Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books

Up to no (coherent) good once again, The Random Show returns.

In episode 3, Kevin Rose and I discuss our top 5 must-read books, how we use them, and who should read them.

The 10 books are…

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Getting Real

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-term World Travel

Seneca: Letters from a Stoic

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

Envisioning Information

The Tipping Point

8 Weeks to Optimum Health

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

The Intelligent Investor

Others mentioned:

Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character)

Motherless Brooklyn

If you missed them, check out Episode 1 and Episode 2. From functional MRIs and knives to angel investing and naming companies, it’s as random as the name implies.

Related Odds and Ends:

Tim Ferriss on Twitter

Kevin Rose on Twitter

Fireside Chat with Tim Ferriss at Google

Tim Ferriss presentation at TED: Smash Fear, Learn Anything


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The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Len Hardison
Len Hardison
15 years ago

Change or Die by Alan Deutschman

Lori Gundershaug
Lori Gundershaug
15 years ago

Yes! Zen Mind, and Vagabonding. Thanks for the suggestion. And Love Dr. Weil.Just discovered your blog and can’t wait to read 4 hour work week. I am a professional turned actor to becoming writer. I think your blog will be very helpful!

Martin Baker
Martin Baker
15 years ago

Just watched all 3 shows – really great stuff. Please please please make this available as a podcast on iTunes.

Brian Andersen
Brian Andersen
15 years ago

I’d have include “The Game” by Neil Strauss in my list – there’s some essentials in there about the stronger sex that money can’t buy 🙂

amber Star
amber Star
15 years ago

Kevin,Shenru Suzuki is not the founder of Zen. 🙂 Just though I’d clear that up.

15 years ago

@ Tim & Kevin

TOPIC suggestions for RANDOM:

1) 3 things yol do that help yol most when stressed or overwhelmed. (e.g. meditate, breathing exercises, walk away to a beach & catch fresh air,etc.)

2) The principles that yol live by.

3) 3 most fun / adventurous things yol have done till now!

4) All time favorite movies!

5) Your thoughts on how the world will be in 2020 – keeping in mind all the technological developments, things like virgin galactic, global warming, etc.

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
15 years ago

Hi Tim,

Thanks for continuing to share your findings! I recently enjoyed reading “Bad Science” by Ben Goldacre following your recommendation, and am eagerly awaiting your book on metrics. In the meantime I’ll get my teeth into “Getting Real” and Edward Tufte.

I’m going to limit myself to only two:

“Influence” by Robert Cialdini


Ostensibly about sales techniques, but covers subjects as wide as the Jonestown massacre, Korean prisoner of war camps, medical malpractice, and why human-error airplane accidents tend to happen in clusters. It’s the best book I’ve come across about cognitive biases, which I feel are the key to getting away from the false economics of “rational individuals” and towards the real economics of human beings.

My Voice Will Go With You – Milton Erickson, ed. Sidney Rosen


Erickson was arguably the greatest hypnotherapist of the 20th century, whose focus was on making an immediate positive change in his patients’ behavior rather than spending months or years analyzing the source of their problems. It would be naïve to try and summarize the range of his achievements in a short blog comment, but some of the more extreme examples include:

– getting a retired military stroke victim to walk again by swearing at him until he left the room in indignation

– helping an overweight mother who had no time to herself because of her disobedient son by telling her to sit on the child and read the next time he misbehaved, until he apologized

– training the US rifle team to beat the Russians by hypnotizing them to believe that every shot was their first

The book is a very readable collection of his teaching tales with many practical applications, similar in format to “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman?”.

I’m currently working on what you might call “The 4-Hour Practice Week” – an optimized method for learning to play the piano by ear in any style. If you ever find yourself in London and want some free lessons drop me a line!



15 years ago

Hi, love the video, recommending powerful books can really help people find the material they need to grow. I also like the video quality, camera angles and such, well done.

I’d like to share my top 5 books which at first may not seem so related to blogging or marketing or business, but I feel that they are tremendously worthwhile and likely have interest to some of your readers.

In no particular order, they are:

Intelligence by Osho

Creating Money by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer

Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina

Intimate Communion by David Deida

Power Versus Force by David R. Hawkins

15 years ago

Tim, what is the 2nd marketing book (not mentioned in this video) that you do recommend to start up founders?

Tim i own your book in audio and hard-cover, “What a great book!” I recommend it to all my friends.

James Tonn
James Tonn
15 years ago

A Toast…to avid learners with ADD! haha.

Thanks for the book selections, I love top 5 lists and just keep coming back for more random insights – I love random, and I think too many ideas/shows/books restrict themselves by having to deal with 1 topic exclusively. Thanks,


15 years ago

You are popular in Russia. Now I am reading your book, why don’t you learn russian language accordin to yor fast metods?

Glen Van Peski
Glen Van Peski
15 years ago

Love the random episodes, I think the name is great, it’s perfect, describes the episodes with no wasted effort. I enjoyed Tipping Point also, will check out some of the others, also got some great gift ideas for friends!

15 years ago

Tim and Kevin:

Please do a segment possibly called “A Balanced Week”… where you talk about the most effective week, with the least amount of effort where you include sleeping, exercise, morning routines, meals, breathing exercises, etc. The etc. could be naps, having more but smaller meals, alcohol, to coffee or not, when’s the best time to shower, yoga, stretching, meditation….


“How Tim and Kevin recover from/avoid Hangovers”

15 years ago

Actually I would love a segment on how to find affordable places to stay for say a month in other countries. I would prefer to do this in advance as I have a family and can’t just do it on a whim.


15 years ago


You said one of the most empowering and hysterical books you’ve read is “Prank the Monkey” by John Hargrave. Don’t forget the humor in life :-).

15 years ago

Here’s what i’m reading now,

-virus of the mind by Richard Brodie,you’ve been memed

top five recently read….drum rolllll…….are..

-Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton

-Pour your Heart into it;How starbucks Built a company One Cup at a time by Howard Schultz and Dori Jones Yang

-The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

-Power of Influence by Robert Cialdini

-From selling to serving;the essence of client creation by Luo Cassara


[…] Ferriss (of Four Day Work Week fame) and Kevin Rose (Digg) discussed their top five must-read books. One of the books was The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding(*). I like both of these guys so I’m […]

Enrique S
Enrique S
15 years ago

I just wanted to second the positive comment about the Random series. I’m glad you included The Tipping Point. I picked it up at the airport on a whim, and it proved to be one of my favorites.

15 years ago


What are your thoughts on “birds of feather…” vs. “opposites attract” for best, or most beneficial outcomes? In other words, do you personally learn more from people like you, or people unlike you, or equally from both, etc.?

I’ve been exploring this myself, and on my blog, and I’m curious on your take, and I think others might be too.

Much Obliged,


15 years ago

I am very excited to read all 5 of your suggestions, Tim! Your 4HWW book, along with another book you have recommended in the past, The Power of Less, have both helped me transform my productivity in a matter of months. More power to you for teaching and helping promote others with valuable lessons to share. You are an anecdote to my stress – thank you for all your info!

andrew korf
andrew korf
15 years ago

wow. suprised “FLOW – the psychology of the optimal experience” didnt make the list. Great list though – thanks for sharing.


Bill Hornung
Bill Hornung
15 years ago

Keep it going… you have a hit.

Another great, short read: Greatest Management Principle (also titled The Secret to Motivating Yourself and Others) by Dr. Michael LeBoeuf.

This book explains why people do what they do. It’s brilliant.

Steve Metz
Steve Metz
15 years ago

Another great book that can illustrate Zen principles for western minds is

The Way of Zen by Allan Watts. I have been a fan of his for the last 35 years a witty an and inviting read.

15 years ago

Hi Tim,

What happened to the “Trial by Fire” tv show where you learned Yabusame?

15 years ago

Great list!

Would love to see a post by you on the merits of getting or not getting an MBA.

Doc Kane
Doc Kane
15 years ago

Guys, this show is becoming really fun, and my kudos to your cameraman and editor. . .the editing is nice and snappy and captures the mood of the show quite well!



Doc Kane
Doc Kane
15 years ago

Ah! I see now, Glenn is putting his creds at the end! Nice job, Glenn.

15 years ago

hey tim,

long time follower, first time responder..

…great post on the books, appreciate your insight. I wanted to mention a book (or rather series of books) somewhat out of the main stream media titled “The Goal” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. I found this book (and his others) a direct challenge to “common” thinking….this is a fantastic and accessible read on business, philosophy, and life…not bad for an israeli physicist/philosopher/business guru!

15 years ago

I’ve got my summer reading lined up….thanks!

15 years ago

Hi Tim,

Here is a book I can recommend, it called “Feeling Good, The New Mood Therapy” by David D. Burns, M.D.

The book is a clinically proven drug-free treatment for depression (depending on the rate of depression). It addresses a holistic approach to conquering fears, defining fears and how to deal with depression. The study of mood disorders offers opportunities to observe levels of motivation in individuals within short periods of time. The author provides cognitive techniques to help discover the precise reasons for any difficulties in motivation and offers practical drug-free solutions. The book is very simple and also insightful for organizational/human behavior.

Sorry, no charts of functional MRIs in this text, though it would be cool to see the substantial antidepressant effects of this type of mood therapy with functional MRIs.

15 years ago

Shunryu Suzuki was born in 1904. Zen started a whole lot earlier than that — many centuries earlier, especially if you trace it back through chán buddhism in China.

15 years ago

appreciate the book list. pretty sure i’ll go through a few.

15 years ago

Good list. Lately I’ve had a few people tell me that I’m reaching my Tipping Point. I didn’t know what that meant but now that I know, I’ve got to read that book.

Taos Turner
Taos Turner
15 years ago

Hey Tim,

Excellent video. What a cool way to share and talk about these books.

Another incredible book is The Autobiography of Malcolm X, which shows how one man radically changed himself from a drug-addicted convicted criminal with no future into a powerful, remarkably articulate and charismatic leader.

Thanks for sharing,


Colby Wheeler
Colby Wheeler
15 years ago

Hey Tim, I noticed a little gesture when taking about Steve Balmer. Was that intentional or just a slip of the finger:)

15 years ago

Have you read Serious Creativity (on lateral thinking) by Edward Bono? Have you applied the concepts of lateral thinking and found them effective? (even if from different sources than that book)

I’m definitely going to check out your list of books. I found the ones recommended in the 4 hour workweek very worthwhile.

15 years ago

Last night, in my dream, I saw that you two had another video uploaded. Tim was trying to prevent Kevin from making a mistake or something.

Anyway … I checked today, but no … false alarm 🙂

15 years ago

The book suggestions are awesome! I’ve read John Wood’s book last summer and changed the way I think in many ways. From Kevin liked the book on health! Cheers!

Firebird Theory
Firebird Theory
15 years ago

Cheers guys appreciate your time, look like definite brain boost books have written them down

14 years ago

Nice list. The only book I’ve read is the 22 laws of marketing but I intend to check the others out.

Also, I’ve linked to you in my link finding Friday (click my name) 🙂

Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez
14 years ago

Here is my top 5.

1. Magical Passes by Carlos Castaneda.

2. The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

3. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

4. The Three Laws of Performance by Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan

5. Guerilla Marketing in 30 Days by jay Conrad Levinson and Al Lautenslayer

The first three books are all about getting your mind right and the last two are about getting our money right. Enjoy!

Show Idea!!! Become a parkour master! A lot of people would love to see this and it would be a ton of fun for you Tim!

14 years ago


Stop reading! Stop searching the best book!

It is no time to read `cose lifetime is limited!

Just do You want. Your life is the best book and best coucher!

14 years ago

A lot of great books here. I hope to read them all!! The one by Jack Wood called Leaving Microsoft to Change the World seems to me to be the most interesting. I had never heard about him before!!

14 years ago

I haven’t read the rest of the comments on this video so sorry if I am not the first to mention this but when Tim is going over his 5th book at about 4:44 take a look at his right hand and which finger is sticking up as well as what he is saying and how he is saying it and the look on his face, I would have to say it seems like Tim doesn’t exactly like micro$haft.

Ben Wall
Ben Wall
14 years ago

Hey, just watched ep 3, just wanted to stop by and say what a great job your doing. Just bought 4 of the 10 books shown!

I like the direction it’s going in, I like the business and entrepreneurial talk as there’s no much else like this on the web.

Keep up the good work.

– Ben

14 years ago

I highly recommend Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig.

Also, for those of you complaining about cost, get the books from the library! Through inter-library loan, your library can get almost anything you want. You don’t have to keep every book on your shelf just to show off that you’ve read it.

kevin Rowe
kevin Rowe
14 years ago

Interview for next episode of Random.

I’m creating a blog (kevinrowe.blogspot.com) to find a career.

In the current economic climate it’s necessary to differentiate and brand myself from other job hunters. So, I’m creating a viral campaign, using an IMC approach.

I’m a recent graduate from the Park School of Communications at Ithaca college, Ithaca, NY.

This has appeal to your audience, surely. Many people are worried about finding a job right now.



Vikash Shah
Vikash Shah
14 years ago

@Tim Ferriss

I have recently been considering spending my time and money between one of two efforts, Microfinance and Education.

I am currently reading Banker to the Poor and just ordered Leaving Microsoft to Change the World (after your recommendation).

What are your book recommendations to help understand education philosophy? Or better yet, why education can help solve the worlds problems?

Thanks for the help in advance!


[…] 5 Must read books from Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose […]

14 years ago

These 2 DEFINATELY need to be on the list, since they’re close to the 4 hour work week as well as the other books Tim mentioned:

“The Unplugged – Join a new breed of software developers that don’t use computers much” by Ruven Meulenberg

“The Ideavirus” by Seth Godin

kevin rowe
kevin rowe
14 years ago


Just realized you don’t want URL’s in the body. I wrote the comment titled “Interview for next episode of Random.” It wasn’t spam. It was authentic.



jordan rutherford
jordan rutherford
14 years ago

I hope you guys continue with these im interested in your viewpoints and counterpoints for each other… just make sure you both get a word in edgewise eh?

i dont like the name random, as, its not all that random.

aaaaand, when talking about products and such, it urks me to feel like im watching an advertisement and not a natural conversation of pros & cons

14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the suggestions on books. I purchased and read Getting Real now. Nice to see how it reflects your view on simplicity.

I totally share this and teach it to companies as well based on Lean methodology.

I have seen you making notes as you read. Actually do you do it during reading the book or after you have read it?

I have tried this when reading Getting Real but it was more like a bullet point list and not very actionable.

What is your suggestion?


Peter Herku

14 years ago

Great list! I’ve been wanting to get Vagabonding for a while and haven’t done it yet. I think I’ll head out today and get it.


14 years ago

Two words: Atlas Shrugged.

14 years ago

I just read Vagabonding and thought it was good but not mind-blowing. I think if anything it is an introduction to long term traveling. It gives lots of advice on how to change your way of thinking and how to prepare for such a trip. Definitely just the tip of the iceberg.

14 years ago

Why were the cabinets in the background during Kevin Rose’s segment edited out? You can clearly see the corner of the book he’s holding (The Intelligent Investor) disappear behind a photo layer of a cabinet filled with glasses that was imposed over the clip.

Inquiring minds need to know.

Andrew Murray
Andrew Murray
14 years ago

Cool list. Read the Jack Trout book, and that’s a great one – Vagabonding is next on the list to pick up.

14 years ago

If there are two people I’d be willing to trust my reading time with, I’m pretty sure it’s you guys– can’t wait to get kicking on a bunch of these. Thank you!

Olga Tikhonova
Olga Tikhonova
14 years ago


It’s really amazing how you’ve created a powerful pattern on amazon / we-read (at least those I’ve checked) where either of the books you mention prompts a suggestion of all the others “Those who bought/checked out X bought/checked out Y”. I enjoy following your tips as you shared them through the book, posts, interviews and speeches, but even more – following you doing all those tiny and big tricks on the growing guinea pig community of your fans and being bold enough to be a major guinea pig yourself. Cheers)

14 years ago

Loved this episode and I’m a huge fan of Motherless Brooklyn, but whatever happened to the language episode you guys promised?

Freeman Pryce
Freeman Pryce
14 years ago

I liked the selection of books you gave. I work in a book store and am familiar with even the ones I haven’t read.

My Five books would be:

1. The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell (yes, that’s a repeat)

2. Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn

3. Man’s Search for Meaning, by Victor Frankl

4. The Upside of Down, by Thomas Homer-Dixon

5. The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield

That’s all, thought I’d make my say.

14 years ago

My son just introduced me to your website. Great job.

I would suggest:

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen

Winners Never Cheat by Jon Huntsman

Are Your Lights On by Donald Gause and

Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

For pure fun: Dilbert 2.0 or the Complete Far Side

helio laguna
helio laguna
14 years ago

1. Rich dad poor dad

2. The Four Hour Work Week

Kristofer Milhauser
Kristofer Milhauser
14 years ago

Hey Tim, I doubt you read these comments but I have a great suggestion for a segment in this blog post.I am quite a fan of your ideas on lifestyle design and w/ that in mind I have been hard at work trying to make your blue print for a product come to life: The Point…..I propose a segment in which you follow a person who you both deem worthy and take them through the process of product creation/manufacturing/ect(Income Auto Pilot) .In other words, you give more validity to your book by filling in the gaps and can show people that yes it can work on people from all walks of life and economic classes.I propose my-self as the trail run of course(he he) as I seem to be having the greatest difficulties and now that I know whats possible I can never go bk. Please Please Please Please Tim, I know with a little guidance I and others can benefit even more from you. I know you have already done this w/ college students but this would be for the fans. Just another way to give bk! Anyway thanks again Tim for showing me that life really can be what you make it.

Sincerly, Kristofer Milhauser

14 years ago

HI, I’d like to ask you to reconsider the photo on your masthead.

A couple of generations of kids have gotten the message through environmental education that feeding wildlife (e.g. squirrels), is never called for.

Because you didn’t get that memo, I’ll tell you that feeding, even “natural” food that is available to the animal, interferes with population dynamics in a negative way.

More babies are made, causing an unnatural bump in #’s of offspring which has the ripple effect on predator species. This creates an unstable dynamic which undernourishment and even starvation.

You might think that feeding one squirrel for a cute photo is no big deal. It isn’t. But it’s the equivalent of a celebrity/movie star smoking. There is, yes, an ugly ripple effect which adds up.

Additionally, if everyone thinks they are the exception to the rule “Do Not Feed the Wildlife”, the cumulative effect is great.

Fortunately feeding animals is a much easier habit to break than smoking,

I hope you do not chalk me up as a cranky curmudgeon. This is the era of sustainability and stewardship. The bad old days of doing whatever the fuck we want with the planet are past, I hope. Please consider doing a small part by switching out the cute photo.

I believe you’ll feel slightly better, and definitely squirrels and hawks everywhere will whisper your praises. thanks

14 years ago

“A few books that I have found really influential:

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature – Steven Pinker

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed – Jared Diamond

The Omnivore’s Dilemma – Michael Pollan

Stumbling on Happiness – Daniel Gilbert

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature – Matt Ridley”

For lighter reading, The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay is one of the best books I have ever come across. It’s incredibly inspirational. It’s a heavy thing but I still carried it with me on a trek through Nepal in order to read it a second time.

14 years ago

Thank you guys for doing the shows…they’re great! I really enjoy hearing your point of view on different subjects.

I have a “random” show idea:

You guys should tell/show us what a day in the life of Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose looks like. I would VERY interested in how you split up and manage your time. For example, how and when do you research new companies and ideas, versus how and when you attend to current ventures, versus how much time you spend reading. What are some good entrepreneurial habits that you have developed that you could share with us.


-Michael Haning


[…] to watch the full video to get a more in-depth look at their book choices, plus the discussion on Tim’s blog and at Kevin’s twitter account. Tim even says of his choices that “each of these should […]

14 years ago

It was unintentional, but, I read The Four Hour Workweek and Getting Real three times each, on an alternating basis, within a twelve month timeframe. Trust me, your head will explode if you attempt this!

Great book recommendations. Both The Four Hour Workweek and Getting Real are in my top 5, if not top 3.


14 years ago

Any future speaking engagements or seminar schedules that I may watch?

Maren Kate
Maren Kate
14 years ago

I loved the Intelligent Investor, its funny because you don’t hear it referenced now adays especially by the younger crowd. I got turned onto because it was Warren Buffett’s bible of sorts for investing & I pretty much hang on every word he says.

Question though, why didn’t you include Think & Grow Rich, if you’ve read (which it seems like you probably have) can you tell me why it didn’t make your top ten?


Paul Camarinha
Paul Camarinha
14 years ago

Hey dude,

I recently purchased your book after seeing it a few times at the B&N store. Man, I wish I bought it sooner. I have like a million ideas in my head, started researching and making an online presence, but you completely make everything so much simpler. How do you do that?

Anyhow, I love your site and will become a repeat offender.

Anyhow, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing is one of my favorites. It has resurfaced after years of only being purchased only by those who were seeking how to advertise. The internet and especially people like us have brought this book back into view. I think that is awesome.

14 years ago

TF :: I went out and scored all the books you mentioned on amazon … (purchased “used” bc i like to read comments of people who bought the books as presents for others)

crushed the books :: thx bro. btw, seneca is remarkable.

Ohskar Picache
Ohskar Picache
14 years ago

The tipping point is a good read. The law of the few – talks about the connector, maven, and the salesman is my favorite part.


Bob Ueland
Bob Ueland
14 years ago


Olson, The Slight Edge

Ferris, The 4-Hour work Week

Pressfield, War of Art

Suzuki, Nurtured by Love

Brande, Wake up and Live

Carnegie, How to stop worrying and start living

Gallwey, Inner game of tennis

Rogers, Fighting to win

Bettger, How I raised myself from failure to success in selling

Bettger, How I multiplied my income and happiness in selling

Chandler, The Story of You


Pirsig, Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

Dawkins, The Selfish Gene

Pirsig, Lila

Tao Te Ching

Bhagavad Gita

Campbell and Moyers, The Power of Myth


Goldberg, Writing down the bones

Goldberg, Wild Mind

Goldberg, Thunder and Lightning

Ueland, If You Want To Write

Saltzman, If you can talk you can write

Elbow, Writing without Teachers


Bingham, The Courage to Start

Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments With Truth

Tolle, The power of now

Caples, Making Ads Pay

Feynman, Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!

Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics


Polya, How to solve it

Polya, Induction and Analogy in Mathematics

Polya and Szego, Problems and Theorems in Analysis

Lakatos, Proofs and Refutations

Abelson and Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Wolfram, Mathematica Book

Maeder, Programming in Mathematica

Patrick McLaughlin
Patrick McLaughlin
14 years ago

I picked up ‘Vagabonding’ the day after seeing your video. GREAT book!

Now I’m almost finished with a book I’d like to turn you onto… ‘Everyday Survival: Why smart people do stupid things’ by Laurence Gonzales.


I really dig The Random Show! Keep it up!

14 years ago

Can you explain more about how you create an index? Often when I review a lot of information I am unsure how to easily access that information/data at a later time. In addition, can you explain how you might create larger indexes from multiple pieces of content?


14 years ago

Dancing Wu Li Masters

Ronnie N
Ronnie N
14 years ago

The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (hayes translation)

50th Law by Robert Greene and 50 cent

The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe

14 years ago

Feynman books are really inspiring, his character enlightens your day as you read

Dara Bell
Dara Bell
14 years ago

Hi love the books on Letters from Senaca, much like Kevins Zen choice. Allows for the fortification of spirit. I think it was Kevin that recommended the Buffet book. (janet tivakoli good Buffet commentator) and lastly love your choices in the altru

Cameron Benz
Cameron Benz
14 years ago

The Intelligent Investor is a terrific book, but people should be warned that it is a DRY read. I’ve found myself unable to focus for more than a few pages at a time.

14 years ago

This is my top 5 books I would recommend 🙂

How to Win Friends and Influence People

A New Earth

The Power of Now

Body By Science

Primal Blueprint

14 years ago

Thanks for the list..like Ries & Trout as well as Gladwell.

Looking through the comments I would suggest Grant – Contemporary Strategy Analysis before tackling Porter.

Liked 4HWW. Specfically I credit the “Elimination” exercise and avoiding the so called UK quality press in particular for keeping me sane.

On that note I agree with Tim Alexander and recommend Risk and if you like that I think you would also like Living Dangerously (Cairns) especially if you are a 30 or 40 something with children.

10 years ago
Reply to  dan

I loved the elimination exercise the most as well. The main help is in getting hold of time you are using for less effective things and use those towards things that count.


[…] professionals, but then when one of my favourite authors Tim Ferris recommended it as one of his top 5 must-have books, I finally decided to grab myself a […]


[…] I’d also highly recommend you check out Tim’s blog and watch a few of the video entries he records with Kevin Rose of Digg. A favorite of mine is a video where Tim and Kevin talk about their top 5 favorite books. […]

Elevic Pernis
Elevic Pernis
14 years ago

O my goodness. Although I have read some good books in the past, I haven’t read any of the 10 books above. Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll put those 10 on my waiting list. (I still have other books waiting to be read)

With that, speak soon.



Thanks to all other readers for posting their book recommendations. One good book I recommend is “How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading” by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles von Doren

Zach Turner
Zach Turner
14 years ago


I thought about reading your book years ago, but I talked to someone who had read it and they said that it was a good read, but really not that realistic. So I didn’t bother and assumed it would tell me all the stuff I already knew like most of the self help books out there. sidenote: I love it when people who are reading self help books come to me and say something like, “dude, you can’t just dream, you have to realize your goals.” as if that wasn’t obvious before. I wish i could remember who that person was, cause now I know never to trust what they say ever again, at least in matters of lifestyle choices. Still reading the book, but had to send you a message. People just aren’t willing to realize their own power most of the time.

Griffin Boyce
Griffin Boyce
14 years ago

For people that have had long-term issues with parents, I recommend Toxic Parents By Susan Forward. Kind of niche, but it had a very profound positive impact on my life.

14 years ago

Definitely going to be checking these out. My two cents is The Power of One, by Bryce Courteny.

“Small can beat big if small is smart. First with the head, then with the heart.”

Penelope Pettikrew
Penelope Pettikrew
13 years ago

An oldie but goody: “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”

13 years ago

Hi Guys,

great suggestions you make. IMHO there is no need to leave the 4 hours workweek aside. It’s a great book that deserves to be mentioned.

And I would like to add Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” to the list. A great book that has been constantly selling for more than 70 years now and is still selling. It’s the quintessence of the experiences over 500 self-made millionaires.



Logan Parker
Logan Parker
13 years ago

I read 22 Immutable Laws of marketing as per your suggestion Tim. Good stuff. Basic but the concepts are worth the “elementary” style of the book.

Also read the intelligent investor last year. VERY pivotal in my understanding of investments, and I got away from the “day trade” mindset because of it.

Great content as usual

Thanks Tim.

Hong Anh Vu
Hong Anh Vu
13 years ago

Can you do more book reviews?

13 years ago

Hi Tim,

For entrepreneurs who aren’t interested in software development, would you recommend Rework over Getting Real? Thanks for sharing these resources!

12 years ago

For people that have had long-term issues with parents, I recommend Toxic Parents By Susan Forward. Kind of niche,and I got away from the “day trade” mindset because of it.

12 years ago

The books i was expecting are not on the list but the one that caught my attention is the LEAVING MICROSOFT thingy….


12 years ago

I wonder if the Buffet-promoted books include a guide to cronyism! :{

12 years ago

Very cool post! I have never heard of Vagabonding before now and am excited to look more into it! Thanks Tim