Facebook Bankruptcy Template

The following is an e-mail I received from Paul Colligan, which inspired me to finally take the leap and get Facebook under control. To tame the beast and use it, instead of having it use me. I hope you find it useful, or at least entertaining.

Paul, if you mind me putting this up, please do let me know.

Short version:

Moving to a “Fan Page” model at Facebook to make more sense of things. Would love you as a “Fan” here –


Long version:

It’s not you, it’s me …


When I joined Facebook, I didn’t think it all the way through.

And now I have to do something drastic …

(and it’s going to take a couple of weeks)

By mixing business and personal in the same account, here on Facebook. I was no good to anybody. Here’s a few highlights:

* Personal friends and family who weren’t interested in my business found themselves with lots of marketing messages. I’m amazed at anyone who ’stayed a friend” – but that’s another note all together.

* Business partners, associates, etc., got a bunch of confusing personal updates when they were trying to get work done. So much for “Market to Message Match.”

* I couldn’t “use” Facebook like a normal person (with 4000+ “friends”) and here I am trying to figure out what Facebook means and how normal people use it …

So, here’s what I’ve done about it:

* I’ve asked my assistant to unfriend EVERYBODY in Facebook and send them this note. The best man in my wedding is on this list – so please don’t feel offended.

(I did figure I wouldn’t unfriend Heidi – too many implications there)

* I’ve sent you all this note.

* I plan on “refriending” my friends and engaging in active business dialog at the “page” discussed below – I think it will turn out to be the best of both worlds.

You have three options:

Option 1-

I’ve set up a “page” at Facebook where I’ll be focussing on the “Business” and “New Media” side of Paul. You can see it here (please click to become a “Fan”). It should be a fun place to meet up and chat.


To encourage others to become a Fan, I’m hosting a special Webinar on Facebook for free where I’ll walk through every stop of this process and share what I’ve learned along the way.

Details will be emailed to everyone who has “fanned” me on that page through a Facebook update.

This will be the most appropriate action for most of you.

Here’s the link one more time –


Option 2 –

If we really are friends (i.e., you know my kid’s names) feel free to friend me again on Facebook – I’ll respond shortly.

Also know that I’ll be seeking to replenish my friends list very soon anyway, and I’ll eventually find everyone again – but feel free to speed up the process.

Option 3 –

I’m sure this move will offend a few. Please understand it is certainly a drastic move – but one I needed to take.

Didn’t mean to offend – sorry if I did.


Yup, wacky …

This social media stuff is fascinating. I look forward to (and, I’ll be honest, equally as much) using Facebook like “everyone else” and sharing with those interested what I learned along the way.

Thanks for understanding.


For those interested in seeing my 2nd-round Facebook attempt, which has worked like clockwork and turned out to be both more fun and more useful, take a glance at Tim Ferriss 2.0.

If you own a business or brand, the analytics alone are worth the effort of setting it up as a complement to your existing profile.

Use your tools. Don’t let them use you.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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[…] which inspired me to finally take the leap and get things under control. To tame the beast. Find his group e-mail here, which you can use as a template if […]

Pete Williams
Pete Williams
14 years ago

If anyone is interesting in the origins of Paul’s email; check out:


Christine Sutton
Christine Sutton
14 years ago

Hi Tim. Thanks for great info on Facebook. Very relevant as I’ve been working to get up to speed on it for the past couple of weeks. I’ve been confused (and frustrated) by the personal profile vs. business fan page issue. I can post to my business fan page fine, but whenever I post comments on other pages, it shows up from my personal name. How can I have the comments display the fan page user name instead of my personal profile user name? I’d really appreciate your insight. Thanks.

Paul Colligan
Paul Colligan
14 years ago

Tim, thrilled you put it up. It’s done amazing things for me – 1) I get to use Facebook like a normal person and 2) I’ve got a Facebook Fan Page that’s working for me 24×7. Win/win.

4HWW and the realities of this space made me do it. If I can help anyone else do the same, I’d be thrilled.

14 years ago

Fan pages are incredibly powerful! I watched my friend generate several hundred thousand dollars in a few months off a Facebook fan page! Too bad it was for his employer.

He had a sound business model to work with and about 8,000 followers on facebook. I need to learn how to grow my fan page so I can get to this point with my muse.

I like your photo bankruptcy challenge. Tried something similar giving out supplements but it didn’t take hold. Perhaps I didn’t reach enough people? What has your experience been with this?

Any pearls of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

13 years ago

wow, great you put it up

Logan Parker
Logan Parker
13 years ago

I just unfriended about 500 people from my 800 friend list. I did it because facebook absorbs so much of my time that I decided to get it under control. I created a bunch of facebook rules that I follow very strictly.

1. If I facebook stalk you. You’re out.

2. If you are not likely to respond to a message I send you. GONE.

3. If I don’t really know who you are.

4. If we haven’t spoken in over a year, and I’m not likely to talk to you anytime in the future.

David Kurkov
David Kurkov
12 years ago
Reply to  Logan Parker

Hey Logan,

Thanks for adding your FB rules! Gives me a good start.



jason palmer
jason palmer
12 years ago

I leave my laptop at home and have no smart phone, i go out and chat to people ‘face to face’, its very effective.

I love facebook, my competition sit on it all day. 🙂

10 years ago

Hi Tim and Crew,

I’d love to use this template for a New Years Facebook Purge. How do I get permission granted?


Renee in Montana

7 months ago

Your blog on the “Facebook Bankruptcy Template” is a creative and engaging approach to discussing the digital detox concept. The incorporation of a template adds a practical touch, making it both informative and actionable. Well done on providing a refreshing perspective on managing social media consumption!