Krill Oil 48x Better Than Fish Oil?

Krill isn’t your average shrimp. (Photo: The Sun and Doves)

Krill oil, logically enough, comes from krill, which are small, shrimp like crustaceans that inhabit the cold ocean areas of the world, primarily the Antarctic and North Pacific Oceans.

Despite their small size–one to five centimeters in length–krill make up the largest animal biomass on the planet. According to Neptune Technologies, the Canadian company that holds the patent for krill oil extraction, there are approximately 500 million tons of krill roaming around in these northern seas, 110,000 tons of which are harvested annually.

Krill oil, like fish oil, contains both of the omega-3 fats, eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), but hooked together in a different form…

In fish oil, these omega-3 fatty acids are found in the triglyceride form, whereas in krill oil they are hooked up in a double chain phospholipid structure. The fats in our own cell walls are in the phospholipid form.

Attached to the EPA leg of the phospholipid is a molecule of astaxanthin, an extremely potent anti-oxidant. The phospholipid structure of the EPA and DHA in krill oil makes them much more absorbable and allows for a much easier entrance into the mitochondria and the cellular nucleus. In addition to EPA and DHA, krill oil contains a complex phospholipid profile including phosphatidylcholine, a potent source of reductive-stress-reducing choline, which also acts as a natural emulsifier.

Krill oil contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D and canthaxanthin, which is — like astaxanthin — a potent anti-oxidant. The anti-oxidant potency of krill oil is such that when compared to fish oil in terms of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorptance Capacity) values, it was found to be 48 times more potent than fish oil.

The astaxanthin found in krill oil provides excellent protection against ultraviolet light and UV-induced skin damage. It was for this reason that I started taking krill oil to begin with–-I discovered its other virtues later on.

A number of studies have shown that krill oil is tremendously effective in reducing LDL-cholesterol, raising HDL-cholesterol (up to 44% in some cases), and lowering blood sugar. It has been shown to be effective in treating the pain and inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis and aches and pains in general. One large study showed that krill oil has tremendous benefits in terms of symptom reduction in PMS and dysmenorrhea. And it has been shown to be effective in the treatment of adult ADHD. In all these studies krill oil was tested against fish oil and not simply a placebo.

Due to the rapid absorption of krill oil and the high anti-oxidant content there is virtually never the fishy burping and aftertaste sometimes experienced with fish oil. The jury is out right now on if and to what degree there is a problem for those people allergic to shrimp. Until the jury is in, I would be careful in taking krill oil if I had a shrimp allergy.

Are there any downsides to this substance?

Only one. It is a little more expensive than fish oil, but, as with all things, you get what you pay for. virtually all krill oil is produced by Neptune Technologies and shipped to the various supplement manufacturers, so any krill oil you get will have come from the same place and be the same dosage. The only unknown is how long it has been sitting around in a warehouse somewhere, which is, of course, the same unknown with fish oil. At least with krill oil, thanks to the high anti-oxidant content, the shelf life is much longer.

One last thing to remember: popping a couple of fish oil and krill oil caps don’t give the same immediate relief as popping a NSAID [Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs like Advil, ibuprofen, Aleve, etc.].

It takes a while–a couple of weeks in my case–for the fish oil/krill oil to provide the same degree of pain relief as the NSAID. The take home message is: don’t take your first dose and compare it to the relief you got with a dose of NSAID. In the study I mentioned in the last post, the subjects took the fish oil for two weeks along with their NSAIDs, then tapered off the drugs and treated their pain with the fish oil alone.

[Two of several clinical studies on Krill Oil (NKO) from PubMed can be found below the author bio.]


About the author of this post:

Dr. Michael Eades is one of the foremost bariatric (obesity treatment) doctors in the US and the first to introduce insulin resistance to the mainstream. He is author of the international bestseller, Protein Power.

Clinical Studies:

“Omega-3 DHA and EPA for cognition, behavior, and mood: clinical findings and structural-functional synergies with cell membrane phospholipids.”

Kidd PM.

University of California, Berkeley, California, USA.

The omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are orthomolecular, conditionally essential nutrients that enhance quality of life and lower the risk of premature death. They function exclusively via cell membranes, in which they are anchored by phospholipid molecules. DHA is proven essential to pre- and postnatal brain development, whereas EPA seems more influential on behavior and mood. Both DHA and EPA generate neuroprotective metabolites. In double-blind, randomized, controlled trials, DHA and EPA combinations have been shown to benefit attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), autism, dyspraxia, dyslexia, and aggression. For the affective disorders, meta-analyses confirm benefits in major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder, with promising results in schizophrenia and initial benefit for borderline personality disorder. Accelerated cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) correlate with lowered tissue levels of DHA/EPA, and supplementation has improved cognitive function. Huntington disease has responded to EPA. Omega-3 phospholipid supplements that combine DHA/EPA and phospholipids into the same molecule have shown marked promise in early clinical trials. Phosphatidylserine with DHA/EPA attached (Omega-3 PS) has been shown to alleviate AD/HD symptoms. Krill omega-3 phospholipids, containing mostly phosphatidylcholine (PC) with DHA/EPA attached, markedly outperformed conventional fish oil DHA/EPA triglycerides in double-blind trials for premenstrual syndrome/dysmenorrhea and for normalizing blood lipid profiles. Krill omega-3 phospholipids demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity, lowering C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in a double-blind trial. Utilizing DHA and EPA together with phospholipids and membrane antioxidants to achieve a triple cell membrane synergy may further diversify their currently wide range of clinical applications.


“Evaluation of the effect of Neptune Krill Oil on chronic inflammation and arthritic symptoms.”

Deutsch L.

OBJECTIVES: a) To evaluate the effect of Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) on C-reactive protein (CRP) on patients with chronic inflammation and b) to evaluate the effectiveness of NKO on arthritic symptoms. METHODS: Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study. Ninety patients were recruited with confirmed diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and/or rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis and with increased levels of CRP (>1.0 mg/dl) upon three consecutive weekly blood analysis. Group A received NKO (300 mg daily) and Group B received a placebo. CRP and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) osteoarthritis score were measured at baseline and days 7, 14 and 30. RESULTS: After 7 days of treatment NKO reduced CRP by 19.3% compared to an increase by 15.7% observed in the placebo group (p = 0.049). After 14 and 30 days of treatment NKO further decreased CRP by 29.7% and 30.9% respectively (p < 0.001). The CRP levels of the placebo group increased to 32.1% after 14 days and then decreased to 25.1% at day 30. The between group difference was statistically significant; p = 0.004 at day 14 and p = 0.008 at day 30. NKO showed a significant reduction in all three WOMAC scores. After 7 days of treatment, NKO reduced pain scores by 28.9% (p = 0.050), reduced stiffness by 20.3% (p = 0.001) and reduced functional impairment by 22.8% (p = 0.008). CONCLUSION: The results of the present study clearly indicate that NKO at a daily dose of 300 mg significantly inhibits inflammation and reduces arthritic symptoms within a short treatment period of 7 and 14 days.

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15 years ago

Here is good source of Krill Oil. It is the best on the market. They have third party test results to back them up. They have lots of info on Krill.

Here is an excerpt from one of the third party lab that tested their K48-Plus, Neptune (NKO) and MegaRed from Sam’s Club:

“The total fatty acid compositions K48-Plus is substantially different that the composition of Neptune (NKO) and MegaRed. The differences are caused by the use of added oils of differential sources. The oil used in K48-Plus is pure E. Superba extract while the oil in Neptune (NKO) and Big Red is probably a plant oil with low amounts of PUFA’s. This dilutes the oil, making it less expensive but also less effective.”

With the research pointing to the many health benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, it seems only logical to incorporate such a supplement into your diet. However, customers must be aware that only the best quality supplements on the market may offer the many cardiovascular, circulatory, as well help with many other health concerns and general health benefits these unique fatty acids offer. It is important to understand that not all Omega-3 products are equal therefore you must be informed about what is contained in these products and which ingredients work the best. As Omega-3 products become more popular, an increasing number of mediocre products have flooded the market and many of these products are ineffective, making them a complete waste of money.

More and more the scientific community is proving the benefits of Omega 3 supplementation. It would be nice if we could get the proper balance from diet alone but that seems unlikely.

15 years ago

E. Superba are small marine crustaceans the size of a paperclip. They are one of the most abundant sources of marine nutrients on the planet. Their biomass in all the oceans of the world is estimated at 400 to 500 million tons. They reproduce at a high rate because of the abundant availability of marine phytoplankton in the Antarctic oceans. The harvests of krill in the Antarctic is regulated by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The total amount of krill they allow to be harvested is about one percent of the total annual biomass—and easily sustainable amount.
The entire annual catch is well below 110,000 tons. As fishing grows due to popularity of the product, experts agree that the harvesting levels are well within the limits set by CCAMLR. They agree that even at significant growth of harvests there are no detrimental effects to other species that feed on krill.
What is CCAMLR?
The mission of CCAMLR is to preserve the ecosystems of all species of marine life in the oceans of the southern hemisphere. There are 25 nations involved in setting standards for fishing licenses. Because fishing in these waters under extreme weather conditions is so difficult and the costs are so high, only the most dedicated enterprises are willing to through the stringent and highly restricted processes.
The floating factories that we use only operate according to the highest environmental standards and within fishing territories with easily sustainable ecosystems. Our commitment is to always respect the environment and preserve this extremely valuable resource for the benefit of the entire planet at a time when we all need it so desperately.

15 years ago

hey Tim,

I really like this article (thanks Dr. Michael Eades!) and I love the responses even more! I’m currently studying environmental and wildlife management so the comments on the concerns of the marine ecosystem made me smile – I love a reminder that people care.

Just to let everyone know, there’s also another alternative, algae oil. From what I know (I say this because I have no source) it is the initial link where all the other species get the omega3 from. Also, it is sustainable, grows relatively fast and photosynthesizes so it actually reduces the CO2 in the atmosphere! And for those who are vegan it is 100% animal product and animal bi-product free (even the capsule)!

Also, as a student with ADD and dyslexia, I have to say that omega3 is really the way to go!

Thanks! Looking forward to exploring this site even more!

Mandy Meek
Mandy Meek
15 years ago

the attack on the ocean specifically is the most appalling thing i have ever seen, with all the fish we never thought we could out-fish going extinct and causing ecological havoc.

this product actually can be used without upsetting the ecosystem, and actually seems worth it, it currently has my favor.

15 years ago

Can you buy quality krill oil at Sams Club or Walgreens?

15 years ago

I opened a bottle of krill oil capsules, I thought it smelled fishy…is that normal?

15 years ago

Yes, it smells like that.

There is no aftertaste or burping taste.

It is working well for me.

15 years ago

Just like fish oil, krill oil is unsustainable! Instead look for Algae DHA and load up on flax oil to help produce sufficient EPA levels.

14 years ago

I started taking krill oil the same day my cholesterol results came out. 3 months ago my total cholesterol was 223, triglycerides 516, HDL 33 and the LDL couldn’t be read because of my high triglycerides level. I started taking krill oil, eating oatmeal every morning and work out twice a week for an half an hour. I was so worried about my triglycerides level but now after 3 months my tri went down to 257, HDL is up to 37, total cholesterol is 220 down only to three points but my LDL now has a number it’s 132 compared to months ago where it couldn’t get a reading because of my high tri. Desirable LDL is less than 100. I will continue taking krill oil (Mega Red). I shall continue taking this krill oil as it surely did wonders to me.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
14 years ago

From Marcie:

Tim – I thought you would find this article interesting for a couple reasons, 1) the sustainability of krill does indeed seem to have become an issue and 2) the stuff they are feeding to farmed salmon (and shrimp if you click through to the cheesecake factory article) is also…interesting, and gross. (The author, Tom, is a neighbor of mine in the mountains, but I have not met him yet :))



Chuck Bolder
Chuck Bolder
14 years ago

If we’d combine krill oil with a diet that included Grass-fed meat,eggs,dairy products along with lots of green veggies we’d be much heathier. Our diets today compared to even the 1940’s show that we need to look at balancing our intake on Omega-6 and Omega-3 EFA’s. years ago it was close to a 2:1 ratio, today it runs from a 15-60:1 favoring Omega-6. Reason being our foods are heavily grain-fed and processed. Thus high levels of Omega-6.

We need the 2 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS in near 1:1 ratio. Omega-6 by nature is inflammatory where as Omega-3 is ANTI-inflammatory. Why do we have such a HIGH rate of Heart disease,Cancer,Obesity, Arthrits?? Mainly because of the inbalance of these two EFA’s. Lets wake-up and do something about it we’d see much better health.

Vanessa Ingraham
Vanessa Ingraham
14 years ago

Response to why we need fish/krill oil…

Well we don’t technically need it. The problem is that most of our diets (90-95% of us) are deficient in ALA (omega 3’s). Only fish and krill oils contain a specific type of long chain fatty acid known as EPA. While you can get DHA from algae, the EPA is only found in fish/krill and maybe some other undiscovered see creature. The body is capable of converting a small percentage of our general dietary omega 3’s into EPA. However since most of us are vastly deficient in omega three to begin with, and only a small percentage can be converted to EPA/DHA many people choose to supplement. Studies vary in the percentage of omega 3 ALA-EPA conversion that is possible, and this depends on many different enzymes and cofactors (minerals and vitamens) and is said to be 0-36%. In a perfect would we would all eat a varied diet of densely mineralized foods with an omega6:3 ratio around 2:1. However this is verrry unlikely and in actuality our dietary ration of omega 3:6 is about 10-20:1.

EPA and other omega 3’s are required for for the synthesis of eucosinoid hormones and a class of prostaglandins-chemical messengers (which quite the inflamatory response)- since many conditions from Cardiovascular disease to auto-immune conditions involve inflammation, this is key. DHA- is needed for proper neuronal function as well as brain and retinal health.

In closing the choice is yours: Ideally we would up our intake of omega 3 (flax, hemp etc) clean up our diets and monitor symptoms, if there is not sufficient improvement then perhaps there is a problem with the conversion or maybe we have a genetically or epigenitically influenced lower conversion rate and we should definitely supplement.

thats my piece,

(i’m a vegan and do not use fish/krill oils, but i definitely see the value. On another note im also a fourth year Naturopathic student intern and i do think fish oils are over prescribed and we should address the root cause ie. dietary issues before we turn to supplements in general. )

hope that helps



Vanessa Ingraham
Vanessa Ingraham
14 years ago

oops sorry chuck for some reason i didn’t see you there. I could have saved my self some serious time. he says it perfectly and much more consicely. sorry i got excited when i read a couple of higher up.. its late forgive me..

Peter Cox
Peter Cox
14 years ago

Disturbing to see you giving space here to this notorious book-and-substance merchant. Are you not aware of his track record & form?

If not, here’s a summary:

And here is the latest piece of evidence against his cult-like diet:

14 years ago

@ Peter Cox,

To be fair, I tried reading your link to Anthony Colpo, but he is so full of anger and negativity, I couldn’t read but a few seconds.

Tim Ferriss and many here ARE aware of Dr. Eades great track record and form. Personally, I have benefited me in so many practical ways from the writings of both of these amazing authors.

Robbie Murchison
Robbie Murchison
14 years ago

I am vegetarian so do not want to take the krill oil. What can I replace it with?

14 years ago

For vegetarians: you can eat a lot -LOT-of algae. Good luck with that.

Oceans are fished out and fish farms are nasty. Krill is a crucial link in the food chain, and this fish oil craze is highly likely to disturb the ecosystem. What to do? Well don’t take supplements for no reason, moderate the toxins and bad fats so you don’t have to eat so much dead fish. Gross. And you have to get refined and standardized fish oil to get an assured ratio of the compounds you are seeking.

A physician friend is treating himself and several patients with very high doses of fish oil for neurological conditions with some mixed success. Each person has a blood test and the dose is titrated for each.

Fish oil is not without consequences to the environment or the body. So treat it like a drug in concentrated forms. I suspect that this fad will turn out to be not so great.


14 years ago

Dear dr. Michael Eades,

I use krill oil against ADD, it’s a neurological condition related to ADHD. I have concentration problems mainly and reading a book can be very difficult.

I use alot of krill oil capsules now (10-15) a day and it really works this. It’s even more effective then conventional meds. I never experienced any side effects these months I have been using krill oil, but I see the benefit.

I really hope that others with this condition will learn about this new treatment.

14 years ago

I just started taking krill oil to replace fish oil. The first week was great. Noticeably increased alertness/focus

Doug Parra
Doug Parra
14 years ago

Does anyone have links to the actual full research on krill oil? I know the University of Western Ontario and McMaster Universitiy did a krill oil study. Does anyone know who funded the study or any of the studies done on fish and krill oil? The fish/krill oil industry is a 5 Billion dollar a year industry so people are pushing these oils for a reason. I am curious why everyone thinks we need omega 3 especially since we can make our own omega 3 fatty acids from meade acid an omega 9 fatty acid. Has anyone given it any thought as to how homosapiens got access to omega 3 oils from fish over the last 200,000 years of our evolution? Just 10,000 years ago we were still hunting and gathering and depending on where you were on the planet, not to mention it was much easier to find land animals for food than it was to fish, water was not easily accessible to go fishing. How did we fish way back then? Did we fish? What proof do we have of that? Or that fish was a major source of food for Neanderthal? My point is we have survived hundreds of thousands of years without fish oil being “essential” to our diets so why do we need them now? The answer is we don’t need them. If someone wants to see proof of that go read The Great Fish Oil Experiment by Dr. Ray Peat and Oils in Context There are more scientific references listed by Ray Peat backing this up than I have seen anyone list anywhere else showing studies that we need these oils for our health (that have not been bought and paid for). Lastly does anyone here actually know what cholesterol is? It is not HDL and LDL as lipo-proteins are PROTEINS not cholesterol. Can anyone tell me what cholesterol is actually made up of and what they are used to create in our bodies? I’ll give you a hint…..h_r_o_es.

14 years ago

yo if i take krill oil meanwhile smokeing weed will there be any sideaffects

14 years ago







14 years ago

Do you have any info on Fish Oil and pregnancy? I’m preparing to get pregnant and want to find the best company which screens for metals and uses oil from fish with the lowest likelihood of mercury. Any brand recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you. PS) I bought one that has other Omega’s in it besides Omega 3, not sure how important this is to have.

tc turner
tc turner
14 years ago


Checked into the Krill oil and have been taking it for ten weeks now, 500mg/day (neptune variety). Have realized astonishing results re: increased energy levels and especially with depression issues. I’m hooked, and happy to be so. My initial skepticism has turned to evangelical fanaticism. Seriously, depression gone. It’s like night and day. Thanks for reposting Dr. Eades article.

My one question: do you know of any scientific studies involving krill oil and depression? Could you have one of your very talented minions check into this (ok, two questions)?? I’d greatly appreciate anything you’d come up with.

Thanks so much!

Steven Kiges
Steven Kiges
14 years ago

I have been taking and recommending high quality, high dose Omega 3’s to my clients for several years. I find them to enormously helpful to concentrate and keep negative thinking at bay. When taken in high dosage and at a 3 to 1 EPA to DPA ratio it is excellent in curbing food cravings.

The book that turned me on to Omega 3 is called The Omega 3 Connection by Dr. Andrew L. Stoll

I take 9 grams of EPA daily which is 2 tablespoons of a very high quality Omega 3 oil. ascentahealth dot com It is not cheap but is excellent.

14 years ago

I was recently asked about the difference between the two. Mostly what struck me as the best fact in this well written article is that the Krill oil contains the Phosphatidylserine. I recently read in another article that with ample sleep, stress management, good diet, excercise, etc…, Phosphatidylserine with a few other suppliments could help with Cortisol management. I was looking to find some Phosphatidylserine that isn’t soy based, and if Krill has it, then I may be looking into that direction. The jury is still out:)

14 years ago

Krill oil post: Question: are large doses of quill oil dangerous?

According to Dr. Barry Sears: “It is impossible to remove toxins such as PCBs or dioxins from krill oil. Furthermore, I have not seen any large-scale clinical studies with krill oil. ”

What do you think?

14 years ago

Great article!

Curious about your take on why Whole Foods Market banned krill oil supplements.

Here is one opinion:

Sounds like it’s a bit misguided.

Andrew Huhn
Andrew Huhn
14 years ago

@Ingrid, @Gabby

This is also for anyone else concerned with over-harvesting of krill for its oil.

These numbers are just quick and basic, but:

6 billion (estimated world pop.) x 1g (1000mg or Tim’s daily dosage) = roughly one metric tonne.

This number represents 0.004% of the 500 million tons of krill available. We humans could consume 100x this amount before we even came within one half of one percent of the total krill population!

But the numbers start to get even smaller when we look at:

1. nowhere near all of the 6 billion are concerned with their health.

2. an even smaller number yet are concerned enough to spend money regularly on a krill oil supplement (or any supplements).

3. people like me are forgetful and will not take our supplements each of the 365 days used to calculate these numbers.

4. if krill oil becomes a big enough industry, it will be respectively watched/governed as it grows. then, we would likely start farming our own krill for commercial use, leaving an even smaller impact on our cold-water oceans.

This is all based on the underlying assumption that it’s inherently bad or wrong for some of us to want to eat krill.

I think it’s important to remember that even though we can rationalize our impact on nature, we are still part of, and entitled to, what nature provides for us. As far as I am concerned, we are animals that want to eat krill, just like whales or other marine life…

Cameron Benz
Cameron Benz
13 years ago

I may have to give the Krill oil a try. Maybe it’ll help with my alertness some.

Cameron Benz
Cameron Benz
13 years ago

I may have to give the Krill oil a try. Maybe it’ll help with my alertness some.

Micheala Woods
Micheala Woods
13 years ago

This is definitely and interesting article on omega3, other sources that fish. Will look into researching this for my articles. Thanks for the info.

13 years ago

You you could edit the post title Krill Oil 48x Better Than Fish Oil? to more suited for your content you make. I enjoyed the blog post even sononetheless.

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
13 years ago
Reply to  Schedule

I’ll take a look at it again. Thanks!

13 years ago
Reply to  Tim Ferriss

Have you ever heard of Moxxor? It is Green Lipped Mussel oil combined with grapeseed husks – super powerful.

13 years ago

I didn’t see anything about you taking krill oil in your book. Are you still taking it? Btw, interesting side effect of too many brasil nuts is involuntary muscle twitching.

13 years ago
Reply to  Drew


Another potential side effect of too many brasil nuts is selenium poisoning. I’d steer clear of eating too many.

13 years ago


Enjoyed book. Loved the baseball chapter. After 2 weeks of diligent slow carbing I have no measurable movement in weight 193 or body fat 20%. I have been working out twice a week ( 2 hours total ) instead of 5-6 times a week as I did prior to reading book. Any suggestions or keep up routine for final 2 weeks?

13 years ago

I am alergic to Shell fish. Is there anything out there that I can take that will provide the same benefits as Krill Oil?

thomas grosso
thomas grosso
13 years ago

I second Drew, the book doesnt mention krill oil, does it mean you have given up on that ?

should we combine krill oil + omega 3 ?

13 years ago

I am amazed to read this, never heard before,but this does sound healthy although it will cause an effort to find it in the stores.

13 years ago

48X better than fish oil. I am quite surprised to see such a large number, is this actual data or just estimation of the quality. If so, then most people would rather take Krill Oil than Fish Oil, the price on Krill Oil versus Fish oil is probably 50% more that’s all, but if I can get 48X more I would go for Krill.

12 years ago

Hi Guys,

Can you guys give me an opnion on the VECTOMEGA?


William Reid
William Reid
12 years ago

It is interesting and saddening to look at omega-3 consumption from a holistic perspective. Omega-3 and astaxanthin and the other beneficial products of sea organisms are wonderful; we, as a species, can’t seem to get enough of them. Folks who killed and ate whales and seals benefitted tremendously, because whales and seals eat lots of oily fish (or krill, for baleen whales). Recently, we have begun cutting out the middleman by harvesting vast quantities of small fish (“bait fish”) for fish oil supplements. Today, we go even further by going after the krill. Too bad for whales and seals.

Whales, in particular, are the victims of our appetites. Most of them feed on krill entirely. There is no alternate food source for them. Sea mammals are also entirely dependent upon their prey for water; they cannot drink sea water any more than we can. If they cannot find the right krill or fish, they die of thirst, not starvation.

When people harvest all parts of the ecosystem (whales and fish and seals and krill and on and on), the system will collapse. That system includes you, in case you think you are special.

12 years ago

Such an interesting article.

I am a heart patient and have to be very cautious while including any food or supplement in my diet. Doctors told to include Krill oil in the diet as it helps to keep the heart healthy. In my case, I searched over internet and found Krill Doctor Professional, a high quality Omega-3 fatty acid source and it is really having positive improvements with respect to the health of my heart.

12 years ago
Reply to  jenny

Your product krill oil Krill Doctor Professional is not really krill oil. We tested it using FTIR and it is really fish oil with a trace of phospholipids. That is why the price is so cheap. They use the Cyvex brand KriaXanthin as their source of krill oil.


12 years ago

I’ve watched Blue Whales from my plane, as they fed in the Santa Barbara Channel on red splotches of krill. It is amazing! I coordinate with a local whale watch boat at times. When the krill leaves, the Blues migrate away.

What would happen if commercial fishermen start hauling in large quantities of krill to satisfy this latest trend? I’m pretty sure Blue Whales, who solely subsist on krill, would dwindle away.

12 years ago


as long as you make sure that you buy your Krill from a company that harvest from a renewable source there will be no problem for the Krill or the Whales.

I buy the World A.B.S one called ‘ Krill Plus 500 ‘ it is approved by the MSC ( The Marine Stewardship Council) and its also one of the only brands i can find that sell it in vegetarian fish geletin capsules. I buy from a shop online called tongkat fitness.


William Reid
William Reid
12 years ago

Wang Z et al. (April 2011). “Gut flora metabolism of phosphatidylcholine promotes cardiovascular disease”. Nature 472 (7341): 57–63. doi:10.1038/nature09922. PMC 3086762. PMID 21475195.

Criminy… We can’t frakkin’ win.

12 years ago

Hello,i’ve been taking UDO’s oil for several years as well as Genuine Health extra strenght 03mega caps[400mg EPA,200mgDHA].I’m now interested in CHIA seed oil which is supposed to have a high DHA content-the HIGHEST in ANY vegetable based oil.Any Thoughts ? Chia may be the best replacement for krill for those with allergys or vegetarians.Thank you,Ian.

12 years ago

I read a lot about krill oil and Dr. Mercola’s site is one of the site I always visit. I’m also taking his krill oil supplement and yes I agree it’s hard to swallow because it’s a bit big but I think it’s good. I feel better and healthy now. Always remember that if you want to be healthy, it’s not just the supplements we take that matters. You need to give an extra effort and do some exercise to keep yourself healthy. That’s my perspective in life. Sharing you a video of Dr. Mercola regarding krill oil benefits –

handa fanda
handa fanda
12 years ago

so you saying krill will help me with everyhting

Mason Taylor
Mason Taylor
12 years ago

Great article. I become a vegetarian a while ago myself so shifted away from the krill to algae, but krill really is one of the most beneficial supplements I have taken in my life. I understand that the industry is beginning to have an environmental impact but there is no denying that krill is many times more sustainable than fish oil.

The point also is that some people will never be convinced you can get the proper proportion of omega-3’s from plant based sources and will always want an animal based product. This is why I still support the industry and stock krill within my business despite being a vega myself.

Jonathan Myers
Jonathan Myers
12 years ago

Really surprised to see this dating back to 2008 ! I just found out about krill oil / astaxanthin when Dr. Oz featured it on his show. Great stuff! The Inflamal-SE is my brand of choice – seems to be a better absorption. Also Tim – I’m a HUGE fan ! 4-Hour W.W. is mandatory reading for my entire staff … I want ALL of my inner-circle to be entrepreneurs.

Thanks for the site !


Robert T
Robert T
12 years ago

Hay I am 67

I take fish oil every day.

I have been hurt by falling down steps

For the last 6 months My body is stiff, I work hard will krill oil heal me?


11 years ago

Hello Dr Eades,

How are you?

I am a vegan and had a strange situation last year where I lost all my subcataneous tissue.

It has been quite a challenge getting it back and trying to remove some strange lines on my skin I have tried so many things.

The latest suggestion was having fish oil as that would help? That has taken quite some thinking.Supposedly better than flaxseed oil?

Though whether krill will be better is another matter.

Would really appreciate your opinion.



10 years ago

I take Krill Oil from Onnit, its sustainably harvested from Antarctic waters and toxin tested. Both Krill and fish oils contain EPA’s, DHA’s, and PUFA’s, all of which provide incredible health benefits ranging from enhanced cognitive function to fighting obesity. Recent research has shown that Krill has many specific benefits over fish oil. Read about them at this link.

10 years ago

Tim – Just started taking the cod liver/butter oil combo from Blue Ice as recommended in 4HB for testosterone increase. Any recommendations to switch?

Also – to clarify, is it 2 capsules upon wake, and 2 before bed (total: 4), or just two per day?


10 years ago

Great article! In my opinion, Krill oil is better. I use 3 weeks and recommend.

Sarah A
Sarah A
9 years ago

I strongly agree that Krill Oil blows regular fish oil out the window when it comes to benefits. I have done a lot of research on Krill Oil and was surprised to find some new benefits mentioned above, such as the benefits for blocking UV rays and helping prevent skin damage! Very interesting!

I personally recommend trying Doctor Recommended Extra Strength Krill Oil. It has been formulated by REAL DOCTORS and is made here in the USA. [Moderator: link removed]

Sarah A
Sarah A
9 years ago

I strongly agree that Krill Oil is yields superior benefits! After much research I would recommend Doctor Recommended Extra Strength Krill Oil. All there products have been formulated by actual doctors, so you can be confident they are the perfect dosage and strength to provide you the most benefits. I will share the link for anyone interested in checking it out.

8 years ago

Hi Tim,

The Amazon links for your recommended krill oil are broken. Can you please update them, im keen to order. Thanks!

Jeff Poisson
Jeff Poisson
8 years ago

The Amazon links don’t work for me.

8 years ago

1) No evidence that omega 3 fish oil has any benefit on the reduction of heart attacks or stroke. In research the biggest benefit are hard end points. Yes you can say krill oil reduces ldl and increases hdl, but what about mortality benefits?

2) noting the antioxidant benefit of krill oil is misleading at best. There once was a point that every doctor was telling their patient to take lots of vit c and e for the antioxidant benefit. Until an nih study that showed these patients seemed to die more than similar patients that didn’t take vit c and e. The point being is the model of anti-oxidants and taking supplements to block free radicals is still poorly understood. But human beings made NAC and other chemical to detoxify free radicals through the liver–and extra vit c might mess that up.

3) Tim, if you let someone else post to your blog, they should disclose they have their own supplement store that sells that item in question and have a conflict of interest.

4) Again, there is no evidence that fish oil helps in heart disease–in the sense of you NOT getting a heart attack or a stroke. Whether krill oil is the magic exilir that will make a big difference is hard to say–in the meantime thanks to this blog Dr Eades and Mercola will make a lot of money selling it thought.

5) if you want good advice about supplements without conflict of interest sign up for

6) The interview with Charles Poliquin was great in that you didn’t challenge him on anything, including magic herbs that shrink skin. Maybe he also takes fish oil.

8 years ago

Also keep in mind that it’s important to understand how these healing and fragile oils are processed. I have tried to contact numerous manufacturers to determine how the oil is extracted and processed and it appears to use ethanol as the extraction solvent. Hopefully this is the case with all of them and they aren’t using toxic solvents for extraction, but worth looking into. I’d like to see some more information about the processing part of the krill goodness.

8 years ago

Any recommended brands to pick up? I’m seeing good rated items with prime anywhere from $11 to $29.

8 years ago

Great. I’ll make a mental note to take OMEGA3 starting tomorrow. The depression of manic-depressive state is already kicking in…

8 years ago

I have been studying omega 3 oils in inflammatory arthritis for many years. The studies you quote are not robust enough to form any strong conclusions.

Fish oil or krill oil as an antiinflam in my experience are the same. The effect is due to the amount of EPA that is incorporated into cells and thereby influencing the cell omega3:omega6 ratios. In my mind based on the clinical trials in fish oil and the very limited data on krill oil in humans the cost benefit ratio is in favour of fish oil.

7 years ago

What kind of dosages do you work with?

Dean Pomerleau
Dean Pomerleau
7 years ago

Looks to me like krill oil may be 48x better than fish oil at giving your diabetes and heart disease, as a result of it’s extremely high level of TMAO-producing phosphatidylcholine.

7 years ago

Fish oil may help to:

>Lower blood pressure

>Reduce triglycerides

>Slow the development of plaque in the arteries

>Reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm

>Reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke

>Lessen the chance of sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease

6 years ago

Any suggestions as to what brands are high quality (with the NKO symbol/logo). Thank you!