Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books

Up to no (coherent) good once again, The Random Show returns.

In episode 3, Kevin Rose and I discuss our top 5 must-read books, how we use them, and who should read them.

The 10 books are…

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Getting Real

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-term World Travel

Seneca: Letters from a Stoic

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

Envisioning Information

The Tipping Point

8 Weeks to Optimum Health

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

The Intelligent Investor

Others mentioned:

Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character)

Motherless Brooklyn

If you missed them, check out Episode 1 and Episode 2. From functional MRIs and knives to angel investing and naming companies, it’s as random as the name implies.

Related Odds and Ends:

Tim Ferriss on Twitter

Kevin Rose on Twitter

Fireside Chat with Tim Ferriss at Google

Tim Ferriss presentation at TED: Smash Fear, Learn Anything


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The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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15 years ago

Nice list of books. After seeing Tim mention the 22 Immutable laws I finally purchased it. I did not get the same insight from it the first time I read, so I must be missing something. I can see where it might be applicable to start ups and companies, but not really to the 4HWW.

I would have to echo that the e-myth and Think and Grow Rich are right up there in must read books. I have yet to read Seneca, but as both you and Ryan Holiday love that book, it is quickly rising in the ranks of my to read list.

Here are my top books:

The Strategy Paradox – Michael Raynor. A must read for any business owner.

Changing the Channel – Michael Masterson

Snow Crash – Neil Stephenson

7 Habits – Yes it is old hat, but there is a ton in there people can use

-and lastly-

The 4 Hour Week Week. I eagerly await the revised version, and hope that it will be everything the first version was and more.

Honorable Mention (Fiction) Entoverse – James P Hogan.

15 years ago

I’m with Marvin and Tim – “Man’s search For Meaning’ by Viktor Frankle is the ultimate in why life is amazing and humans rock! Read it please.

15 years ago


Loved this video with Kevin Rose. Great recommendations. I’ll have to check them all out. Keep em comin.

One of my favorite books of all time (which I’m sure you’ve read) would have to be Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills.

Kevin Chiu
Kevin Chiu
15 years ago


I’d like to recommend Blue Ocean Strategy. It’s an in depth look at creating new markets / categories.

(Also… I think your book is great, obviously, and I’ve gotten several people to buy it.)

Btw, I was wondering what that thing to the upper right of Kevin Roses’s head was? The editor attempted to cover it up with some clever editing:


I saw it moving a bit below the cover-up as well.

(Sorry, I notice details, and my curiosity is insatiable.)

15 years ago


These Random episodes are GOLD!! Thank you so much to both of you (and Glen too :D). Keep up the great work guys.

Looking forward to the next episode,


Kevin Chiu
Kevin Chiu
15 years ago

Wait, actually, I take back Blue Ocean Strategy, and in its place, I suggest, for the software types out there, The Mythical Man-Month. It seems like it’s the foundation for many other project management books out there, and it’s a quick read.

Unfortunately, I don’t read very many books outside of technical journals and the like.

I do, however, keep up to date on the startup / vc world by skimming a dozen or so feeds each day.

Ryan Linton
Ryan Linton
15 years ago

I love Random! Please keep making these! The two of you make a great team.

I second Kevin’s suggestion at the end of 2nd episode. I would love to see you talk about how you break down a skill to learn it quickly and efficiently. It is a subject that has been on my mind lately. In particular I have been wondering how the techniques would be applicable to more academic stuff like math and science.

15 years ago

Okay, my Big 5 Books

1. Rule #1 by Phil Town – This is the Warren Buffet method of investing. I learned it, I use it, it works.

2. The New Rules of Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott – Brilliant book that shows you how to use news releases, blogs, podcasting, etc. to drive traffic to your site.

3. In Search of the Obvious by Jack Trout – This is marketing’s wake up call. One story in particular talks about how GM had the brilliant idea of having it’s Cadillac division create a car that looks just like a normal chevy! (remember the Cimarron?). And, guess what GM just declared today… Marketers are asleep at the switch and don’t even realize it.

4. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand – Here is your philosophy lesson. This is a big book… I mean a BIG DAMN book (over 1100 pages). The story is phenomenal, the lessons are life changing. I’ve read this monster 7 times.

5. Anything by Tim Robbins – okay, don’t go out looking for a book called “Anything,” I mean any book written by Mr. Robbins. There’s no sense in telling you what he writes about, because that’s basically impossible. Yes, it’s fiction… sort of. But you’ll learn more things about more things than you’d imagine you wanted to learn… and enjoy every second of it. My favorite line… “he said ‘but’ while sitting on his butt on a butte.”


Robert Crane
Robert Crane
15 years ago

My top 5 would be:

The Art of War – Sun Tzu

Moving Zen – C.W. Nicol

Linked – Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

Deep Survival – Laurence Gonzales

Freakonomics – Steven D Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner

I’d also suggest the site http://www.goodreads.com which not only allows you to keep track of your library and books you want to read, it allows you to connect with other to see what they are reading and reviewing.


Robert Crane

David Aase
David Aase
15 years ago

These segments are like crack! Keep em coming.

Some segment ideas:

Top Life Hacks

How to Diet while traveling

Nutrition in general (maybe hit on the Gerson therapy)

A segment on Kettle bells or other workout related info

Your views on computers taking over the world

Thanks guys!

15 years ago

Great video. They look like great books. As a new entrepreneur, I am always interested in great business books. My latest favorite is “Take the E Out of EGO & GO!” Taught me how to keep my focus and to not get sidetracked by my ego.

Nick Tart
Nick Tart
15 years ago

I am a young entrepreneur and I have been very surprised about how much entrepreneurs read. It makes sense. Entrepreneurs tend to be more intelligent than the average crowd and it has to come from somewhere. I’m starting to get the hang of it. My reading list for the summer is Baby Boy-R, Think and Grow Rich, 50 Interviews: Entrepreneurs and Web Marketing for Dummies.

15 years ago

I am always interested in what books successful persons have read, liked and recommend.

A man’s success is determined by the books he reads and the company he keeps.

15 years ago

Don’t forget “Infinite Jest.”

15 years ago

Great idea, and great list of books, but once again, the video did not play well for me. And i know it’s not my puters fault…lol Plays every other video of yours, except these…*sigh* Keep up the good work Tim.Perhaps it’s a lesson in itself..maybe i am just not ready for the information you have to give, right?

Kane Spooner
Kane Spooner
15 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’m enjoying the ‘Random’ episodes. I’d like to suggest fitness/exercise/physical culture as a potential theme for a future instalment. Perhaps this could include such things as your experience with kettle bells, parkour, barefoot running etc.


15 years ago

Richard Branson: Losing My Virginity: How I’ve Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way

15 years ago

I second the San Francisco idea! Hidden gems outside tourist attractions? This is my favorite episode thus far 🙂 will definitely read Seneca and Vagabonding.

15 years ago

On second thought, language learning tips would be awesome too…I’m planning to learn Russian, ?????????????????

Tim Alexander
Tim Alexander
15 years ago

The Tipping Point was amazing! I intend on reading that over again soon.

Lately I’ve been reading “Risk: The politics and science of fear”. It’s the part of the book that I’m at right now discusses quite a bit about how the left and right sides of your brain respond to things, interact with each other, and can lead you to make opinions and decisions that are actually a bit crazy.

Alexandre Guertin
Alexandre Guertin
15 years ago

Hi Tim,

that was a great Random Show. Must-read books are always a good way to change your perspectives. I enjoy this one quote in particular:

“The only difference between who we are today and who we’ll be in 1 year or 5 years from now is the books we read and the people we meet.”

So far it has been true in my life, especially after reading 4HWW where I completely changed my work habits and lifestyle.

So here is my top 5 list of must-read books:

4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Banker to the poor by Muhammad Yunus

Vagabonding by Rolf Potts

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

And if you want a great business book that you probably never read but will teach you great lessons from great Canadian leaders and innovators from the producer of The Simpsons to the founders of StumbleUpon and Flickr:

Everything I needed to know about about business… I learned from a Canadian by Leonard Brody & David Raffa

15 years ago

Tim, your book was full of stuff to chew over, and really unshift my thinking, thanks for that. Now if you could only learn Aikido in 6 months for me!

I will get Vagabonding, I think thats my biggest block.

For you:

Ken Wilber: A Theory of Everything – our mind, body and spirit mapped

Robert Kegan (Harvard Education Emeritus) – In over our heads – defines subject/object of our little world views…

Daniel Silberberg – Wonderland (published in October) – brilliant american zen and guirdjeff teacher from the bronx, funny and real as it gets.

Many thanks

15 years ago

Great list – everything by Rolf Potts rocks.

Here are a couple more from my list


non fiction (business)

The magic of thinkng big



15 years ago

I enjoyed the episode and I look forward to each one.

A few show ideas:

1) Homeless to internet mogul – help a homeless person off the streets or from a shelter, set them up with a simple commerce idea, and show the world how $20 and a bit of mentorship can help anyone turn their life around.

2) The 2 day startup – Tim & Kevin take ideas from their readers on any variety of business ideas. Then they compete head to head on trying to create the most successful business (judged by ROI) within 48 hours. All proceeds to go to charity of course 😉

3) The 5 alarm hangover – How do KR & TF fight back against a 5 alarm hangover… although tough on the body, this may be very entertaining.

P.s. The most influential book I’ve read to date has been Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, for what it’s worth.

John Fotheringham
John Fotheringham
15 years ago

I second “language learning” tips. My site is dedicated to this topic and I’d love to add more to the arsenal.

And on the topic of language, here are a few must reads:

1. “Remembering the Kanji” by James Heisig

Most people learn characters the hard, stupid way (writing them down again and again thousands of times). This book teaches you the smart and easy way. I have a TERRIBLE memory, but was able to learn 2,000 characters in about 3 months using the system. In combination with lots of listening and reading input using podcasts and manga, you will learn to speak the language much better (and faster!) than people who waste heaps of money and time on traditional classes and textbooks.

2. “The Language Instinct” by Steven Pinker

3. “The Way of the Linguist: A Language Learning Odyssey” by Steve Kaufmann

15 years ago

WTF? Dale Carnegie isn’t on this list!


Andrew Hammond
Andrew Hammond
15 years ago

Great show, keep ’em coming! Definitely going to get a few of these books, thanks for the suggestions!

15 years ago

In light of some of the broader themes in Tim’s book, I’m surprised no one has mentioned: Flow: the psychology of optimal experience, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. I love this book. It would get my vote for one of the best psychology books in the last twenty years.

Sutton Parks
Sutton Parks
15 years ago

Great book recommendations. My favorite non-fiction is, “What Happy People Know” by Dr. Dan Baker. He talks about how fear affects our decisions and how our bodies are wired for a fear response, and how to overcome it.

15 years ago

Great list. I agree with others about Think & Grow Rich, awesome book. A really cool book that gets into daily application is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. It has some good substance on everyday discipline.

Response to one of the comments about a video on Religion…. BAD IDEA, that would be the fastest way to alienate alot of readers.

15 years ago

Hi Tim,

One thing I’d like to see in a future episode is the answer to this, “if you need to go from zero to fully capable at self-defense in the shortest amount of time, what form would you choose?” Given your experience with various martial arts forms, I’d like to know which one best conforms to the 80/20 rule and why.


15 years ago

I recommend that you read Anatomy Of Success by Saleem Bidaoui. It is an interesting journey to the molecular structure of how the brain achieves success and a life changing experience. Don’t take my word for it, just read the reviews first. The book will be released in November and will be available in a bookstore near you! IT IS A MUST READ.

15 years ago

T and K

Love the show. For a topic idea, what has been your biggest A-HAs or surprises in the last 12 months…and what did you learn from those experiences and what did you do about the learnings.

One book to add to the list The War of Art (Pressfield of Bagger Vance fame).

Must have book for creatives and entrepreneurs and anyone that has to get over a hump and get going. Super easy read (one plane flight) and profound insights. Helps you overcome resistance so you can live your “unlived life within”

Born to Run is also great and VFFs totally rock. I had sore quads for a week when I started wearing them and my body realigned. Now I feel like Abebe Bikila.

Look forward the next show

15 years ago

Hey Tim,

LOVE these videos. They offer a much more personal insight into your life(style) and really help those who have abstract conversations with you in their ‘role model boardrooms’ (see Benjamin Franklin’s practise of a mental mastermind) 😉

It would be awesome if you guys could talk about language learning, the view in Science is to not to bother with foreign language learning as technology is catching up to bridge the gap, but I love to learn just for the expressive ability and the tremendous workout it has on the brain.

15 years ago

Hi Tim and Kevin!

I loved the show and it allowed me to do what I love, which is buy books… I work as social media for Book Soup, so we’ll definitely have to stock up on these titles so they have an indie sales point. I look forward to reading the ones I had missed, especially Vagabonding.

Here are some I came up with, and am having a lot of fun getting 5 book lists over at my blog, where I posted the video as well. Thanks for getting my readers fired up, too!

1.Creating a Life Worth Living – Carol Lloyd. My coaching bible. I make everyone read it.

2.Free Play by Sephen Nachmanovitch: The book I read in grad school that has more text highlighted than left blank. Beautiful thoughts on living as improvisation and how to engage creatively.

3.Letters to a Young Poet- Rilke. I have read it over and over. Such beautiful advice on life and on following what you love and dream of.

4.The Architecture of All Abundance – Lenedra Carroll. Such a beautiful story of trusting your gut and finding the center of success and financial prosperity through passion.

5. The Five Things We Cannot Change -David Richo. Brilliant, at times painful, yet totally liberating. Absolutely essential.

15 years ago

reply to your question from post: http://bit.ly/16K3Xk N. R. Narayana Murthy’s room. I was very happy I got you reply! Thanks!


Scott James
Scott James
15 years ago

Great selections! I’ve got all those on my favorites shelf in my library except for the 37signals book. Somehow that completely missed my radar. Thanks for getting back on there, Tim.

Just ordered a copy of it; looking forward to reading it and applying to my business (which is also set up to support Wood’s Room to Read organization – I’m a fellow fan of getting libraries into as many locations of the world as possible).

Kevin, I started reading Tufte and how to visualize information when I was doing marketing at Visio, before we were acquired. Love his stuff, which is ironic, since I’m pretty sure he hated our product. Good to know there are others out there who still geek out for brilliant work like his.

Answer: Since you asked, how about “etcetera” as the show name? Like the post category that everyone uses for “everything else”? I am a fan of the title “Random” though.

Question: how did you do the nifty book icons in the post? Would love to incorporate the same thing on our blog…

– Scott James

Seattle, WA USA


[…] Ferriss and Kevin Rose have done a fun little video on their five “must read” books.  This is quite business heavy but it might spur you on in creating your own list as I mentioned […]

15 years ago

I would say:

Four Hour Work Week and The Engines of our Ingenuity, which was so thought provoking.

15 years ago

Feynman’s books are really great. I also recommend them to everyone I know. Many a laugh-out-loud moment guaranteed.

For fiction I recommend Wodehouse. I know they are classic, but I love to read the short stories over and over again.

Terry Pratchett and Alexander McCall Smith are my favorite authors when it comes to modern fiction.

15 years ago

This weeks episode made progress from the last. The change in setting was a nice touch. I also enjoy the links. Perhaps you could discuss favorite places to travel and why.

15 years ago

Hi Tim

Justement, had one question I needed to ask for some time :

You mentionned a book that helped you improve your writing skills in one interview I saw. I could not find it again.

Was it ” On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction” by Zinsser ?

Thank you!

11 years ago
Reply to  Clemence

yes it was on writing well and bird by bird

15 years ago

Chinese and Japanese characters seem unable to show up on your blog comment section :/

15 years ago

thanks, this was a very interesting show. i love listening to folks talk about the books they love.

i will have to add Seneca to my reading pile.

have you read Don’t You have Time to Think? the collection of Richard Feynman’s letters? letters are often a wonderful way to get a sense of a person.

i just finished Joshua Cooper Ramo’s The Age of the Unthinkable – i would recommend it.


Dean Jackson
Dean Jackson
15 years ago


These episodes are great!

And the production quality is really getting “emmy” worthy 🙂


Alexandra Carmichael
Alexandra Carmichael
15 years ago

Awesome once again guys! 🙂 I agree with 6 of these books – will check out the other 6… Other books that have been life-transforming for me are:

– Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg (how the words you choose affect the quality of your life and your relationships)

– Fantastic Voyage by Ray Kurzweil (how to live long enough to live forever)

– Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn (why rewards are just as damaging as punishments, for our kids and for ourselves)

– Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up by Patricia Ryan Madson (fun, practical life lessons from a wise and wonderful Stanford drama professor)

– and of course 4HWW by the amazing TF!

Craig Weller
Craig Weller
15 years ago

Great list and a good idea for the Random series.

A few books that I have found really influential:

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature – Steven Pinker

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed – Jared Diamond

The Omnivore’s Dilemma – Michael Pollan

Stumbling on Happiness – Daniel Gilbert

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature – Matt Ridley

For lighter reading, The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay is one of the best books I have ever come across. It’s incredibly inspirational. It’s a heavy thing but I still carried it with me on a trek through Nepal in order to read it a second time.

15 years ago

Cool show. I have 4 out of the ten. Looking forward to picking up several of the others. Tim, great meeting you today at MediaBistro in NYC. I appreciate your advice regarding my website.

Justine Suh
Justine Suh
15 years ago

Wow, thanks for the list! I also highly recommend “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink which discusses why right brain (creative) types will rule the future. I have an MBA but I wish I had focused more on my more creative talents!

Justine Suh
Justine Suh
15 years ago

Thanks so much for the list! I also highly recommend “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink. It discusses why right-brainers (the creative folks) will be critical to the future. I have an MBA but I wished I pursued my creative talents when I read the book.

15 years ago

Perfect time for a reading list with summer just around the corner! I’ll be adding some from your list to mine. I think you would like; The way of the peaceful warrior by dan millman and Einsteine’s dreams by Alan Lightman.



15 years ago

Hey Tim,

Enjoyed your video – always find your posts food for thought. A few things:

1) Re: potential future topic

A bit on the dry side, but I’m sure plenty of people would be interested, and I know Leo writes a bit about this – I’ve been wondering a while now how you (and some of your SV buddies) go about managing the information that you decide to keep *in* your life, given that you are still managing a huge amount of it, from what appear to be increasingly diverse sources across ever more projects.

You’ve written a fair bit on how to pare down what makes it through to you, and on note-taking methods which are decent for efficient ‘hard’ data storage/retrieval, but what about the stuff you keep soft copies of?

I guess the issue I have when keeping track of many projects at once is how on the one hand to avoid getting mentally crowded by too much clutter, yet on the other to make sure nothing *important* slips through the net. Any thoughts would be hugely appreciated.

2) Cheap eating in London

(Just to be clear, I’m in no way related to this company, just a big fan) I think you might find http://www.toptable.co.uk good for your future visits to London – can get some fantastic, heavily discounted deals at the top restaurants here and collect points for more if you book in advance. Would happily treat you to lunch some time if you’re over later in the year.

3) Favourite books

Plenty of these – certainly have to second Craig on Daniel Gilbert though. One other that might appeal in a philosophical vein, albeit a much lighter one, is Tunnel Visions by Christopher Ross, which hit the Sunday Times Top 10 Bestseller list here in London several years back, about the author’s experiences whilst working as a station attendant on the London Underground. I wrote off to him when I was 17 (on his advice at a talk – most authors, even most successful ones, get very little fan mail and are thrilled by it) – and have gotten to know him since. Fascinating man, very well travelled – definitely worth a look.


15 years ago

Hey All,

“The Tipping Point, Vegabonding, The Intelligent Investor and The 22 Laws or Marketing” are amusing reads. I highly recommend those books. Not sure how I came across “The Tipping Point”, but when I first read it, it blew my mind away. If you’re into finances/securities then of course “The Intelligent Investor” it’s a great start, very fasinating.

For now, I recommend Jeffrey Gitomer’s “Little Black Book of Connections” but there are so many more I can’t remember. I’m a bit fuzzy from a fun night out in Vegas, so I hope that helps.

Great video.

14 years ago

You seem to support really great causes.. .as I have been following for a couple of months and have viewed your support of a few educational organizations (as I am an educator by trade and passion) after joining Digg (which is awesome, as I am an information freak) I watched a video from Forva.TV about climate change and 350.org. You have such a great base of active and engaged people that you might want to think about supporting this cause by getting people out on October 24th to participate or create 350 events that are happening all over the world. 350 being the number of Co2 molecules… something… (Scientific, technical stuff)… that basically determines if we will all fry like an egg or not.. I prefer not… This is the first post I have ever done in my whole life… so this message must be pretty important …I would request that you watch the video, the speaker is also the author of Deep Economy… and then check out the website 350.org… I am going to try and get some events going in my current city… hopefully join me in this attempt


You said to post on your blog to get info out to you.. so I am… I will also pick up some or your books… Thanks for all the great advice so far, the information has been practical and life changing!

14 years ago

You guys fit very well together and the show is terrific. Keep em’ coming!

Rob H.
Rob H.
14 years ago

Great post. One small but influential book on my life was “The Greatest Salesman in the World” by O.G. Mandingo. A friend of mine picked it up at a garage sale and immediately thought of me. It was a quick read but the lessons have lasted me for years. I often reread it when I need to get back to basics.

Rolf Siebelink
Rolf Siebelink
14 years ago

Your video’s are improving, compliments!

It’s still not on the level I think it should be, considering the fact that we are watching 2 hyper intelligent, hyper inspirational, hyper innovative and hyper marketing sensitive gents with overlapping interests,that have the potential of affecting other’s people lives. Step up with these video’s and bring it to the next level, would be my advice.

Anyway my read:

– Made to Stick (Clip Heath & Dan Heath): about how to get a message across.

– The truth about innovation (Max Mckeown): some inspiring innovation principles

14 years ago

Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko

14 years ago

Tipping Point is a fascinating read when thinking about things viral!

Ron Turner
Ron Turner
14 years ago

A book that I personally like, as it sets the philosophy of not setting any limits (and in a great part, some concepts from 4HWW), is Jonathan Livingston Seagull…

14 years ago

Great recommendations – thanks! Just a question to Kevin re: the Kindle – as a fellow book fanatic I was wondering if the Kindle sufficiently replaces the tactile pleasure that is a good book! I don’t want to part with the absolute fortune in $NZ to buy one only to find out it is a disappointment…Any comments on the Kindle Kevin?

Thanks – Lynda.

Alex Wawro
Alex Wawro
14 years ago

Optimal workout design. Proper use of kettlebells. Healthy, cheap and delicious food in San Francisco.

BAM! There’s an episode right there.

14 years ago

Suggestion for a topic to cover – how do you guys organize your day.

What i’ve found hardest to cope with is when to do certain things during the day (my energy levels seem to vary a lot throughout different days). And since i believe in learning from examples i would like to hear how you guys organize your day.

Thank you.

Ricardo S
Ricardo S
14 years ago

Merely a curiosity, what thing was hiding on Kevin’s cupboard? 11:31

the cameraman?

Just kidding

14 years ago

Random question (ha!). In Kevin’s segment, when he was talking about Benjamin Graham, the corner of the book “disappeared” several times as he waved it around– this is at about 11:20-11:35. Not to go all Zapruder film on you, but was a picture of the white shelves in the upper right hand corner of the screen Photoshopped over something he wanted private? Family photos maybe? Doesn’t matter a bit, just something I noticed watching full-screen.

14 years ago

Enjoyed the segment, and especially value Stoic pragmatism to achieve happiness. I prefer to think of reading preferences as seasonal. So my picks for top 5 books this season:

1. Passions within Reason, by Robert Frank. Stocism meets economics.

2. Hot, Flat and Crowded by Friedman. Scarcity and efficiency.

3. One Day–One Lifetime by Nakamura. Synenergy.

4. Wherever you go there you are by Kabat-Zinn There you have it.

5. Notes on training by Ohshima Seeking perfection is the never-ending journey.

Currently studying for the California Bar but as soon as I’m done, I plan to read the 4 Hour Work Week. Looking forward to that and also to Baron Baptise’s book Journey into Power. Also mentions list would be Living the Martial Way and Sabaki Method as well as Who Killed Homer and one of my all-time favorite’s: The Dwarf by Par Lagerkvist. Love books.

Looking forward to your next installment.

14 years ago

Thanks Tim & Kevin for some good book suggestions. It’s high time I read Vagabonding, for sure… as its high time, I dare say, we see you recommend the “source code” of your general 4HWW “philosophy”:

Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Dr. Leonard Peikoff

The Neo-Tech/Zonpower Discovery by Dr. Frank R. Wallace

PT — The Perpetual Traveler by W. G. Hill

Until that day, it’s up to me, I suppose…

Erik Ciccarelli
Erik Ciccarelli
14 years ago

I loved this RANDOM episode! Great topic. It’s always nice to know what you guys are interested in and what keeps you on your toes.

As far as other recommendations, I would love to see what a typical day would be for you guys. Your routine, when you feel the best time to try to research something is or get the most work done. Basically everything.

I know you already went over this in 4hourworkweek but I didnt know if in the last few years you had a different routine or a different way of approaching things.

Thanks Tim


14 years ago

I love the recommendations. I want to add the recently acclaimed, Linked by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. Fascinating read for those who always ask, “why?”

14 years ago

Yo Tim and Kevin, whats up with the kitchen cupboards where Kevin is describing his books. There seems to be an overlay of an image which blocks out the books at:11:28 and 11:31. What were you guys hiding haha.

Damn Kevin Chui got to it before me, but still a valid point.

How about TKO, as in Technical Knockout or Tim, Kevin, Orc. I actually have no idea what to use the “O” for but you may have ideas.

Will def get Vagabonding and 22 immutable laws of marketing.

By the way, what is the camera that you guys use to video these webisodes. The quality is great.


Jared E Hansen
Jared E Hansen
14 years ago

I’ve been wanted a few more books to read. I like the “Getting Real” and “Intelligent Investor” suggestions. Tim, any suggestions for reads in the topic of sales strategy or selling?

One of my favorites “self help” style book is “Are You Ready to Succeed” by Srikumar Rao. Lame title, great content. All around one of my favorites is “The Four Loves” by CS Lewis. No matter how sucessful and great we become, if we can’t give a crap about those around us, what’s the point. I know, sounds fluffy, but a read deep read.

Keep the good stuff coming Tim!

14 years ago

You guys should have a segment on best places (warm) to travel to with the least amount of money. Include lots of specifics like which travel websites you suggest for the best flight cost.


14 years ago

Hi Tim,

great post. Similar to your section in “You’ve GOT to Read This Book!”. But there you included ‘How to Make Millions with Your Ideas’. Any reason other than space for omitting it here?

Also you say in the 4HWW that you only read an hour of fiction prior to bed but this post and Kevin’s comment that you have “hundreds” of books suggests otherwise. Could you please clarify how much non-fiction you actually do consume?


Jason Levi
Jason Levi
14 years ago

Hi Tim et al,

My RescueTime tells me I spend a lot of time on your blog! Great stuff!

I would love to see a blog entry or video about how you create those custom indexes in your books to facilitate getting reacquainted with the material. That’s really interesting to me and would be really valuable to a lot of people that read your blog since I assume most people that follow you are entrepreneurs and avid readers. Thanks!

Jason Levi

14 years ago

Dude – awesome. Great information and these posts are a lot of fun to watch. So cool to see successful be intelligent, yet young enough to still think of “random” crap like jumping to a nearby tree.

BTW – Who the heck is the random dude walking in the background during Kevin’s review?

Geoff with a "G"
Geoff with a "G"
14 years ago


I would have put down money that The 48 Laws of Power would be 1 of your picks. Along the lines of The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, definitely read Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath.

And Kevin: Right on with the Tufte pick! Every web designer should be forced to read and practice the wisdom of his excellent books.


[…] Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose Discuss Their Top 5 Must-Read Books […]

14 years ago

Thanks for the new stuff, thats awesome. Since i read your book, i was asking me which books are on your must read list.

14 years ago

I noticed that “4 hour” could be misunderstood as “for our” and I have a suggestion that might help reduce the number of misunderstandings. Use hand signals. As you say “four,” hold up four fingers at the camera. As you say “hour,” point at your watch. Use it during conversation, interviews, etc

Roman Rackwitz
Roman Rackwitz
14 years ago

Great work guys. It’s always a great inspiration listen to you both.

I just founded one company for industrial design in Germany and currently I’m going to launch another one as service provider for educational institutions. Both companys are approximately organized to meet my demands to achieve a four-hour-workweek 🙂

Great idea, great approach and it works. Oh, by the way I just ordered “the 22 Immuatable Laws of Marketing”. Thanks, Roman

Austin E.
Austin E.
14 years ago

“Random” Episode Ideas:

I would love to see an episode about “creative ways to test product concepts”.

The “Testing The Muse” section in the book was by far the most enlightening for me. Its an absolutely essential tool to have!



Tom Young
Tom Young
14 years ago

Suggestion: I would love to hear one simple question answered by both of you, because you might be exceptionally good at it.

“Imagine you just moved (or mini-retired^^) to a city where you don’t know anyone, yet. What do you do to start building a network of good friends?”

Web 2.0 social xyz fascinates most everyone, but it does not yet solve the problem of not having any friends to use it with.

Looking forward to the next show!

Kenneth Rearden
Kenneth Rearden
14 years ago

This is the book you’ve all got to read:

Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Dr. Leonard Peikoff

Atlas Shrugged is amazing, but, to be absolutely clear on Ayn Rand’s Philosophy, as a system, as a whole, from the ground up to the very top,

it’s vital to read this book too. It explains everything so thoroughly, with such perfect reason and flawless logic. My highest recommendation. Incidentally, there is criticism of Stoicism in the book, which is highly justified.

Additionally, if anyone is reading this and wants to really succeed in marketing and cut out all the B.S there are two people you must read:

Gary Halbert and Dan Kennedy.

If you want to create a VC Capital funded new Web 2.0 thingy that may, one day, after many years, “catch on” and make money, then pay no attention.

However, if you want the surest way to make money that’s less glamorous but works, then read these guys.

I do find it a little weird that Tim recommends a marketing book which may be good for building a “Big” Company but doesn’t recommend a marketing book which gives you the highest chance of living the 4HWW.

Something like the “Dummies Guide to Adwords” which is a very complete course on Online Marketing would have been FAR better, especially in combination with Kennedy and Halbert.

Hope this helps all budding 4HWWers!


14 years ago

I’m really liking the Random Show, keep it up guys.

Sam Witteveen
Sam Witteveen
14 years ago

Hi Tim,

Cool video. Read “Getting Real” last night, took some key notes and as was very impressed. Had read most of the others that you and Kevin chose and think they are books that can have a massive impact.

I would really love to see a post about top books or web resources just for start ups from both you and especially from Kevin. Perhaps worth spinning off a few different vids/posts like this in the genre of recommending information resources.

One of biggest challenges is filtering all the information out there and you are certainly one of my key filters. Would love to know your recommendations for top biz book/startup books, marketing books, and blogs etc.

thanks for the cool short cuts,


14 years ago

I’m liking the direction this show is starting to take. Nice one.

The use of multi-shots, titles are great and give a rawer but not unfocused feel to the show.

The content itself is pretty solid, but to me at this stage it feels like it could go either way. Alot of the above posts wanted more “top 5 or this and that” personally I think that’s a crap idea. Mainly because it would turn the show into this:


And to me that’s going to cheapen the ideas and lower the credibilty of show. You guys have a great platform I’d hate to see you suck it up with poor, easy to make content.

I’d much rather see you guys talk about stuff you’re interested in. Post like hacking sleep to peeling eggs seem to have no surface connection but both are interesting in different ways.

Still it’s not cosmo yet, I look forward to further developments



Oh, I forgot some topic ideas:

dealing with unexpected fame

note taking

how to ask the right questions

what people told you that was completely wrong

getting through the dip

effective learning

controlling enviroment vs willpower

3 way splits

discussion on the digg and start-up development

web 2.0


Ken Siew
Ken Siew
14 years ago

I’m interested in checking out “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing”! Thanks for the great recommendations guys. I was hoping Tim would recommend “The Magic of Thinking Big” by Dr. David Schwartz because it’s such a wonderful book that would open up the mind for a lot more possibilities in life (although you did mention it in “The 4-Hour Workweek” +D). Keep up the great work!

14 years ago

Surely you’re YTMNDing, Mr. Ferriss! Not Even Doom Music justifies that cat shirt! http://wiki.ytmnd.com/Happy_Cat

14 years ago

Want to add that “Classic Feynman” has all the “Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman!” stories + more stories + an audio CD of Feynman delivering the “Los Alamos From Below” talk from 1975.


14 years ago

Chrome doesn’t seem to support flash…perhaps there are add-ons needed to be installed? Can’t see videos on vimeo, youtube, etc.. Chrome, Mac OS X 10.5.6

Kevin Chiu
Kevin Chiu
14 years ago

Your site looks fine in Chrome except for the lack of Flash. But, don’t worry this is a shortcoming of the currently released Mac build of Chrome.

OS X 10.5.7


14 years ago

Great post! Really like your top 5 list better than any national best seller lists … you are a hero to many!

14 years ago

The main problem I have with Chrome is it’s in compatibility with, of all things, gmail video/audio chat (which works perfectly well on both of my laptops in FF and IE, but not Chrome).

14 years ago

The only website that I have issues with in Chrome is crazedlist.org. You have to be able to dissable referrers, and there is currently no way to do it in Chrome.


Windows Vista

14 years ago

If I click into the most recent blog post (not home page, the post itself) – the background is black so it’s nearly impossible to read. The comments section, however, has the correct white background. And older posts seem fine as well. Maybe that’s a wordpress thing??? Video’s working fine on the PC.

Chrome version: (jeez there’s already a 3.0? :P)

Windows XP Pro v. 2002 Service Pack 3

14 years ago


I’m toying with a website idea that involves Amazon’s affiliate program for revenue and was wondering what kind of success you are having with this post and the conversion of sales through these book links? I’m trying to figure out if people will buy right after clicking through the link, or if they’ll click the link, exit, and return later to buy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

14 years ago

I’m using Chrome and it seems to be working fine on this website 🙂

14 years ago

Hey Tim, big fan, started going to work 4 hours a week after reading your book. So far so good, will keep you posted. =)

John Anyasor
John Anyasor
14 years ago

Sweet lineup guys! These books are all on my to-read list over summer break.

Mr. Jackson
Mr. Jackson
14 years ago

Hey Tim!!!!!!,

What ever happened to your low information diet? How does it work these days? Do you still even use it? Kevin commented on your thousands of books and I would like you to explain how that is in alignment with low information. You wrote in 4HWW a little about how you choose books, but I wonder how you choose which books to read, as you have read so many. What is your screening process?

Thank You Muchhhooo


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Jackson

@Mr. Jackson,

Thanks for the comment! I am currently doing research for my next book, so my collection of books is actionable for that reason. Much of it is fiction, which is for enjoyment. The key is not to use reading to postpone important actions. In my case, I’m using the research for my most immediate actionable goal: getting started on the next book.

Hope that helps,
