Digital Cribs: Homes with Practical (and Impractical) Technologies (Plus: Victorinox Winner)

In October, I was contacted by a film team from USC about doing a Cisco-sponsored profile of my home for a series titled “Digital Cribs.” See all of the homes filmed here on the right-hand side — some are incredible.

This video (link) was the end result…

It contains some fantastic visual effects and showcases my aversion for wires. Note: the book fondling was requested by the team, so apologies for the Groundhog Day What About Bob?-type moment.

Most of the gadgets we filmed were edited out or just a blur in a camera pan, so here are a few of the goodies that I showed at home:

Suunto Core wrist-top computer

BonJour laser culinary thermometer for cooking and mischief

Fujitsu ScanSnap travel scanner and Canon SD300 Powershot for capturing documents (I don’t use a fax machine)

Philips noise-canceling headset (the best dollar-for-value noise-canceling headset I’ve found)

Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech-recognition software (Note to Nuance: Mac version, please.)

Sony VAIO VGN-TXN27N/T 11.1″ laptop (no longer available; similar model here) with extended battery and tweaks for 12-hour+ life

17″ MacBook Pro (I don’t use a desktop at home because you can’t “close” a desktop screen for closure and work-life separation)

Victorinox E-Motion 360 4.0 25″ Trek Pack Plus (Trial by Fire winner of this bag to be announced next week!)

Firelite external USB-powered storage for travel and back-ups

Cellphone – LG basic (recently replaced with the LG Chocolate) from Verizon w/ extended battery – I go low-tech here for reasons obvious in my book. I don’t email from a handheld. I have multiple cell phones for overseas use.

Safedrive pocket breathalyzer (I originally bought this to bring to a party; it’s the ultimate conversation piece — “I can beat you!” “No, I can beat both of you!” Use responsibly.)

Sony DreamSystem home entertainment system with 5-DVD changer and surround speakers

Sony Grand WEGA 60″ HDTV-ready widescreen TV

Belkin PureAV power surge protection

These students really busted their asses to get the video done, and it’s a view count and ratings competition, so if you like it, please click here and rate it well! This team flew to SF, shared rooms, pulled all-nighters, and — in my opinion — deserves it. It could be their big break.

What new digital tools or toys can’t you live without at home? Do you have anything that sets you apart, or that provokes “oooh”s and “aaaah”s from friends?

Follow Tim’s misadventures and experiments in real-time on Twitter.

Odds and Ends: Victorinox Winner

Thank you all for your patience — and awesome promotion — with the Victorinox Trial by Fire competition! I was totally overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and innovative approaches. I’m humbled and honored to have you as readers. Kick-ass! No word back yet from History Channel on the show, but you’ll be the first to know.

Without further ado: the winner is Mr. Raley, who got the show (and The 4-Hour Workweek) mentioned on the Dennis Miller live radio show with 1.5+ million listeners. The runner-up is Lee Burrell, and an honorable mention goes to Markus for his Facebook campaign. Markus, the .jpg link in the comments wasn’t working!

Many thanks to Charlie Hoehn for helping with selection. Mr. Raley and Lee, please look for an e-mail in your inbox in the next 48 hours.

Thanks again to all, and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Curtis Ludlow
Curtis Ludlow
15 years ago

Sweet crib Tim.

Blog Expert
Blog Expert
15 years ago

Pretty amazing. But I have to say I am a PC. I think I may be the only person loving 4gb memory and having no problem with Vista.

15 years ago

I’m a home theater buff so I’d have to say the combination of a 1080p projector, big screen and Blu-ray from a Sony PS3 is a must. A Harmony One universal remote also can’t be beat for it’s simplicity and functionality. It just works like it should, period.

An iPhone is also a must have device. If I could only have one tech gadget, it would be my iPhone.

15 years ago


Awesome video! The “personal rain forest” is for life extension or something, right?

15 years ago

Check out JungleDisk for enhancing your remote lifestyle. Your files are stored securely online (uses Amazon S3), but you access them like a regular drive from any of your computers. Works with PC or Mac, so you can get your stuff anywhere with an Internet connection.

15 years ago


Have I missed something? The rating bit doesn’t look right. I had a look on IE7, FF 3 & Chrome.

The stars go from top down, not left to right and you can’t click on them

Chris (from Lifestyle Project)
Chris (from Lifestyle Project)
15 years ago

Nice Video and Gadgets Tim!

I’m another of those annoying iPhone people I’m afraid. It replaces so many gadgets for me and the App store just opens up so many possibilities, the creativity of some of those developers is amazing.

However, since reading your book I do NOT have work email on my phone. I do use it to check twitter though which is neat (pleasure not business) and rarely forget anything with Evernote.

Brett O'Donnell
Brett O'Donnell
15 years ago

Hey Tim,

Thought you’d like to know that MacSpeech now uses the Dragon engine… so you might want to check that out for a Mac based speech recognition solution.

Also, double vote for the iPhone… or even iPod Touch when out of country in places that have WiFi. It removes 90% of my desire to have a laptop around me all the time. When traveling, if I can’t do it on an iPhone, then it probably doesn’t need to be done. With some well placed judo, a VOIP app, and a hotel/apartment with wifi, it might remove most of the need for all those extra phones!

Mike Tieden
Mike Tieden
15 years ago

Hey Tim!

I have a few cool gadgets that I like to use:

First is my Airport express wireless router. It does internet, my printer, and I can play iTunes through it to my stereo.

I love my Blackberry 8830. I used to have email on it, but much like Chris I took it off after reading your book (it’s nice now). I sync my calendar and contacts with my Google account so it’s super slick.

And of course I can’t live without my MacBook Pro.

Dana Gundlach
Dana Gundlach
15 years ago

Cool video Tim. It was a little freaky seeing your head move in the magazine though. I like your crib, very Zen.

Good Luck,


15 years ago

I’m a big fan of DNS, myself and agree there should be a Mac version. In the interim, though, why not simply run it on your Macbook Pro using Parallels? I run DNS Professional that way.

15 years ago

great post. It does make wifi a romantic concept. the get away with no attachments.

Green Panda
Green Panda
15 years ago

Sweet crib! I’d love a Mac book for just for iLife. No awesome gear, but I do like our set up with the office and living room. We have a laptop so I can check on comments during news pieces that I could just pass on. The window also gets great light into the apartment and writing a post with some fresh air and sun is awesome.

15 years ago

Your Sony VAIO is sweet. I used to think bigger is better… and that’s when I “upgraded” from my 8.9″ Fujitsu Lifebook to a Dell 17″. I couldn’t take that beast anywhere, it’s basically a semi portable desktop. I’m glad the Asus EEE line came out when it did. I like how you made everything wireless.

Doc Kane
Doc Kane
15 years ago

Brilliant. Thanks for sharing the details, Tim.

Curious. . .are you using the Naturally Speaking for extensive writing, or just notes to your colleagues, etc? Also, what kind of office phone are you using, or is it just the LG?

Dennis Groves
Dennis Groves
15 years ago

Hi Tim,

Thanks for sharing the technology – I am curious about your exercise/body hacks, I noticed you had some equipment in your living room – but are there some things you use/do/recomend consistantly? (eg 45 minutes / 3x week?)



Bryan (from Six to Done)
Bryan (from Six to Done)
15 years ago

Great home, Tim. I love the oriental screens that are utilized as window shades. Did you have those custom made, or does a company produce them? Also, what do you like best about the Suunto?

Ryan Crysler
Ryan Crysler
15 years ago


Amazing crib and eager to learn 4HWW home design.

I was curious about your cell phone and if you used one globally or traveled with an auxiliary…the answer is both! I plan to teach a few courses in Europe in 2009 and besides Skype, I was wondering which service is best for a global cell phone.

I was also wondering…should I upgrade to a fancy “do it all” phone or still lug the laptop around. I think the answer is clear. If you are going to write or otherwise work…find the best, most efficient, laptop…or notepad. How on earth can we do it all on such a little device!

Greg Jorgensen
Greg Jorgensen
15 years ago


Great topic ! Also like a prior post I am also interested in your exercise/body hack tips. What are you running from your home mac …gotomypc ?

Happy holidays !

Best ,

Greg Jorgensen

Port Reading, NJ

Robertas Domarkas
Robertas Domarkas
15 years ago


what a great video, loved it. While I was watching it only one word was flying within my mind – Harmony.

I’ve voted for the creators of this vid. and I wish you to have even more productive year of 2009!

Jeremy Cohen
Jeremy Cohen
15 years ago


I’m glad so many of you have enjoyed getting a sneak peak inside of Tim’s home. He was my dream choice to do a Digital Crib spot on, and things happened to work out. The quality of the project speaks to Tim’s cooperation and the amount of thought and care he’s put into designing his own digital crib. I think we all can learn something from his place and what he says in the piece.

I encourage all of you to pass on a link of the video to friends and family who might enjoy it ( As a student, I am dependent upon your generosity in clicking on the link and passing it along because the embed code isn’t working properly right now. We are paid according to the amount of views, and there is a lot at stake. We’ve given you a sneak peak inside Tim’s pad, so please be kind and click the link!

Tim had much more to say about technology and home design than we could fit into three minutes, and this blog post has done a great job of filling in the gaps. But, if you have any interest in the making of this video, the concepts behind it, or USC film school, please leave some comments and I’ll get back to you.

I’d also like to credit and thank the other key members of this production: Ross Cohen (producer), Rob Connolly (cinematographer), and Dominic Haxton (editor). They’re all directly responsible for the high quality of this commercial.

Thanks to all and happy holidays.

Lee Burrell
Lee Burrell
15 years ago

Thanks Tim for the Runner-up recognition. I don’t think I could have beaten the Dennis Miller call. What a great idea!!

I was happy to promote the show b/c I knew it would be great. I followed the guidelines book by doing first, then asking permission. 🙂

Tim, you have inspired and taught me to live a life that most dream about, but fail to act upon. The information you have given to us with your book, blog, tweets, suggestions, and videos are gold nuggets.

Thanks again.


Marc Thom
Marc Thom
15 years ago

Hi Tim

Thanks…. can’t say enough about your input (from your book and recently from your blog) and you been transparent (it’s a big thing these days). Wishing you all the best for Christmas and 2009!

Neil Cohen
Neil Cohen
15 years ago

Check out Macspeech Dictate. Great mac alternative to Dragon.

Martin Olafsson
Martin Olafsson
15 years ago

One piece that always gets the oohs and aahs is this sanctuary lamp, called Lucio.

I got this from a design shop in Scandinavia, it’s a digitally illuminated piece that helps me relax and detach, to separate my work and personal life.

Merry Christmas.

Robert Jet Set Life
Robert Jet Set Life
15 years ago

Hey Tim,

What I love most about this is how easily you can interact with your home system while traveling abroad. Kim and I are doing 13 weeks of mini-retirements this year and having access to our entire home system would really be handy.



15 years ago

WHat sets my crib apart? Technology. Im a film and TV editor and i have a dual screen G5 with like 5 external hard drives, an old powerbook G3 that i keep to use MSN or Firefox without slowing down the G5. Everyone i show it to is amazed and envies it.

Personally, I HATE IT. It’s rapidly going obsolete and it makes forgetting work impossible: its sitting right in the living room. I can see my roommate drinking a beer on the TV couch right from where i sit to work.

It hasnt helped business, since instead of just renting (outsourcing) an editing room and focusing on what I do: editing, i gotta be the editor AND the computer tech. And i rarely get to charge extra for using my own computer. “Why should i pay you more? It’s right there on your living room!”

Possibly the worst idea i ever had. As soon as i finish the current project im selling it, and possibly everything i own. Time to start over.

Phillip Harrington
Phillip Harrington
15 years ago

You’re referring to the scenes/montage near the end when Phil is learning poetry, piano, improving himself and helping others.

15 years ago

Hey Tim,

Great Video! Like Bryan (in an above post) I am wondering about your shoji screens. Those are awesome. Did you have them custom built or can you buy them somewhere. Also I am sure you have gotten this question via comments and Twitter before, but why don’t you have an iPhone? It seems like a natural fit, with apps like evernote. Just curious,


James from
James from
15 years ago

Very Cool Tim! Work life separation! Love it!!

15 years ago

Awesome video Tim!

Since reading the 4HWW a few months ago, you’ve totally changed my views about work and my life in general, and I’ve been able to cut out most of the friction and distractions in my life to create the lifestyle that I have always wanted.

It is an incredibly liberating feeling! You can check out my pictures and new 4HWW inspired business and lifestyle on my blog.

Thanks so much again.


P.S. MacSpeech Dictate for Mac OS X is powered by Nuance

15 years ago

Not convinced about the wireless thing Tim.

Electromagnetic radiation, especially from powerful wireless devices, causes cancer. Cisco won’t tell you that.

Five, 10, 15 year studies are now coming out that convincingly show the direct causality between wireless and cancer. We’ve hopefully learned from the “head-in-sand” approach to cigarettes in the 50’s and 60’s.

The alternative? My Vaio hides behind a thick copper shield far from my body, connected to a low emission screen and a wired keyboard. My Blackberry is a landline.

15 years ago

I think the video is pretty cool, I have adopted a similar lifestyle. I used to have desktops piled up all over the place in my “office” got rid of them and got a laptop, and for a while only used my work laptop for “work”. I love the wireless internet access and everything these days can connect with wireless. We are using technology to the full extent as we are living in the UK right now and use the internet to watch the shows we do like to follow from the US, and use VOIP to call everybody and save a ton doing it.

I saw a couple gadgets that i liked, will have to start looking to see if I can find a use for them or not.

Colorado Runner
Colorado Runner
15 years ago

Killer stuff!

15 years ago


How does Go To My PC (assumption) allow you to use a PC (Vaio) to interface w/ your Mac Book Pro? Great vid.



15 years ago

Oi Tim,

Tem um otimo Feliz Natal!



Brett Nodwell
Brett Nodwell
15 years ago

Great Post – Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.

15 years ago

Cool house! Very Feng Shui. Props to Cisco on a job well done.

David Eckoff
David Eckoff
15 years ago

Tim, love your home, especially the very clean lines and design; and your personal rain forest is ultra cool – I want one!

If I recall correctly, when we met up for coffee last January, you were getting ready to move? If this is the home you moved to, it totally ROCKS and I hope you are enjoying it!

Jeremy: congrats to you and your production team on a video very well done. I’ll give the clip some link love on Twitter after I post this comment.

15 years ago


I can’t thank you enough for all your support this year, you never cease to amaze me. It was extremely kind of you to offer your advice and thank you so much for being so generous with your time. Hats off to your staff as well (thanks staff).

I wish you all the best. Happy Holidays!



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago

Hi All!

Have to run to prepare X-mas and haul wood for the parents, but here are a few answers:

1) The shoji screens came with the house, which was designed by a protege of Frank Lloyd Wright, but they look similar to what is offered here:

2) I used GoToMyPC for PC-to-PC remote access but now have a 13″ MacBook that I use more than my VAIO. I’m experimenting with for Mac-to-Mac (17″ MacBook Pro at home) remote access. Any other top picks?

3) I don’t use an iPhone because I don’t want instant access to the Internet in my pocket. I don’t trust myself that much. Otherwise, it’s a beautiful device.

4) Thanks for the MacSpeech recommendation!

5) The Groundhog Day reference was Bob’s initial visit to the doctor’s office. The doctor says “There’s a groundbreaking new book out…” as he drags his hand along a bookshelf lined with his own book, and exclaims “… Ah! Here it is” and pull a copy off for Bill Murray.

Happy holidays!


15 years ago


Awesome post. Just wanted to make a correction if I may. I think the quote you are referring to is actually from What about Bob? not Groundhog Day. If I am wrong I apologize, but I’m pretty sure I know which scene your talking about.

Anyway, Merry Christmas!

Dan Massicotte
Dan Massicotte
15 years ago

Sweet effects Tim. Did you have a team working with you to put the video together?

15 years ago

Really appreciate the time you took sharing all the small details in the video – could be construed as a little materialistic… but always nice to see the tricks to use technology to set ourselves free!

Get Money
Get Money
15 years ago

beautiful house Tim!

you’re a huge inspiration to me dude

you have an AMAZING gift to help people change their paradigms, get inspired and to get much more out of life.

I won’t ask you to reply to this as I know you’re very busy but PLEASE write more books on things like human potential, effectiveness and lifestyle design. whatever it is, pick a topic and help it to make sense in an exciting way and make it practical and usable (just like the Four Hour Workweek).

and maybe even a Bill Bryson type travel book would be nice too just for fun =)

merry xmas my friend

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago

@Brock, you’re totally right! I corrected this in the post. I meant the specific “What About Bob?” moment here:

@David, yessir, this is the place I referred to over coffee. Love it! Much improved after Man Jose.

@All, thanks for the kind comments and support for this student team! They did all of the work. I just babbled in front of the camera 🙂

Now, off to make a Christmas fire…


15 years ago

Yeah yeah, lovely stuff.

But, GOOD LORD, where the hell (and when!) can I watch that Trial By Fire thing on the internet? I swear to god, I’ll round up the disconcerted believers, all of them who need that ferriss fix and can’t get it. I’m gonna gather them up in a mob, track you down, stare at you for 5 seconds, ask 5 million different questions about the same things over and over, and then rip your clothes off and then err..

Be afraid, be very afraid.

15 years ago


Enjoyed the video and reminds me what I have to look forward to when I finally move out of my apartment and into a house. One thing I have that sets me apart from many others is a wireless print server. More and more printers now are getting that built in to directly attach to your wireless router, but it’s great being able to send a print request without being directly attached.

I also think logmein is great. I use logmein rescue for work and it’s much better (and cheaper) than most other services.

Thanks and Merry Christmas,

Ryan W.

15 years ago

Will definitely have to get this 4HWW book. Thanks for the insight!

For others interested in VNC solutions, a very good and free one I use is UltraVNC, and also VNCViewer for Windows Mobile on SourceForge.

I personally don’t get the iPhone craze – I think the newer devices just make it simpler to get started. Most things I’ve heard about that are so cool I have been doing for years now with WM and the unlimited potential for applications that is inherent in an open platform. With a tiny PocketPC, I can already control my computer from anywhere (using proper router settings and security at home), in addition to music, video, whatever, and phone, all on one device.

Jeremy Cohen
Jeremy Cohen
15 years ago


Thanks for all the support and kudos. I greatly appreciate it. This is such a nice, supportive community you’ve put together Tim.

Anyways, please keep passing the link ( ) along and keep on Tweeting to all your friends! And I encourage you to Digg this post, as well.

I’m working on getting the video posted to other blogs, as well. If you’d like to post it to your own or get it put on a friend’s, I’d greatly encourage and appreciate it.

And, one last thing, I forgot to mention that the very talented Phan Linh did the sound recording and sound design on this. Remember the name, he’s going to be Vietnam’s Spielberg!

15 years ago

Xmas came early in my household. Just got the itouch and it’s way too much power to have in ones pocket. I just wanted to thank you for utilizing the power of the net to stay connected to your fans. I must have read hundreds of books and never had any meaning contact with the author. That’s awesome. Wishing you and the fellow readers a prosperous new year.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago


Thank you so much for this comment! It made my night, and I can go to bed with a smile 🙂 Hope to see you again here soon.

Happy holidays, all!


Jose Castro-Frenzel
Jose Castro-Frenzel
15 years ago

Well I have been following this blog since the early days and continue to do so . Great info and I enjoy it. Have a safe and meaningful Christmas..



peter murphy
peter murphy
15 years ago

Happy Christmas Tim!

And thank you for this blog – it is excellent. You consistently post great material and always offer something worth reading.

You have contributed a lot this year to many, many people with this site.

All the very best for 2009


15 years ago

Do you still receive snail mail at your home? There is a service to receive it digitally now ( You can view your mail online and direct them to shred it or forward it to you. Pretty cool.

15 years ago

I was surprised to see how down to earth and accessible you remain, even after all of your success and accomplishments. You truly learn from the world and those around you and give others the opportunity to do the same. Its an admirable quality that’s rarely seen. Your parents must be very proud.

Merry Christmas!

I’m off to the grandparents for our annual Chinese dinner. 🙂

15 years ago

Ah very sweet video! Thanks for the insightful blog I read often. Happy holidays!


15 years ago

Nice house Tim. I looks relaxing.

15 years ago

Great post and great video. Loved it. You really are living the James Bond lifestyle! You give me inspiration and hope, Tim! Just wish i could get some real time mentoring to get out of my own way! lol Anyway, hope we get that gear page in the new year. This vid and post is a GREAT step toward that. Happy holidays Tim to you and yours and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! ^_^

15 years ago

In agreement with RTW about wireless radiation/pollution, especially its possible harm to sperm health and motility.

15 years ago

When remoting into your MacBook Pro at home, do you leave it on 24/7 or is there a way to do a remote Wake-On-Lan when needed?

15 years ago

Hey everyone,

I know I should of hired a VA to go through all of the blog posts to see if my question has been answered or posted yet, but I thought it would be a better use of my time posting it again and getting yelled at by a couple people for not searching.

My question is proably a very popular one. I’m stuck on the step of coming up with a Muse. I’m having a problems narrowing down the niche that I can target for my muse. I can’t come up with a product that I can have a well defined target market.

Things that interest me and know alittle about:

Real Estate(I own some rental properties)

Starting a business(Started a ink cartridge refilling biz)

Ink Cartridge refilling

If anyone can help me get over this brain fart you can email me at

Justin Razmus
Justin Razmus
15 years ago

I have spent a lot of time travelling within the U.S. and couldn’t live without my wireless broadband card (through verizon). It is so nice to be able to connect while on the road. I have a 1 year trip around the U.S. planned (in an RV!), and keeping connected is critical to update the blogs.

15 years ago

I have my entire Tivo / Apple TV library streaming from my home servers to an Iphone.

15 years ago

Hey Tim,

First: Merry Christmas

Second: Are you in Buenos Aires?

15 years ago

Quick comment on MacSpeech… I have used both MacSpeech and DNS, and I had _much_ better experience in terms of the accuracy of the speech recognition with DNS.

Also, I had thought I read somewhere recently that MacSpeech will not be doing future updates to its program. (Someone please correct me on that if I’m mistaken.)

I agree that it’s better than nothing, though, if you don’t have other options (for example if you’re running a Mac without a dual processor.) Personally, I’m in love with my DNS Pro used with a wireless mike and a comfy chair. I even have it set up to translate off my digital voice recorder.

15 years ago

Tim, at the request of my brother (one of the fine USC students to make this video) I have read and enjoyed your book. I try to apply much of your advice into my life and also tell many of my friends to read it. You have an amazing home set up, and a great outlook on technology.

15 years ago

Tim: Excellent usage of technology. I am curious, how exactly do you efficiently us the Dragon Naturally-speaking software? I tried using IBM’s ViaVoice at one point and found it not as time-saving as I had anticipated. Perhaps a post on this topic would be useful in its own right? I would use it if I thought it would actually help me…

Josef Brandenburg
Josef Brandenburg
15 years ago

This is more in the 4hr Body category, but I thought that you would really dig this article training less while getting more results:

Enduring Wanderlust
Enduring Wanderlust
15 years ago

Enjoyed the video, Tim.

I’m a big fan of Apple’s MobileMe and the rest of their products. I find that it saves me lots of time and allows me to have access to video and photo files on the road without loading up the macbook.

Best of all it makes running a website while traveling much easier.

15 years ago

Nice house. I’m surprised you don’t have many books. Do you prefer ebooks or you just don’t read that much?

15 years ago

The USC team did a great job! From what I can tell, your video is still in the lead by 400 views or so. I watched a few of the other videos and although they were good, the concept was not pulled together quite as neatly. But I may be a little biased. 😉

15 years ago

Thanks, Denise!

15 years ago



I like your video too, but since it’s on auto-play it’s getting kind of annoying as my home page. I might have to change it.

Just giving a little feedback from an end user.

Keep producing great content; I would just recommend not putting it on auto-play because as much as I love your video I only want to see and hear it once or twice, not every single time I go online. I’m sure others are having the same issue.

piece love and fun times, a loyal fan.

Chris C.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago
Reply to  CHRIS

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your comment. I totally agree that the auto-play is annoying. To be fixed tonight!

All the best and thank you for pointing this out 🙂


15 years ago

Tim–I love your “rainforest”!! Ethnobotany is a past time of mine. Don’t forget to take your anthocyanins. Their ORAC values are off the charts..also the top guys at Berkeley developed to target cellular mitochondria

pura vida hermano

15 years ago

Tim- about your twitter for starting fires – I was recently reading about the upside down fire, you can google it but there is a youtube here:

Basically, we’re all doing it wrong 🙂 Build it upside down!

15 years ago

I second Justin Razmus on the vote for a USB Boradband card from Verizon. It’s great for connecting while traveling in the US in a car, train, sitting in an airport, whatever. I think the newer MacBooks already even have the software loaded on them, and some newer Windows based units come with a card built in that will eliminate the need for extra hardware.

To most people, the price of about $60 a month seems pretty high, but if you normally carry a laptop around it justifies the savings from NOT using your phone as an internet browser and forces you to decide when to use the correct tool for the job.

To be fair to the readers. I must acknowledge I’m grandfathered in on their unlimited data access through the card. They have gotten very miserly now, and charge $60 a month for a 5 GB per month cap (I believe), then the per MB charges start racking up, and those rates are ridiculous.

However this is still the right choice for some, especially if it stops them from picking up their phone every 5 minutes to surf or read email.

Another thing that I think is cool is the “Peek” device. I do not own one.

It is essentially a pocket sized email appliance. It ONLY does email, nothing else. So it eliminates all the other time wasters on a fancy smart phone, but also requires you to carry two devices with you.

I do think this thing has a market for the right crowd, and if they can cut their initial cost of the device to the consumer by half or better yet their monthly subscription cost by half, this thing might take off.

The best thing about it? No contracts! You don’t have to sign up for some gastly data plan or get tricked in to hidden data charges for two years. Sign up with a credit card and cancel when you want to.

15 years ago

Sorry, I was wrong about the count! Digital architect is in the lead. I missed that one earlier!

15 years ago

Hey Tim, great article.

I was wondering where you got the idea to create a rain forest in your house. How in the world do you do something like that?? Is there a website or something that I could possibly get as a reference??

Thanks and Happy New Year

15 years ago

Hallo Tim,

super Artikel in deinem Blog. Ich freue mich immer auf die neusten Einträge in deinem Blog. Obwohl ich immer diese “kleine” Sprachbarriere habe.

Gruß aus dem eisigen Deutschhland


15 years ago

Thanks for this interesting link! But I was just wondering, is the whole series supposed to promote Cisco’s products … or Apple’s? 😉 Sweet stuff after all.

Jay G.
Jay G.
15 years ago

Hi Tim,

Where can we see the outakes? 😉

It’s great that you showed how technology improves interaction with the world around you, rather than just how you interact with the technology. Compare with Apple’s digital crib in “Knowledge Navigator”:

Responding to one of the comments: MacSpeech Dictate gives you speech recognition on the Mac, based on the Dragon Speech Recognition Engine from Nuance. And our product is definitely being actively developed.


[…] is something Timothy Ferris pointed out – with a laptop you can physically close the lid. This is significant because it improves work-life […]

George K
George K
15 years ago

Again another great post Tim. I am a recent convert to your ways…I tihnk my friends are sick of hearing about this Tim Ferris guy.

I am a mac guy, like the idea of not traveling with out a laptop at all but when I looked at go 2 my PC (their actually located in my home town) they only support the mac being the “vessel” if you will to access a PC at home, not access a mac at home.

Was I wrong in understanding you use it to access your mac book?

Keep up the great work, I am on board and am reading and viewing every video (i’m not stalking you, I promise).

All the best.

Tim O'C
Tim O'C
15 years ago

Hate Wires? You might want to check out I have one of their wireless amps, amazing. works wonders with my HD ready Projector setup, as i don’t have to run wires to the other side of the room from my media stack.

I have to rave a bit here about Projectors. as a space vs, screen size thing, there is no competition, 60″ is the smallest a good projector will scale too. You can use it to show media from your laptop. For Wii gaming, there is nothing like being having an almost life size window into the game in front of you.

Last but not least, if you have it setup in the brightest room in the house like i do, it physically restricts your TV consumption to non daylight hours, or crappy weather days 🙂

Ron Reed, Realtor
Ron Reed, Realtor
12 years ago

This is excellent. Not sure how I missed this blog post, but sweet crib! I sell real estate in the Madison, WI (Middleton to be specific), so it’s always interesting to see other properties in different parts of the world. Thanks for letting us peek inside.

Ron Reed

P.S. — Dragon Dictation is da’ bomb! I learned about Dropbox, Evernote and Dragon Dictation from you… each of which I use DAILY. Thanks bro!