Tim Ferriss + Kevin Rose – Random Episode 2

Random Episode Numero 2 from Glenn McElhose on Vimeo.

Kevin and I are at it again in this 2nd episode of what is still being called “Random”. Have a better name or topic suggestions? Tell us in the comments!

This time, we discuss recent discoveries and experimentation – from new internet apps and electronic gadgets to knives and functional MRI (fMRI). Looking for just the audio? Download or stream it here.

Have a great weekend!

Related and Suggested:

Tim Ferriss Fireside Chat at Google

Tim Ferriss on Twitter

The Top-7 Tim Ferriss YouTube Videos (4 million views and counting)


Want to get Random episodes delivered to your iPhone or iPad? Now you can! Just subscribe to the podcast in iTunes (or get the audio-only version here).

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago

Robert Jet Set Life

May 15th, 2009

1:48 pm

Hey Tim,

Just wanted to let you know that this type of top of brainstorming you guys are doing is exploding my muse! Thank You! I love it and keep it coming.



Tim Street

May 15th, 2009

1:50 pm

I like the name. Keep it!


May 15th, 2009

1:57 pm

You two make a cute couple.

Dane Low

May 15th, 2009

2:15 pm

How about Tim and Kevin’s “Diablog” 🙂

Also a cool clip of an entire iphone/ipod band playing MGMT’s “Kids”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjx5_-SPhk0


May 15th, 2009

2:21 pm


It’s wild how much life is out there to be lived & learned…and the associated gadgetry that enhances, even stimulates the two.

Love these sessions.


Jose Castro

May 15th, 2009

2:23 pm

………….Perhaps you should do a live version on Ustream.TV?



David McCleve

May 15th, 2009

2:23 pm

http://www.grooveshark.com is another good one on music.

Andrew Myers

May 15th, 2009

2:25 pm

I really, really enjoyed that and I’m looking forward to episode three.

How about calling it “The Life and Tech of Tim and Kevin”?


May 15th, 2009

2:28 pm

Hi Tim,

about your sample size comment. Indeed a huge sample size could provide you with a significant p value for a minute difference. But then of course, you have to think about the ‘cinical relevance’ of that difference. That’s why biostatisticians calculate appropriate sample sizes. Anyway that’s what I understood, I’m only a programmer who’s had to work with statisticians 🙂

Have fun !


Forrest~Only one life…LIVE it.

May 15th, 2009

2:29 pm


It’s wild how much life is out there to be lived & learned…and the associated gadgetry that enhances, even stimulates the two.

Love these sessions.

Forrest Bivens


May 15th, 2009

2:48 pm

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) should prevent your fMRI information (which should be protected health information under HIPAA) from being disseminated. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act should protect against the predisposition stuff.


May 15th, 2009

2:55 pm

Tim and Kevin-

I had a knife made for me by Maciej Sczcerbiak. I think he’s under the name “Crusader Forge” now. This is by far the best tactical blade you’ll ever own. You’ll likely find lots of positive feedback on them all over the net. He’s also a very interesting guy.

Best regards and keep the great content coming!


PS I don’t work for or affiliate for him in any way. I just know several satisfied customers along with myself. Email me personally if you need any detailed information.

Adam Steer – Better Is Better

May 15th, 2009

2:59 pm

Hey Guys,

Not only do I like the name, but I love the format! It is so much more interesting to watch this kind of unscripted “inside look” into what you guys are up to rather than watching some scriped show…

Thanks and keep up the great content.




May 15th, 2009

3:00 pm

Nonsense, with Tim and Kevin. Nice rainforest. The word “random” has been butchered way too much — cringe.


May 15th, 2009

3:10 pm

I love this type of dialogue. What makes it great for me is that I’m just a regular guy and I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable in that situation. I might even have something to contribute. By simply referencing people and ideas that you find interesting, I have found a wealth of wonderful concepts that each have their own new twist. Thank You!



May 15th, 2009

3:20 pm

Pandora is the best!!!!


May 15th, 2009

3:28 pm

This is grrrreat. You complement each other really well. I hope you keep this going.


May 15th, 2009

3:34 pm

Nice! Some really great sites in the video. I hope the FitBit will be available in Canada.

One suggestion…

It would be nice to have a list of links in your blog post to refer back to instead of having to scrub through the video trying to find them after.

Also Tim, what’s the purpose behind having the pulse oximeter?

Keep the videos coming!

– Matt


May 15th, 2009

3:56 pm


HIPPA has been around and protects personifying that data already. The images sometime are shared or published just as they would be with lab results that are used in studies, there are many docs out there that take an extra tube of blood from you without you knowing and the results are used in a trial or study they are doing. Very common. These fMRIs will be no different. I have had two major health insurance companies contact me for data re: Med-Assist so I don’t doubt that the HMOs will be interested in who belongs to these fMRIs because they want to know anything they can to determine coverage etc..

Very interested in the site regarding people sharing tx options that work. I hope they don’t let big pharm get involved.


May 15th, 2009

4:12 pm

I love this stuff! Dude when are you going to get an iphone? Just started going through your book – wow you have so much useful information I love it!

Daniel Reda

May 15th, 2009

4:17 pm


Awesome show! I also like the “Random” name – I say keep it. How about doing favorite teas and/or chocolate next show?

Thanks for the http://www.curetogether.com coverage. The more people join and participate, the more data we have to make new discoveries.

– Daniel

David Turnbull

May 15th, 2009

4:24 pm

You guys really need to get a blog going for this, or at least start uploading it to blip.tv as well so it can downloaded as a podcast.


May 15th, 2009

4:36 pm

and you know what else is great? YOU are doing all the work to bring this new information to us so I don’t have to spend more time in front of the computer.


May 15th, 2009

4:41 pm

I just bought my first iphone yesterday, so this was tres relevant for me. What an awesome, well-thought-out tool the iphone is. Also, my sister-in-law has MS and is involved in experimental treatment programs so I’ll definitely be telling her about Cure Together dot com. Thanks so much for taking the time to disseminate. I agree with Matt above about the links list in the blog under the video.



P.S. Tim, you probably already know about this site being that you speak all the languages on it, but for the rest of you, check out freetranslation dot com. You can type in as much text as you like in (pretty much) any language and have it translated for free instantly. Or, if you need it to be more accurate and understandable, you can actually have it translated by a real person (not for free).

P.P.S Your shoes do rock Tim – a very Barney Rubble-esq quality about them. Are they the only shoes you ever wear anymore? Looks like they’re getting a little worn out. How do they hold up over time?

Roxana Hannah

May 15th, 2009

4:48 pm


Ferriss & Rose: the Siskel & Ebert of web & life reviews.

two thumbs up!

Bruce > The Hockey Writers

May 15th, 2009

6:17 pm

Hey Tim,

Just wanted to pop in and say – first, awesome rainforest setup. I tried something similar a few years ago and just made a crazy mess.

Hoping you do more of these intro to cool website bits. It’s not always easy to find great websites. Getting a heads up from guys like you and Kevin is a treat.

The atmosphere you two have during these chats is very pleasant as well. I look forward to more.


May 15th, 2009

6:21 pm

Tim: For the best in fixed blades, check out Busse Combat knives by Jerry Busse of Waseuon, OH. You won’t be disappointed.

Busse substantiates their claims with live stress tests, offers unmatched performance, and offers a lifetime, no-questions-asked warranty. They have a cult following, and are known for doing limited runs for the public and custom runs for the military. Their proprietary steel easily outperforms ATS-34, the steel in your kukri, S30V, etc. I’m not affiliated with Busse but have been a happy customer since 2001. Their marketing is a bit weak, but don’t let that put you off. You can learn more about them at bladeforums.com (not affiliated w/ them either). If you buy a Busse blade and aren’t satisfied, then I’ll buy it back from you at cost.


May 15th, 2009

6:46 pm

Great episode Tim. Btw, have either of you tried Jango? It’s quite similar to a Pandora so to speak, but you have a little more control over what songs you play, like w/ Rhapsody. Check it out.


May 15th, 2009

7:24 pm

The format is perfect, informal and somewhat random.

Topic suggestions? more for the budding entrepreneur and small biz owner, investor would be nice…. the first video you guys did was great.

David Sweeney

May 15th, 2009

8:10 pm

re: Knives.

I found this knife maker that creates custom blades from recycled carbon steel sawmill blades. I have a nice Japanese cleaver that I use in my kitchen and have bought some of his other knives as gifts for friends.


Maybe he’d be into making a knife for you Tim?

Also, if you’re looking for a tanto folding knife I’d look at a benchmade griptillian model. It uses an axis lock to secure the blade – one of the most secure locks in a folding blade, and they are ambidextrous.

Just finished 4hww. Really enjoyed it.


May 15th, 2009

8:34 pm

Cool clip. Love your mini-rainforest. I’m curious, what kind of stuff do you use your pulse oximeter for?


May 15th, 2009

8:43 pm

Wow much props for the video editing, and great stuff, as usual 🙂 I agree some real links in the post would be helpful as well. Thanks!!!

Z Money

May 15th, 2009

8:58 pm

Hey Tim

Cool episode.

A recommendation: If I am not mistaken, in the past you provide more detailed summaries of what your videos have in them and / or you break them down into shorter clips. That would be really great in the future.


Tim Ferriss

May 15th, 2009

10:26 pm


Agreed that a more detailed summary is best. I was just running out the door on a beautiful day 🙂 Next time will be more detailed, for sure.

Have a great weekend,


Ryan Smallegan

May 15th, 2009

10:02 pm


If you have a mac why not just use Airport Express devices with iTunes instead of all of the investment in Sonos. It might be worth looking into for anyone out there who hasn’t purchased a sonos device.

Tim Ferriss

May 15th, 2009

10:36 pm

Thanks for the great comments and feedback, all!

For those interested in the health site I mentioned, relating to crowdsourcing clinical data, it is http://www.curetogether.com and one of the co-founders, Daniel Reda, has commented above.

Have a great weekend!



May 15th, 2009

10:39 pm

I just started reading the book. How long before I can actually have a 4 hour work week? I really want to change things and not sure where to start, too many ideas and not sure which are profitable and true to heart. I also want to eliminate the fear of moving forward. Please help! 🙂

By the way, Thank you for writing this book. I am looking forward to all that’s in it. And if you ever learn to dance Flamenco, let me know!


May 15th, 2009

10:56 pm

The video is great,enjoy the show.keep update

David Siteman Garland

May 15th, 2009

11:03 pm


Great stuff with Kevin and very interesting take on the whole interview/impromptu/random video process. Like what you have been up to with the longer form videos as I hope our attention spans continue to grow. I think the future of online video will definitely be in longer form.

Keep rocking my man!



May 16th, 2009

12:56 am

Hi! Not sure if you know, but some of the music sites you mentioned will not allow access to listeners located outside of the U.S. 🙁


May 16th, 2009

1:22 am

Next episode we should get a tour of your house.



May 16th, 2009

1:35 am

Hmmm… how about “TKOssume!”

Keep those knives sharp 😉

Good Work.


Norman Dacanay

May 16th, 2009

3:44 am

These collabo-vids are gems! they are informative yet not so urgent that you’d have to view it all in one sitting and can be enjoyed at one’s own leisure. Take me for example, I saw this last night in my RSS-feeder but am watching it at 6:00 am before I have breakfast and go to work.

I think the key to the success of these collaborations is that you two are constantly bringing up something interesting and, more importantly useful/accessible.

Cheers to you two and keep it up.

P.S. Tim, how does you negative ion generator benefit yourself or your plants?

Dan LeRette

May 16th, 2009

5:27 am

Random is good. An early phrase right from the video itself though, that is still descriptive yet very open was “top of mind.”

Welcome to “Top of Mind” with Tim and Kevin….


May 16th, 2009

6:38 am

Found a reference to that ‘negative ion generator’ – in case anyone else is interested or was looking for it.


Michael Netsch

May 16th, 2009

7:04 am

Hi Tim,

it would be nice if you could post links to the tools and websites you talk about in the video. Now I find myself constantly skipping back and forth to get all the URLs you two are mentioning.

Lani Muelrath

May 16th, 2009

7:20 am

Oh you kids!

I appreciate the link to “cure” Tim – can refer to in my SF Examiner.com column!


Lani Muelrath

May 16th, 2009

7:30 am

Just a followup – I went and signed up for “cure” and tried researching shoulder pain which is a common complaint – limited results, got spinal stenosis, no reference to rotator cuff…is database just getting started?

Looks like a great idea Daniel. So often the way we get some answers to health questions is by connecting with others through conversation, which is what it looks like “cure” is set up to do.



May 16th, 2009

7:33 am

Hi Tim & Kevin,

First of all, congratulations! Loved the second episode. You guys rock!

My suggestion for the name is: “TKO”

I really don’t like “Random”, it just sounds like you talk about non-sense subjects, which is definately not true!

Take care and keep it coming! We all love it!



May 16th, 2009

7:40 am

Hi guys,

just a hint for any german readers/viewers – there’s a service in Germany similar to Foursquare called sleeq (sleeq.com). I haven’t tried Foursquare myself, but they seem pretty much the same except for the local coverage.

Have a nice weekend!



May 16th, 2009

7:47 am

How about angel investing in my yerba mate startup? Seems like the perfect match :). I like the video format a lot – keep it going. Would love a tea show, or ideas for bootstrapped startups. Thx!


May 16th, 2009

8:02 am

My dad had one when I was a kid, and I bought a little one to stick in my car’s cigarette lighter several years ago. Seemed interesting, but the more I thought about it, they began to seem like a scam.

Correct me if I’m wrong (and Tim, I know you’re a stickler for backing up your assertions with proper research and citations), but don’t negative ion generators do little more than just create ozone? If it smells like static electricity (think towels fresh from the dryer), then you’re just creating ozone, which, at elevated concentrations, is a health risk. Kind of defeats the purpose of an indoor rain forest.

But if I’m wrong, please let me know. If they are worthwhile, then skeptics like me are missing out on something good. What’s the science behind these things?


May 16th, 2009

8:12 am

He Tim,

There is a tv series cold “grow your own drugs”. It’s a series on growing and using natural remedies. One of the thinks mention in the program is that dies remedies aren’t clinically tested because businesses cant patent those things.

Me bay curetogether.com can work together so people can test these remedies and report back to them what they found out on their own.

I think natural remedies are perfect products to test whit open source health research so it can be determent if it really works.

– Machiel


May 16th, 2009

8:38 am

Maverick and Goose. Don’t fight over who’s going to be Maverick. Love the video. Good work.

Dan Massicotte

May 16th, 2009

8:40 am

How about “Rad”!

That way you let some people go for ‘Random’ while others think ‘Radical’!


May 16th, 2009

9:12 am

It would be great if someone would make a list of all the urls mentioned, and then Tim put it up in the post.

Very cool!


May 16th, 2009

9:28 am

Tim! Maté in a tea bag? You’ve gotta be kidding me – you should know better. 😉

Besides that – thanks for the interesting episode. Liked the first half more than the second half. Curious how these sites/apps got you to promote them. 🙂




May 16th, 2009

9:45 am

What about Tim and Kevins Tea party. There is a TV show(in sweden) called Boston Tea party that talks about all kinds of stuff.


May 16th, 2009

10:15 am

Hey Tim, could we get a youtube mirror for the show?

Vimeo only supports Flash 9. Embeded players with weird browsers (Nintendo wii/Opera) typically only support flash 7 which youtube uses. I prefer Vimeo, but watching from the couch is pretty awesome.

Jamie Favreau

May 16th, 2009

10:38 am

Very cool episode. I didn’t know that about MRI’s and that is a bad thing in my opinion.


May 16th, 2009

10:47 am

Thanks for the video Tim and Kevin! I enjoyed this, but REALLY enjoyed the business-ish related conversations of the first one. If it’s possible to fit any of that into a future episode it would be much appreciated! Great jobs! Thanks a lot! 🙂

Jeff Charleston

May 16th, 2009

10:51 am

Hey Tim,

You were talking about an interest in fixed blade knives. Well about a month ago I was at the Angola State Prison Rodeo (http://sixsecondsoffreedom.com/Home.html), which is in Angola, Louisiana. Outside of the prison at a guy is selling homemade fixed blade knives from his front yard. A little shady but extremely unique and awesome. The handle is made out of bone and the blade isn’t half bad itself. Ill post a picture on twitter.

Luci Dawson

May 16th, 2009

10:55 am

Superb content, as usual. I’ve learned to keep a notepad handy, so I can quickly jot down new sites to check out!

And the way the two of you interact and the effect on the viewer, how about calling it “Sparks”?


May 16th, 2009

11:13 am


Love the video. I check your blog daily and it’s always a present to have a new blog posting. I understand your about quality not quanity and update only a couple times per week.

I really appreciate how you comment back in the comment sections. It makes people really understand that you care about the community.

Tim Ferriss

May 18th, 2009

12:16 am


Thanks 🙂

Per another question about an all-in-one Seneca book, I don’t own one, but a good selection is “Letters from a Stoic”.

Pura vida,



May 16th, 2009

11:20 am

Top-shelf spectacular…gratzie!

Doc Kane

May 16th, 2009

11:29 am

Hi guys. . .I actually dig “Top of Mind” it rolled right off Kevin’s tongue in the first few seconds of the chat, and usually, I find, those are the best ideas to run with. . .




May 16th, 2009

2:55 pm

I came over from Google Reader only to comment on the name.

Totally agree with Doc Kane up there – Top of Mind is awesome!

That’s all. Gotta go back and watch the rest of the episode now.


May 16th, 2009

3:44 pm


What does your shirt “DO” ?? Looked like there was something written under Do but couldn’t read it.


Tim Ferriss

May 17th, 2009

11:40 pm


That’s a DO LECTURES shirt, which was held in Wales. Search for it on Google and you’ll find some goodies.




May 16th, 2009

4:47 pm

What USB meditation tracking device is Kevin talking about???


May 16th, 2009

4:49 pm

I like the name, but it makes me think of some stupid girl’s facebook photo album.

Maybe… Arbitrary, or Slapdash.

Just a thought.


May 16th, 2009

7:26 pm

I’m also curious to know what the biofeedback device was that Kevin was talking about before you guys got sidetracked on the oximeter. Anyone know?

Norman Dacanay

May 16th, 2009

7:37 pm


Just a follow up suggestion, why not update your “Gear” section after posting these types of vids. People may actually find the use of some of your nifty tools and gadgets helpful/useful. I know that you’re not obligated to do so but it’s a better option than to constantly replay the vid and guess as to the price and use/practicality of each tool.

Would be really cool to know how you got a Tibetan blade out of the country and into the US. Being a fan of edge weapons myself I wanna know how to get a butterfly knife made with the horn of a water buffalo as the handle out of my home country of the Philippines.




May 16th, 2009

8:13 pm

I would like to be able to find a mentor (as I heard that they can be a great inspiration and help in life) or someone to take me under their wing and “give some back” so to speak. However I do not know of anyone that fits the bill and those who I would like to be my mentor are too busy or aren’t available ( I won’t name names!).

How do I go about this and how the @#$% do I get out of this horrible place I am in and live the life I would like!!!???


May 16th, 2009

8:40 pm

Your next Random should have more on knives and the like. I think Tim could make it super intriguing.

As for the Title, how about “Diggin It”

J Griffin

May 16th, 2009

9:00 pm

Check out Jens Anso for your knife fix…



Mostly folding knives, but some wicked-cool designs.

Jose Castro

May 16th, 2009

9:18 pm

you should have a video section, like a glossary with all the videos…. just another random idea…. .

Catch ya soon



May 17th, 2009

2:39 am

not sure if you’ve read about this site yet as its not available in the US until the end of the year but spotify.com is becoming really big over in the UK and parts of europe. Causing quite a media storm due to the fact you can effectively listen to music high quality for free. Creater Daniel Ek aims to launch in the US end of the year.


May 17th, 2009

7:16 am

Hi Tim,

Love your blog and book – enjoyed this video a lot too.

Just one thing though (from the reader resources on language learning ‘The art of wrapping your mouth round a foreign language’). I’m afraid I just have to ask – where did you get the figure 80,000 for the number of phonemes in English? It varies from dialect to dialect, but is generally considered to be about 50.

Sorry to nit-pick!


Tim Ferriss

May 17th, 2009

11:34 pm

Hi Seonaid,

That’s a good question. Hmmm… to be honest, I can’t recall what the source was, as it was written 3 years ago. Looking at it again, it can’t be phonemes. Wonder what I was mixing up?



RL Johnson

May 17th, 2009

8:03 am


Awesome with an O. I visited each and every link you folks brought up.

Oddly enough I work in Pharma and even more oddly in the Regulatory sector. I thought you insight into clinical trials was refreshing for someone that doesn’t live and breathe that stuff daily as I do.

Any interesting idea might be to take some of these gadget and tech stuff that you have around your pad to record critical data at home then upload to some central open source repository to make the self-clinical trials more meaningful.

Tim Ferriss

May 17th, 2009

11:33 pm

Hi RL,

Thanks for the kind words… and for the David Tua “O is for Awesome!” reference! I agree 100% on the uploading of personal data for collaborative trials. Interesting things coming…




May 17th, 2009

9:10 am

There was a time when Kevin was known as the Dark Tipper. Someone else suggested Sparks as a name.

So..how about Spark Tips, or something similar?


May 17th, 2009

9:20 am

May i know if u have families(wife and children) ?

Your lifestyle is fantastic and also my goal.

But with families, i can not imagine u can still travel around the world

and experience new concept.

Tim Ferriss

May 17th, 2009

11:32 pm


I don’t have a family, but there are at least a dozen families in the book (4-Hour Workweek) and thousands on this site. They are show incredible examples of lifestyle design.

All the best,



May 17th, 2009

9:30 am

Train of thought


May 17th, 2009

9:43 am

Lovin the Vibram FIve FIngers in the shot!


May 17th, 2009

1:14 pm

The name Random is great. Allows for some fun with your topics. For a unique knife try cold steel, look for the ring dagger.


May 17th, 2009

2:21 pm

I dug the knife tangent you guys went on. You should really check out Kikuo Matsuda and SOG collaboration called the Kiku (KU-01). Its a very beautiful fixed blade.


May 17th, 2009

3:31 pm

Absolutely agree on the Michel Thomas, great for European languages. I prefer Pimsleur for Chinese and Korean.

My biggest tip for language learning when using such courses is to always speak out loud (as loud as reasonably possible – you need to get your whole vocal apparatus used to the sounds). I believe that muscle memory adds hugely to the efficiency with which one can become fluent.

These days I use these sorts of courses in conjunction with Anki which is by far the best flashcard program I’ve found. It uses very well designed space repetition algorithms and has a good amount of material on the site.

For long term retention I use Anki, but for short term recognition I use Genius. This again uses spaced repetition but on a shorter time scale. I’ve managed to remember 100 new pieces of vocabulary in less than an hour using Genius.

Christy Kulasingam

May 17th, 2009

4:46 pm

Tim (and Kevin)

Highly enjoyable and useful topics. Thanks and keep them coming.

I used to love Pandora. Annoyingly, it no longer works outside of the U.S. (North America?). @Cam: Thanks for the suggestion on Jango. It works in the UK (at least for the time being).

Tim Ferriss

May 17th, 2009

11:29 pm

@Christy and All Internationals (non-US),

Just so you guys know, I use AnchorFree Hotspot Shield (http://www.anchorfree.com/) to use Pandora overseas — it allows me to pretend like my computer (IP) is in the US.




May 17th, 2009

6:43 pm

Hey, this 4 square thing put me in mind of another really neat app- it’s called Flutter.

check it out here: http://kenmccarthy.com/blog/?p=132

The Closer

May 17th, 2009

8:08 pm

Cool video as ever man!

Are you aware Jenna Jameson is a big fan of the Four Hour Work Week?



The Closer

Alaina McBride

May 17th, 2009

11:20 pm


It would be efficient if you included the links to everything you reference in your video in your video summary. That would save us time in taking notes/ searching for everything.

Is this the FitBit presentation that you were praising? http://www.techcrunch50.com/2008/conference/presenter.php?presenter=73


Tim Ferriss

May 17th, 2009

11:27 pm

Hi Alaina,

Yes, that’s the FitBit presentation. Providing all the links would save readers time, but it is something someone would have to do, and I nor Kev were so inclined this time around. If this starts to pick up, I’m sure we’ll get someone to help do this.

Hope you’re enjoying it 🙂


Luke Snedden

May 17th, 2009

11:35 pm

O for Oarsome!

The Tuaman is still trying to live that down in NZ! He is on the comeback trail though, he might be asked back to W O F to redeem himself.

Doc Kane

May 18th, 2009

6:22 am

It’s nice to see you responding a lot more in the forums as of late, Tim. Adds a nice personal touch since you’re often away and two-way communication btwn readers and you is limited due to your schedule, etc. Brings things to life a bit more! Cheers, D

Eric Beck

May 18th, 2009

10:21 am

Yep CSS is very cool. Nice work here. I agree with Doc “Top of Mind’ would be a good name for this. Funny to hear you guys gently disagree 🙂 the sign of a great friendship. And thanks for the comments.

Jakob Marovt

May 18th, 2009

10:32 am

Nice clip again, guys.

If I were you, I would name this show BrainChat (random chat of two great persons). Sounds good and coolish to me at least.

Thank you again for incredible show & keep on doing such incredible stuff!


May 18th, 2009

10:35 am

Hey Tim and Kevin-

Made a list for myself as I went through the video and noticed that others might want to use it. Sorry I didn’t link them, I’ll plan on it for the next video. Feel free to add to the list if something was mentioned that I didn’t catch.

All the best, -Shaun










“Squeezebox” http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/speakers_audio/wireless_music_systems/devices/881&cl=roeu,en








“fMRI” http://www.fmri.org




“Pulse Oximeter”

“Tanto Knife”




“David Tua O for awesome”





May 18th, 2009

10:51 am

Great post guys, very entertaining!

Aakash Gupta

May 18th, 2009

11:07 am

Unrelated comment –

Love the blog. I’m a silent stalker who put on 30 pounds of muscle last semester and lost 10 pounds of fat (now a 4-pack from slight belly fat), and eats tons of protein. I also cook meals the same way as you do, rotating them. I plan on traveling extensively and studying abroad and BsAs.

You should create a ‘Page’ on Facebook, I want to ‘Become a Fan.’ I’m sure tons of other would too. And since you’re a great self-marketeer, it’s another great avenue.

Tim Ferriss

May 18th, 2009

1:54 pm

Hi Aakash,

Thanks very much for the comment. I’m working with the FB folks right now to do so, so we’re on the same page. What protocol/rules did you follow to gain your 30 lbs.? Congrats!

All the best,



May 18th, 2009

2:29 pm

Tim, for a fixed blade, forged, check out H. Roselli. roselli.fi. It’s a Finnish company and very old school but with modern metals. I have their R100 and the craftsmanship is astounding. From the curly birch handles that are ridiculously smooth to the fit of the sheath, they are exceptional.

The owner, Heimo, has an interesting story as well. He couldn’t get an apprenticeship with a knifemaker and no one would take the time to teach him so he learned on his own to make some of the best knives through trial and error.

Also, love the VFF’s. Rocking mine now.

Rick Craig

May 18th, 2009

3:15 pm

Pretty cool


May 18th, 2009

3:17 pm

Would love to forward some info to you of functional CT, which is fascinating as well.

Jose Castro

May 18th, 2009

4:24 pm

Ah, I question i have always had for you & always forget to ask is:

How do you manage to stay on your diet plan when you are traveling constantly? Perhaps a post like;

Visit Rome and Spain and gain a 6 Pack : )

Keep the awesome posts coming…

Jose Castro- Dallas Tx

Tim Ferriss

May 18th, 2009

4:27 pm


Ah, diet while traveling. I’ll have more on this to come, but you might have to wait a bit 🙂

All the best,


No Stress Work

May 18th, 2009

5:45 pm

How about this for a name: “TKO: Tim & Kevin Online” … but of course, the TKO will stick in people’s heads. Then each “episode” can be a round … so your next one can be “TKO, Round 3?! Love what you do – you inspire me – keep up the AMAZING work!


May 18th, 2009

6:45 pm

Oooh good one Jose, I spend a lot of time in the car now going to the mountains and the food choices are horrid on the road. And don’t get me started about the movie theater – I was so thrilled at the last theater I went to because they had Odwalla drinks and bars! And wine 🙂 Anyway, another vote for that one 🙂

jake fisher

May 18th, 2009

8:28 pm


Just couldn’t help but notice the socks you were wearing and I haven’t seen anything like them before what are they?

steve nik

May 18th, 2009

10:02 pm

If you own an ipod touch/iphone and an airport express and are interested in a Sonos “like” multi-room audio system then here are the few simple steps needed to get it going;



May 18th, 2009

11:35 pm

Howdy Tim! Love the t-shirt in this ep! Cute!

Names: “Randomizer” “The Randomcast” “Random-licious” (um…no not really) “Off-slidin” “Sideliners”

or perhaps

dot dot dot



May 19th, 2009

12:44 am

Oh yeah, and Tim I am such a sucker for your music/culture diggs, it’s getting a tad out of hand.


May 19th, 2009

5:35 am

I hate this…

Pandora: We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S….

Scott Beierwaltes

May 19th, 2009

6:34 am

Hi Tim,

If you’re not sold on the show name, check out a cool website called http://www.NameThis.com.

Here’s how it would work … you post a general description of the show complete with a link to sample video clip, their online community would read the description and ideally watch an episode, and then the members will get their creative juices flowing offering various names which will ultimately get voted on. The site will compile the results and send you the top 3 names. All within 48 hours and for the low, low price of $99. (and no, I have no connection with them!)

Potentially, I would think you could / should invite your readers to join the process so that we can have an active role in helping name the show!

Keep up the great work!


Nico Schweinzer

May 19th, 2009

7:21 am

Hi Tim!

Since i read your book, a lot changed in my 23 years, young life 🙂

One side-effect of your book is, that I got the chance to travel to Brazil this summer, to take part in the karting worldchampionship as one of 3 Austrians 🙂 (Thanks so much Tim, without you that would not been possible…)

I love the name of your show.. I am into advertising and design, but honestly, i couldnt think of a better name for this show 🙂

Could you maybe talk about more traveling tips and tricks next time? I loved your packing video on YouTube.

I wish you and all the others out there a great week 🙂


May 19th, 2009

8:09 am

As a followup to myself, since you are in the San Francisco area I might be able to get you in touch with some functional CT this week. We have some people in town for a convention. We also have a partner who is in the San Francisco area that performs functional CTs (but I can’t speak for them). However, we could certainly show you the software and its capabilities if you’re interested. There is fascinating research being performed using these cutting edge techniques.

Luci Dawson

May 19th, 2009

9:07 am

@Shaun: Terrific listing…now I can throw away all of my other individual scraps that I jotted on while watching the vid.

@No Stress Work: I suggested changing it to “Sparks”…but I really LOVE the TKO-X name so much that I withdraw my earlier suggestion!!!

Tim: Are you going to take a vote for the best name change, or will it just be a decision that you and Kevin make ^_^

Jon Ellard

May 19th, 2009

12:32 pm


Great randomness!

For a random LOL moment I have to mention the fact that you looked up at the sky when Kevin mentioned GPS and pointed upwards. Were you expecting to see satellites?!




May 19th, 2009

2:23 pm

Ha! I was just telling people about Negative Ions earlier today. My Negative Ion generator = Lake Michigan. 🙂

You should talk about Negative Ions some more. It seems like there’s a lot of BS products and equipment out there…

David Ladowitz

May 19th, 2009

9:19 pm

I just read the Inc Magazine article on Harmonix’s 10 yr struggle to make it.

It’s pretty good reading for those interested in the paths of successful people



Jasper Zwarts

May 20th, 2009

12:58 pm

Hey Tim,

You should call it something like “off the bat”


Kaiser Serajuddin

May 23rd, 2009

10:45 am

You guys have made being a nerd cool again – thanks!


May 23rd, 2009

10:21 pm

Hi Tim,

Great book, awesome blog articles..

A few of the mentions in that video seemed very Advertorial. Any declarations to make?

Keep up the great work. your fireplace tip still amazes people, and will be trying out the muscle gain system..


JoAnn Fabrizio

May 24th, 2009

1:50 pm

Cool stuff! I just dropped 2 songs into thesixtyone.com for kicks.

Also, if you get the facebook page to work, let me know! I’ve had a long list of problems with that.

I’m with Kaiser on the nerd comment – Thanks! 🙂

David Aase

May 25th, 2009

8:52 am

I’ve got the same Kershaw open assist knife, love it! Comes in handy for opening boxes or cutting rope.

“Off the cuff” seems fitting.


May 25th, 2009

10:33 pm

Hi Tim,

Just felt compelled to drop you a line and say I really enjoy your perspective on the world and the gathering of intelligent ideas that you share via twitter etc.

If you ever need a tour guide on the Sunshine Coast, Qld, Aust -let me know




May 27th, 2009

12:01 am

Yo Tim, I didn’t know you were I neuroscience major! I can’t believe you went all the way to Stanford for fMRI research when by far the coolest work in the Bay Area is being done right here at UCSF. Seriously you should call Adam Gazzaley (@adamgazz) and chat with him about attention and memory. It’ll blow your mind.

Tim Ferriss

May 27th, 2009

10:23 am


That’s exactly who I was looking for! Thanks!



May 27th, 2009

2:14 am

wow, really informative, more episodes please. looking forward to subscribe


May 27th, 2009

4:39 am

Hey Tim,

Why don’t you guys rename the show “Random Tandem”?

Best Regards,

Next Big Thing


May 27th, 2009

5:56 pm


No problem! You guys are similar on many levels, possibly kindred spirits. I’d love to be around for that conversation!


Aaron Dragushan

May 29th, 2009

8:20 am

make_this_a_podcast ++;

Jeff Waters
Jeff Waters
15 years ago

Loving these shows. Would love to have these show up in iTunes so I can subscribe there. 🙂

15 years ago

This was an awesome video! Hope you guys do more of these!

15 years ago

Hey Tim,

You’ve been an inspiration to me ever since I first read your book while working for Navy SEALs in the First Phase Office in BUD/S. Your concepts saved my staff, but kept me in the hot seat; just the way I like it. This video is great. Keep up the good work and inspiring others. I know you guys just do this stuff in your free time because you feel like it, but that’s why people enjoy it: It’s real and authentic.

Suggestions for the next video:

-Sword fight

-Nutrients and timing mechanisms used for maintaining a perfect garden

Random Story Time With Andrew Ator:

In Hellweek in BUD/S students are allotted a maximum of four hours of sleep throughout the entire week. To counteract this blatant disregard for normal health and body maintenance, students undergo constant medical evaluations by assigned staff. In one such instance [Mr. Awesome] was running up a sand berm when the staff noticed he was looking a little sluggish. Mr. Awesome usually leads the pack in runs, swims, PT, and pretty much everything, hence the moniker. It turns out Mr. Awesome was sluggish because his O2 saturation was hovering around the mid 30’s. Any medical professional reading this just had a heart attack. The BUD/S medical professionals, instead of having a heart attack, gave Mr. Awesome an oxygen mask for a few minutes before throwing him back into Hellweek. Mr. Awesome would go on to finish Hellweek and spend his evenings in Third Phase working out at the gym after the normal training day was over. We’re very lucky to have Mr. Awesome fighting on our side.

Thanks again,

Andrew Ator

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago
Reply to  AndrewAtor


Holy crap — Mr. Awesome is a beast. Perhaps a mutant. You must have some incredible stories, my good man.

How did other students cope with the sleep deprivation? Any particularly effective counter-measures or tricks?

All the best,


Peter M.
Peter M.
15 years ago

The pulse oximeter seen in the video is a CMS Model 50-E. I’m also curious as to what Tim uses it for. I’d also like more information on the device Kevin Rose was referring to (the USB biofeedback device).

15 years ago

There’s a way that Tim could put these in a category and people could subscribe only to that category. I don’t know how, but I know it exists, because I need it for a site I’m planning, and so had it investigated.

Chip Green
Chip Green
15 years ago

question is there a list of the links you both mentioned?


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago
Reply to  Chip Green

Hi Chip,

It’s up there in the monster comment. I accidentally deleted the entire post like an idiot and had to rescue the comments through a cached page. Doh!


Michael Vanderdonk
Michael Vanderdonk
15 years ago


After a good knife: go have a look at the cold steel selections. Some very nice blades that last a long time (still using my hunting knife after 15 odd years)

Alex Shalman
Alex Shalman
15 years ago

I think a cool name for the show would be “Trend Connoisseur” =)

15 years ago

I just think it is hilarious being called out as a gadget whore by Kevin Rose. When the penultimate early adopter is calling you out you know you have to be!

Great video by the way!

jeff jackson
jeff jackson
15 years ago

some name ideas:

1) odds and ends

2) miscellanea

3) slacker vlog

4) pish posh

5) knick knacks

6) table scraps

I like odds and ends (like random but less used) and slacker vlog (honest) the most 😉

15 years ago

You should get your VA to put the comments back in properly, you can add them in WordPress and edit the timestamp so they show up in the correct order.

15 years ago

Hmm… I like “random tandem” mentioned earlier. Otherwise, here are few other “random” names:

The Tivin Ferrose Show

Lifestyler’s Lair

14 years ago

tim i love random. when are more coming out? i have read your book 3 times, i love it. my wife and i are putting it to use. im looking for some help coming up with something to help me generate more income. do you have any ideas. thanks bro..

Have a great day.


14 years ago

DiggnDo (show)? Random reminds me of Sienfeld; what you guys do is truly inspirational. I was turned onto you guys by my graphic artist and I spent all day on your site! I’ll try to I come up with some more ideas that capture your brands and personalities.

How do I subscribe to new shows??

Keep it coming! – Robb

14 years ago

Faced with a 3 1/2-hour layover at New York’s JFK airport and an overdrawn bank account, I decided that it was a wise investment to use the remaining cash in my wallet to purchase and immediately begin reading The 4-Hour Work Week.

One link led to another, and before I knew it, I found myself watching this adorable duo of internet entrepreneurs. I have to admit that my first thought was that I wanted to introduce the two of you to my daughters. Most amazing to me is that I could actually keep up with your rapid-fire discussion of the latest techno trends and gadgets – and I was actually enjoying it! I couldn’t wait to watch the other episodes.

When Kevin turned his iphone into a “mother friggin’ flute,” I was sold! Even though I love the pairing of Alex and Kevin on diggnation, believe me when I tell you that there is room on the couch for the two of you!

Looking forward to meeting you – and I know we will,


14 years ago

One link led to another, and before I knew it, I found myself watching this adorable duo of internet entrepreneurs. I have to admit that my first thought was that I wanted to introduce the two of you to my daughters. Most amazing to me is that I could actually keep up with your rapid-fire discussion of the latest techno trends and gadgets – and I was actually enjoying it! I couldn’t wait to watch the other episodes. Smugly believing that I was on the cutting edge because I paid my bills on line and could set my message alerts, my comeuppance came when I read about virtual assistants in India and watched Kevin turn his iphone into a “mother friggin’ flute.”

Facing my fifth month of unemployment had me wondering how’s a girl gonna make it? Thanks to your inspiring book, now I know how.

I look forward to meeting you – and I know we will!


Tyler Fraser
Tyler Fraser
14 years ago

I got all excited about rhapsody and realized I’m in Canada. Move up to Canada = losing lots of good stuff on the internet (netflix streaming, hulu, pandora, rhapsody)! Looking forward to some advances so these services can be offered.

Kyle Savage
Kyle Savage
14 years ago

@ Peter M: I think the USB bio-feedback device Kevin was referring to might have been the IOM biofeedback system (formerly called LightStone) by the Transparent Corporation. I don’t want to break any rules by posting links, but I think that is enough information for a successful Google attempt 🙂 I have never used the hardware nor do I have any affiliation with the company, it’s just something I heard about a while back and was reminded of by Kevin’s comments. Hope that helps!

Bob Jones
Bob Jones
11 years ago

Loving the “Random” series, keep them coming!

David J. Bradley
David J. Bradley
10 years ago

Love watching these Random shows years after… “Check out this new app – FOURSQUARE”