revised edition and your second book is still to come?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Scotty D

Hi Scotty,

The big next book is the “Becoming Superhuman” book — just search this blog and you’ll see the post on that one. Speaking of which … back to writing!



Erika Awakening
Erika Awakening
14 years ago

awesome, Tim 🙂

And you’re right things are changing superfast. Let’s usher in the era of effortless living …

Randy Webster
Randy Webster
14 years ago


Awesome.. Your first book still stands as one of my favorites… Cant wait for the follow up and the superhuman!!

Congrats Tim…


14 years ago

Tim, you rock. The book changed my life. A second edition to me is as big as a Bible extended edition from JC himself would be to the Bible thumping crowd. Awesome!

Bradley Gauthier
Bradley Gauthier
14 years ago

Any word on an audio version? If so, it doesn’t look like amazon/audible has it in their system yet.

If it is still in the works I personally hope there is a better narration this time. The first edition was slightly too commanding sounding. On the other hand, the tone was far better than most sleep inducing audiobook narrators.

14 years ago

Tim, thanks for the response.

I’m writing a book now for my “muse.” Problem is I am slow as molasses to get my thoughts down on paper. The content is not the problem, it’s all up there in my head, I’ve been studying and theorizing for a few years. It’s just hard for me to throw it down on paper.

You know what I would love? A blog post on writing, especially from you because you are in the non-fiction self-help market, the same thing I am writing about. Doesn’t have to be big and extravagant if you don’t want it, just a few tips from your experience. Thanks.

14 years ago

This is awesome! Can’t wait to read the second version!

14 years ago

Tim, you rock.

Ray Porter is by far the best narrator for an audio book that I’ve heard. He brought it alive. As my friend said, his voice is “hauntingly frank”

You’ve reinforced some things I’ve believed for a while, and articuated it in incredible way. Nice use of humor, etc.

14 years ago

I bought two copies of first version.

The first copy was so underlined, marked and noted that I bought another one…

Do you know when the spanish version will be aviable?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  ALEX CC

Hi Alex,

Thanks so much! Gracias por todo. The Spanish version is out in both Spain and Latin America. The title should be “La Semana Laboral de 4 Horas”.

Un abrazo gordo 🙂


14 years ago

Lol, are you running out of money Tim?

Finn Peacock
Finn Peacock
14 years ago

Hey Tim,

Well done on making your xmas deadline! I’ve pre-ordered it from sunny Australia – hoping it gets here in time to read with my turkey and christmas pud on the beach.

More importantly thanks for inspiring me to change my life almost exactly 1 year ago today. I read your book – quit my job, sold my house, went camping for 3 months down the east coast of Australia, ramped up my fledgling internet business 4x (whilst camping). Arrived in Adelaide started 2 more online businesses whilst renting a house by the beach. And am now at a stage where it can all be run on about 6 hours per week. And did it with 3 kids under 3…

Glad to see there are case studies with families 🙂

Cheers buddy,


14 years ago

I looked on Amazon and didn’t find it… Is a French version of this second edition scheduled anytime soon ?

By the way, I have a quite popular French blog about great books (see my link)… It is possible to receive a press copy to speak about it on my blog ?

14 years ago


Please (PLEASE) get the Audio-book version of this read by the same guy who read the first edition!

His voice is awesome.


14 years ago

Good news,

At least with my order you will be able to continue to live like a millionnaire :))

I support Olivier (above comment) he is a very famous french blogger with his famous blog “des livres pour changer de vie” (books to change your life)

At least send him a press copy, he will do a very very good and superb review, as he did for 40 others books so far right now ! 🙂

14 years ago

Can’t wait !

Nice move Tim.

14 years ago

Looking forward to the new book. Got the first one a few months ago. But this just makes it better so I can let friends lend the first one and they can buy the second if they like it.

I just looked at amazon. And is this a lookalike? “Niche Internet Marketing: The Secrets To Exploiting Untapped Niche Markets And Unleashing A Tsunami Of Cash” – Its issued mars 2008. Or maybe a copycat?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Robin

Hi Robin,

Yep, that’s a total copycat. I suppose imitation is the highest form of flattery, but it’s a ballsy cover lookalike, to be sure!



14 years ago

Just pre-ordered my copy. cant wait to read the updated version.

Megan Donovan
Megan Donovan
14 years ago

@ Jose Yeah, that’s right, the new cover layout is the same as they used for the German version. I really like the colors.

I also agree with Tim. If you just bought the current version, don’t be upset. This book is the killer! Start reading and using the info from the current version immediately, you won’t be disappointed. Tim’s book will change your life, as it has helped me to change mine.

@ Tim Please also release an audiobook from the expanded version as soon as possible. Thank you so much Tim, you ROCK!!!

Michael - Fat Loss Tips
Michael - Fat Loss Tips
14 years ago

Easily in my top 5 of most influential books I’ve read in the last 10 years. Looking forward to the updates Tim and appreciate all the information you’ve shared through this blog.


Olivier FAURAX
Olivier FAURAX
14 years ago

+1 for a french edition

Aaron M
Aaron M
14 years ago

Excellent. I agree with other commentors. Have the same guy do the audiobook recording (and do an audiobook recording). Has to be one of my favorite readings on an audiobook and the guy really knows how to deliver the content.

I bought both the print and audio editions previously and plan to do the same for this new edition.

14 years ago

Went right to pre order. Your book is very unique and insightful.

Looking forward to receiving my copy.

14 years ago

Hi Tim. Congrats on the new book. Will the audio version be updated too? If so, will it be released the same day as the book?

4HWW 1.0 was excellent. Looking forward to 2.0


Tony Hollowell
Tony Hollowell
14 years ago

I just want to see if Tim has broken any more World-Records since the first edition!

Michael Beck
Michael Beck
14 years ago

Can’t wait to read this! What a terrific role model and lifestyle coach.

14 years ago

Awesome, really happy about this cause i re-read the book every few months so it will be great to read the newer version for changes of idea’s (and hopefully new places and way to outsource?)

Oleg Mokhov
Oleg Mokhov
14 years ago

Hey Tim,

4HWW changed my life. No hyperbole.

You introduced me to mini-retirements, location-independent living, automation, and the 80-20 Rule. How my life is now vs. a few years ago… I might as well have been somebody else.

The world is my playground now. And I’m effective, not just productive (link to an article I wrote about this inspired by you – hope it’s not spammy, just thought it might be relevant to the topic).

A big thanks goes to you and your insanely useful book. Made my life so much happier and more enjoyable.

Thank you Tim,


PS. I listened to the original 4HWW. Do you know how soon the new version will be released in audiobook format?

All the best finishing your new book!

Chuck Rylant
Chuck Rylant
14 years ago

I’m looking forward to the new book Tim. Since I have a couple of kids at home, the new edition will be especially relative to my family.

14 years ago

Aw dang, I just purchased your original version.

14 years ago

Your first book was definitely my favorite book of all,… have it also on cd and iphone … it has changed my life enormously and I thank you for validating and for freedom!! Living the dream and it’s awesome!!

Couldn’t wait for this new edition, book and iphone app – thanks Tim

14 years ago

Been looking forward to this for some time Tim! Pre-ordered, & waiting for it to arrive 🙂

14 years ago

I loved your book & spread the word to my fellow entrepreneurs!! Congrats on the new edition!



Jeff Slobotski
Jeff Slobotski
14 years ago

Tim – as always I’m excited for what you’ll release next! Keep up the great work and when’s your next stop here in Omaha to see Warren?

Talk w/ you soon!

14 years ago

Liked the first version. Definitely looking forward to reading new tips.

14 years ago

Have bought the first edition in March of this year, wondering whether the renewed content justifies buying the new sec. edition?

14 years ago

Oooh Snap! New 4HWW?

One of the things that made the original book so good was how practical it was. It felt as though you gave away a lot of insider “New Rich” information and now you’re telling me there’s more?

I’m really interested in the new case studies. The book is as good as bought!

Robert Henry LaBonne III
Robert Henry LaBonne III
14 years ago


Off topic request…

Tim I would like to hear more about your motorcycle racing days. How about a post relating to that topic? Would be an interesting read.


14 years ago

Whooo!! I am in Libertador, Entre Rios in Argentina right now, but I will get it as soon as I return to the States in January.

Design Issue: if it is 100 pages larger, how can I sew it in after second Timothy in the New Testament of the King James Bible.. lol!

…would never actually do that, but I mean much respect.

David J. Lamp
David J. Lamp
14 years ago

Will there be an option for an Audio Book ?

If there is I would like to Pre Order.

Have The Best Day

Johnny Jen
Johnny Jen
14 years ago

I’m sitting on the beach on a beautiful tropical island here in Thailand thanks to your first edition of the 4-hour work week.

The next time I’m in an airport i’ll definitely pick up the 2nd edition. Tim Ferris, you changed my life, I owe you a pizza with extra chicken someday!

David T
David T
14 years ago


Thanks for helping me think (live) outside the square!

You’re book is full of inspiration.

Dana Gundlach
Dana Gundlach
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

That is great news! I have read 1.0 about 10,000 times. It has changed my total theory on business. I was “downsized” in June and have since started my own biz adventure based off your streamline (ghost in the machine) theory. Can’t wait to read 2.0!

14 years ago

Congrats Tim!

One thing: does it come with quantum computers and IT support? 😉

Just pre-ordered on amazon, now I have to wait TWO MONTHS!!!

By the way, guess what. I just got in contact with Steve Key. Supercharged.

14 years ago

Awesome. Currentl have your book on audio and print looking forward to snapping up your next one

14 years ago

Wow. I can’t wait for 3 months!

14 years ago

love the book… unfortunately just arrived to israel two month ago

(in hebrew)

so i wonder when this will arrived …

Leroy Lyne | For the Kids
Leroy Lyne | For the Kids
14 years ago

Freakin awesome, three months why man, dude you got me on my way to being rich, thank you.

You are my hero. I had my site set low at first but going in the direction that you sent me has open up a whole world of prosperity for me.

Thanks dude

14 years ago

Someone asked in a blog post whether or not there is more. I can tell you this for certain, Tim CANNOT cover a fraction of the ways that you can join the new rich. The more I explored possibilities, the more I found out that Tim barely scratched the surface, barely.

John Ghiorso
John Ghiorso
14 years ago

Thought this was funny. I guess trying to rip someone off is the highest form of flattery?

Matt McCabe
Matt McCabe
14 years ago

Would love to see the expanded 4hww version available on Kindle, any plans for that Tim?

My consumer behavior is now to wait until I have another purchase at Amazon so I can get the free shipping. If a Kindle version was available I would have purchased immediately.

Love your blog and your book.

I have successfully implemented many of your strategies and ideas and my life is truly richer for it. Thank you.


[…] Sneak Peek: The New and Expanded 4-Hour Workweek is Here auf Tim Ferriss’ Blog […]

14 years ago

Great! A new book… wanted to read the first one twice… why not read the second one instead? 🙂

Stefan Toft
Stefan Toft
14 years ago

Thinking about buying this book for some time so this is the perfect chance. Thank you.

Moon H
Moon H
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

My first ever comment for you, I think. I got your book a bit over a week ago and finished it a couple of days ago. Great read. I hope to be one of the NR at some point 🙂

Put in a pre-order, great book! I challenge you to learn Urdu next, heh heh. Phir bhat ho!


14 years ago

Loved the first release. I haven’t quite found my muse that works yet although I have tried and tested several. I just pre-ordered the second edition. Looking forward to getting it

14 years ago


Perfect timing! I was just going to read your book again.

I still think you should come out with the “How I Beat the Ivy League” book that you made in college.


James Espinoza
James Espinoza
14 years ago

Tim, it would be great if you would offer the pre-orders as an autographed copy?

14 years ago

Awesome! I’d like to see it on the kindle also.

14 years ago

Have you considered writing a book on more efficient business models and low-cost start-ups?

14 years ago

This book is completely unnecessary at this point… but I have to buy it anyway.

Mike T Nelson
Mike T Nelson
14 years ago

Awesome Tim! I loved the first edition and just placed my pre-order for the second edition. Can’t wait for the new “Superhuman” book.

Rock on

Mike T Nelson PhD(c)

Suresh May
Suresh May
14 years ago


You are the fucking man.



14 years ago

Hey Tim, quick question:

Any plans on updating the design of the website or blog?

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