Mom-and-Pop Multinationals: How to Go Global

The Wilburns have used freelancers in India, Israel, and Britain. (Photo: Dana Smith)

Here is the beginning of a worthwhile article in the current issue of Businessweek called “Mom-and-Pop Multinationals[ed. note: please allow extra load time, as this link now goes to the Internet Archive]. Ever wondered how much personal outsourcing really costs? How to divide and delegate the various tasks that consume your time? This article includes several useful case studies:

From the outside, the gray Victorian with the stained-glass windows on a gentrified block in Dorchester, Mass., is a typical middle-class dream house. But it also is the headquarters of what you might call a micro-multinational. Randy and Nicola Wilburn run real estate, consulting, design, and baby food companies out of their home. They do it by taking outsourcing to the extreme…

Read the entire article here [ed. note: please allow extra load time, as this link now goes to the Internet Archive]. I was not aware I was featured until my agent sent me the link.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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15 years ago

I’ve been using outsourcing in my internet marketing business for months with great results…

I’ve just partnered with someone in india and we’re putting together a markeitng campaign that should bring me over six-figures in income within 90 days… and its all automated.

This stuff works – just embrace it and run with it.


Seamus Maguire
Seamus Maguire
11 years ago
Reply to  ron

Hi Ron,

Just wonder if you could give me the heads up on your Indian partner?



10 years ago
Reply to  ron

Ron can you help me I have a lousy state job barely making ends meet can you help me?

15 years ago

As a small business owner, and a control freak, I was scared out of my mind at the idea of parceling some of my responsibilities into small packages and then sending them out to other people to do. But once I finally took the plunge (after I started reading your book, Tim), I have never looked back.

I was partly afraid that I’d be exporting my expertise and eliminating my own value, and also wary of sending work overseas. But I’m finding that I can find reasonable pricing in other US shops smaller than mine.

So to folks going over to read that link — if you’re not sure just try it for a month, start out with a virtual assistant, and just look at the time you save and what you’re paying for it, vs what you charge and what a better lifestyle is worth.

Christopher Hastings
Christopher Hastings
15 years ago


Appreciate the heads up on the article and the call. I’m looking forward to hearing the recording (as its already started.)

Any word yet on the ‘Endless Summer’ contest? I thought results were supposed to be posted by now.



15 years ago

Another great article!

I myself am in the process of setting up my business and contacts. The plan is to get a handful of clients going so i can put them on automatic pilot. As outsourcers i am using friends and other people i know, but once things get busier i’ll use (foreign) workforce.

What’s amazing is that they rely on different sources of income and not just one business.

To Tim:

Do you also do this? Multiple sources with a 80/20 analysis of course. If so, want to share some? 🙂

Alex Weber
Alex Weber
15 years ago

Gah! Too little too late. I joined the call just in time to hear them wrapping up and leaving. Did anybody record the call?


15 years ago

Hi Tim and 4HWWers,

I’ve wanted to post here for some time but never really had anything to add to the conversation other than “liked your book, don’t have the courage to implement your ideas and step outside of my comfort zone.”

I graduated with a BA in Digital Media and spent most of my early 20s in jobs where I loved everything but the low wages: news, media, advertising, even a non-profit. I loved the work but scraped by with support from my parents. I finally got tired of living paycheck to paycheck and got a grownup job at a Fortune 500 company. My parents and my checking account were elated. And so was I, for a short time.

Cut to my pleasure/distress when my company gave me a substantial promotion, relocated me to a tiny rural town and put me in a position I was not trained for, in an area I had little experience with and a role in which I began spending 70-80 hours a week in the office and working from home.

It seems that there is never enough time to complete all the work, so it becomes a game of what can be put off for another week? The following week, that task becomes the !!!URGENT OVERDUE: FIRST PRIORITY!!!! email in your inbox. My position also requires that I am available to the 150+ employees in my building for questions and guidance. I’m suffering from a chronic case of task paralysis.

To my question: In a job where my priorities are reorganized for me daily by urgent emails and knocks on the door that I am required to handle, is there a way to apply the 4HWW principles?

The college student in me says put in your two weeks notice and torch your inbox. The approaching-30-bill-payer in me says the current job market is tough and to be creative with what I’ve got. I feel like I’m writing to Parade magazine, but can you “settle the debate?”

Thanks for your (very precious) time,


tunji sarumi
tunji sarumi
15 years ago


New to this. I’m getting your book tonight. Need more insight on how to outsource.

15 years ago

Awesome stuff. What a great validation of the ideas in your book. I just finished reading your book and then to see this article, is just a motivational icing on the cake. I will say though, that I have used outsource writers from India for the past several years, so I have actually been doing some of the things in this book for a few years now, but the book just expands on what I have been doing and validates it. So, I feel pretty good about that.

The one thing I want to say though, is that I am finding that my freelancers are starting to charge more as demand for their services rise and I do not see that some of these folks are the bargain that they used to be. I will say I have not been using any of the services mentioned in the book and so I will be using the resources in the book to expand my net for quality outsource workers.

15 years ago

Mum of four creates [URL in URL field] (Women ROAR here)- it excels beyond her expectations but then after only two pages into your book Tim- she realises how limited her expectations were.

I followed your principles without knowing it and now I am going to the next level!

My heart is on fire, my body wracked with excitement, my brain bursting at the seams.

Thankyou seems trivial so I will cook you dinner with my divine family when you come to Australia next Tim!

See you on the Oprah show-oooohhh in about 6 months time I reckon!

Love this life- its bloody sensational,



Thanks, Ness! I’m up for dinner next time I visit Oz 🙂



Scott Dinsmore
Scott Dinsmore
15 years ago

Awesome article Tim! I have been in awe of the power of outsourcing ever since I read your book last year. I now outsource work for my investment business, book review website and all kinds of personal tasks (including finding a Valentine’s gift this year…don’t worry, I still picked out and wrote the card). I feel like Combs from My Outsourced Life. It’s awesome.

Also, I just sent Amy a note about a speaking event in Santa Barbara that I think you would really enjoy. I know the crowd would love to hear from you. Hopefully she will pass the note along to you.

As a reminder, you and I met up stairs in the Quest Center in Omaha. We had a chat about living in Sevila.

Thanks again for everything and we hope to see you down in Santa Barbara in the next few months,


15 years ago

Jenna, not to derail the thread any more, but I though I’d chime in. “My priorities are reorganized for me daily” seems to be the root of your problem. You must set your own priorities and set the expectations of those assigning the tasks rather than the other way around. Don’t be afraid to tell people that you will perform their task after another task, at a specific time, or not at all. Otherwise they will continue to expect that you will drop everything for them but not your 10 other bosses.

Applying the 4hwwk would suggest that you need to cut off some of the inputs. It sounds like you do a lot of hand holding during the day, face to face meetings, and checking email. Maybe force those that need hand holding to scheduling specific times, with specific questions, prepared in advance (that you can reply to in seconds rather than minutes/hours of face time). Don’t allow people to interrupt you at your desk; “hey can you shoot me an email I’ve got a pressing matter to attend to.” Then batch process your email.

When all that fails, hire a VA to make some internet money and torch the place.

I’m actually experimenting with the idea of paying a virtual assistant to do every step of the 4hwwk on my behalf (select a muse, find someone to make, advertise, etc. just get me a specific return) so that I can have a zero hour work week. I was thinking what if I just paid someone to read the book and do whatever it says. Well I’ve just skipped the read part. Wish me luck.

Justin Levy
Justin Levy
15 years ago

Another great article!

I follow your blog religously since reading the book a few months ago. I’m actually planning on re-reading the book after I finish Cali and Jody’s book. This article is yet another great example of using outsourcing!

I currently have approx. 200 people in Manila that work for my company broken into 2 call centers, 7 home-based research teams, a graphic design team, a subscription team and 2 teams of VAs. I love discovering new things to outsource and articles like this and your blogs continue to help me come up with new ideas. For instance, I have been outsourcing most of my wedding planning, appointment making, research, etc thanks to an article I recently read.

Keep up the great work!

On another note, are you headed out to the Massachusetts area any time soon? One of my slashes is being owner of an Argentinean Steakhouse ( and would love to chat over a glass of Malbec and a wood-fired steak if you find the time….let me know. I’m headed to Argentina at the end of the year (hopefully) and can’t wait!

Thanks again!


Justin Levy
Justin Levy
15 years ago

For those that missed the call today that Tim reference’s in the post, here is the recording thanks to Elizabeth Marshall, the host of the call:

It was a great call and glad I was able to catch it in time!


15 years ago

When is the next book coming out? The one where we can outsource

impossible creative talent. My paper work is 4 hours a week. Then I’m on

my hands and knees producing intricit murals on walls, floors. (30-40 hours a week) If I’m not installing, problems are a calling. I would love to sink my teeth within my many fancies, but I’m booked solid. I’ve tried the apprentice route. ..and I won’t sell naked pictures of myself on the web. What would you, Tim, or anyone recommend. I’ve looked at this at all angles. Oh Jenna you sound nice, could I have your phone number.

stone legend

15 years ago

Thanks for the advice Allen. In retrospect the post is pretty off-topic. I was listening in on the conference call with Cali, Jody and Tim and got a little fired up and had to post! Thanks for your time!

Al Lethlean
Al Lethlean
15 years ago

Tim have you got any ideas about passwords on the net? What is a good way to track them all? Do you have system?

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson
15 years ago


Good story. Your book has influenced so many. I have changed my whole attitude to business in the last year and outsourcing is a big part of it.

BTW, just posted first Social Media Success Story if you are interested.


15 years ago

Tim and Everyone,

I have just started working on outsourcing some duties I need done and one of them happens to be getting my Operating and Subscription Agreements and becoming SEC 504 Compliant to start raising capital. Has anyone ever worked with an outsourcing company on these issues? What questions should I be asking? Will they help me figure out the terms of what shares each investors gets and ownership rights? I’m just really concerned because these are serious legal matters that need to be PERFECT and I just don’t want to make any mistakes. Any help, guidance and assistance would be great. Thanks in advance for your support!

Darin Steen
Darin Steen
15 years ago

Great Post Tim,

I can tell you that your info has really helped me grow my on-line fitness business. The two things I learned from you that I have implemented are

1.) Outsourcing about 50% of my work to virtual assistants

2.) Gaining more time by checking my e-mails at noon and 4:30 p.m.

I get one or two projects knocked off my to-do list in the a.m. and my whole day goes better that way. Both of these seem little in the grand scheme of things, but my on-line business has grown 200% in the last month with these changes.

Any time you are in the Chi-town area, please get a hold of me, I would love to train together in my private facility and compare fat loss & muscle building notes.

Keep up the great work!!

Hunter Ogletree
Hunter Ogletree
15 years ago

This concept makes so much sense to entrepreneurs like myself that do not have the technical expertise to build website, automate systems, etc. You can probably spend big bucks hiring someone here in the US to do all your “tech” stuff, but why not do just what the articles and Tim in his book suggest. The interesting thing is that the quality of work is sometimes higher than what you would find in the US but for a lot less money.

15 years ago

Hi Tim –

How do you see your 4HWW ideas affected by Clayton Christensen’s work on the Innovator’s Dilemna, in particular his thoughts about markets moving from integrated to modular architecture? Modular suppliers moving in from “bottom” through “non-core” tasks, those markets soon commoditized, same suppliers then moving up the chain to survive, chasing upwards the companies that originally outsourced even further towards high end market etc…until all that differentiates the outsourcer from the outsourcee is brand…and not for long…

Curious and would love to buy you a glass of wine or two if you ever pass through Brussels, Belgium


15 years ago

I’m with you Jenna. I have BS in Communications and an MBA. I’ve worked jobs that leave you with money in the bank and no time to enjoy. Now, I work at a community college: no money in the bank and lots of time off to miss having it. I follow the blog and loved the 4HWW – My biggest problem is pulling the trigger. I can’t seem to find a muse idea that is right. Maybe, I’m being too picky. Trick may be finding two or three possibilities and just going for it… rather than finding just the right one. The perfect muse idea never seems to show up.


15 years ago

Hi Tim,

In your book you said you could not sell your supplement company because of a mistake you made early on. What was that mistake? How can I avoid it?

15 years ago

This is another great example of how I’ve used personal outsourcing to allow me to travel the world and report on the jet set. Great post!

Randy Wilburn
Randy Wilburn
15 years ago


Thanks for sharing our experiences with your blogosphere. In a short period of time this article has taken on a life of its own. It’s amazing what a piece of well placed writing can do! Nicola and I were very blessed by your book and we have strived to be more efficient in the way that we do things and outsourcing has been a serious boon to our recent success. I’m still working on a stream of income (website service and ebook) that doesn’t require me to physically be available all of the time but I’m not there yet. I’m on the road quite a bit doing real estate consulting to Non-Profit Counselors and one of the first books that I tell them to pick up is yours. It’s all about reclaiming a small portion of our lives in this fast-paced and hectic world and working smarter not necessarily harder…

Keep doing what you do and we will be praying for your continued success.

Best Regards,

Randy Wilburn

The Wilburn Group

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago


Thank you so much for the comment. It made my day to hear from you directly after being pleasantly surprised by the article. I’m so pleased that you and your family found the book useful.

And — yes — it is amazing what one well-placed article can do!

Best of luck with continuing to thinking big and doing the uncommon. Perhaps we’ll see each other out there when we cross adventures.

Pura vida 🙂


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago

Hi All!

@Chris Hastings:

Here is the winner of the Endless Summer competition:


Thanks for the links and suggestion. I’m totally down for Argentine steak in MA next time I’m there.


Can you please expand on the Innovator’s Dilemma concept with an example?


I would say two things – 1) recognize that making everyone happy will make you miserable, so start practicing “no” and politely rejecting excess work that isn’t your responsibility, and 2) if that doesn’t work, it’s time to torch the job, as you put it. Some jobs cannot be fixed, though a surprising number can if you simultaneously increase output and stand up for yourself.

All the best,


15 years ago

Great timing as I am collaborating with a long time trainer buddy of mine in Sao Paulo. (I’m in the US)

It’s fascinating to me how we can use such things as Skype, Basecamp, Elance, etc. to get this project done.

Very cool,


Ryan Hakes
Ryan Hakes
15 years ago

Thanks for sharing the article – Interesting bit on the OS company in Jerusalem – had not heard of them before.

John A. Davis
John A. Davis
15 years ago

Can I outsource kicking myself in the butt to stay focused? I love distractions.

15 years ago

Tim – you are an inspiration for sure! Love your book and ideas. Trying to build up the courage to start my own online business via outsourcing – wondering if you think it is wise to start an online cosmetic company? And your suggestions for getting one started – marketing, etc.

Hope you are having fun out there – probably are!

15 years ago

Hello Tim

Im a reader of your 4 Hour Work Week Book. It’s very impressive & useful. In fact Ive used some of your techniques before… not knowing till I read your book – you have made them very clear.

Btw, I did 2 reviews on your book on my blog, and if I can share, here they are:

Book Review: Part 1 – General Benefits

Book Review: Part 2 – What I’ve Gained

Thanks for sharing your knowledge through this inspiring book of yours.

And maybe someday, we can work on something together 🙂

Warmest Regards


Inspiring. Dreams

15 years ago

Hi Tim and readers…

keeps getting better and better – congratulations !

@ron: can you recommend the indian company you are using for your Internet Marketing?

Thanks and well done for the outstanding quality of the posts !


Philip Zeafla
Philip Zeafla
15 years ago

Dear Mr. Ferriss,

I am writing to request your permission to quote you from an article entitled “Too busy for errands? Outsource!” published on 2008. I am developing a Virtual Assistant Service, and my website ( is just in the beginning phase of publication, and is not finished. I would like to quote some of your experience with using a Virtual Assistant as stated in this article, giving you and your book “The Four-Hour Workweek” proper credit. They are wonderful and timely quotes, and would be extremely helpful. I would be highly appreciative and grateful for your approval. Thank you.


Philip Zeafla

15 years ago

We tried using Indian developers for our website (, but coordination problems were too much. We just threw out the offshore work and got a local developer in Silicon Valley to do it part time. Best decision we made!

I guess our mistake was going with a small shop there, but the majors like Infosys cost too much.

However we are getting good savings in outsourcing content development. The folks in India are good in English and their cost has not gone up as much as for good software development.

15 years ago

Hi Tim, since I stumbled across your blog I realised that I was not the only one who thought that there had to be a better way than slogging 9-5 even (if you enjoy it) and putting in another 4 or 5 hours at night to get ahead.

Since starting my new job for a huge client, I have been outsourcing several projects to cost effective team who a) need little or no direction, b) are well quipped to do what’s being asked and c) deliver an extremely good ROI while education us in the process.

I am kicking myself for not putting two and two together and not seeing the forest for the trees – but I am rejuvenated, motivated and getting ready to pop a cap in 9-5’s backside.

Rock on.

15 years ago

Tim, have you read Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia? He seems to have a good philosophy regarding business.


Soyini Coke
Soyini Coke
15 years ago

Outsourcing has been a savior for me and my business. Oddly enough, I had heard about Elance for years, but I didn’t feel comfortable giving it a try until I saw Tim’s video on their home page. I’ve used them dozens of times since then , and I’ve been happy with the results every time. Someone also recommended Scriptlance and My Man in India. I’ve found Scriptlance to be even more cost effective because they’ll allow projects for any amount vs. Elance which has a $50 minimum. Thanks 4HWW!

15 years ago


I just bought your book today on CD. I spent more time than I should have driving around today because it is so riveting. I had heard the name of your book, but never knew anything about it until I stumbled on the audio version at B&N today. I have read Kiyosaki, Robert Allen, Napoleon Hill, and many many others, but yours has a unique “kiss my a#@” flavor to it. Thanks for the fresh perspective.

I love the outsourcing idea. I am currently putting together a few websites that will be 100% automated when complete. I have outsourced many aspects, and it sure beats doing it all yourself. I think I will be automating more aspects of my life after reading your book.

Thanks again!

Sara Waller
Sara Waller
15 years ago

Hey Tim

I recently did an interview on outsourcing and plugged your book here at the end with Christopher Howard My REA at Brickwork went on to do a CBC Radio interview, your agent can pick up the podcast at the station I’m sure, May 17th show I’m pretty sure the host mentions Tim!!

Keep up the awesome work, I’m off to read about amazon swimmers & krill 🙂

Your Facebook pal


merril abramson
merril abramson
15 years ago

Since reading “The 4-Hour Workweek” I have decided to completely revisit and revamp how I will design my new business. I will be distributing natural textiles in the United States. My textiles come from all over the world. Usually I would go to trade shows where designers and manufacturers go to buy fabric. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can outsource this part. I have five children and a newborn and would love to not have to go to all the tradeshows myself. Any ideas?

thanks Merril

15 years ago

Dear Tim,

I just wanted to tell you that you and your book have been a tremendous inspiration to me, and I greatly admire your brilliance, confidence, and enlightenment. I’m a 45 year-old married guy (no kids) who has spent his BEST working years (22-45) as a “Wage Slave”….and I’m tired of it…in fact, I’ve always been tired of it…it just never felt right to me working for others…but I NEVER had the GUTS to do anything about it. I’ve held some “Good” jobs over the years with some quality Fortune 500 companies, and over the last four years have been working for the Federal Government sitting in a govt. cubicle all-day and wanting to slit my wrists from the boredom. But I make 6-figures and I endure it, and of course, am merely working for the money. The problem is that since age 22 I’ve always dreamed of going out on my own…doing my own thing….being my own man…and NEVER had the gonads to do it. But I KNOW deep down in my soul that Entrepreneurs are FIRST-RATE People….and all the rest of us are Second-Rate people…scared individuals clinging to Safety & Security. Even today I’m still like the child in the deep end of the swimming pool…afraid…holding onto the side and not wanting to let go. Over the years I have had SO MANY creative entrepreneurial ideas that I have wanted to launch, and I’ve dabbled in them outside of working hours, but I could just never get myself going. At this point I’m feeling like it is now or never or I will go to my grave having never tried…or as Thoreau said…Go to my grave “with my song still in me.” My question to you and others on this board is HOW? How does one just up and quit their job and deal with the uncertainty and insecurity of being on their own with NO income? The crazy thing is that I have a lot of savings and could probably live two years without working. I know that I cannot work on my ideas while still being employed…it just won’t happen. I need to be FREE and OWN my time and life, so I can work on my ideas, but again…there is that little voice that is always telling me…”DO NOT throw away a “Good Job”…and “Good Career” just so you can TRY your entrepreneurial “Ideas”…”WHAT IF”…”What if they DO NOT work out and you’re right back groveling for another job”? I think my upbringing ha a lot to do with all of this…My Father was a government bureaucrat who ALWAYS told me NOT to take risk, and to get a “Safe and Secure job” with the government so that I can have a PENSION at the end.

Any thoughts and advice?

Thank You,



Hi Joe,

Thank you so much for the heartfelt comment. The first step is to define risk and measure it properly — I suspect you’ll be able to take action without hesitation once this is done.

Please re-read the “Fear-setting” chapter in the book and complete the questions at the end. I think you’ll find that “secure” can sometimes be the most dangerous illusion of a 9-5 when compared to testing other options.

Best of luck!


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago


Thank you so much for the heartfelt comment. The first step is to define risk and measure it properly — I suspect you’ll be able to take action without hesitation once this is done.

Please re-read the “Fear-setting” chapter in the book and complete the questions at the end. I think you’ll find that “secure” can sometimes be the most dangerous illusion of a 9-5 when compared to testing other options.

Best of luck!


Raya Waser
Raya Waser
15 years ago

Hi Tim,

Here’s another mention of you in this inspiring clip testimonial on successful outsourcing with GlobeTask, inspired by you and 4HWW..

In case you haven’t seen/heard it…

15 years ago

hey tim i would love to start up something small, but im only 17 and have no money or time away from school to start something up or get money for school. i have read your book, but seemed to lose aspirations after the $ involved. otherwise it was a great book and i recommend it to everyone that i see. so any ideas?



15 years ago

Hi Tim,

My hubby and I have been using outsourcing for over 2 years to automate a staffing company. We just found out about your book and it is amazing that we had already implemented many of your suggestions, mainly by trial and error. I still have a 9-5 job but would like to take his biz to another level or possibly start something on my own as well. I am an IT consultant (self-employed) and have increased my income times 4 in 2 years by sub-contracting my services. Now I have to figure out a way to replace the cash flow that I currently bring in and free up my time. I can work from home when I need to and have more freedom than most but I am still a slave to the $. You are truly an inspiration!

MM 🙂

girl in l.a.
girl in l.a.
15 years ago

you rock my world. if you’re in l.a. call me. You are hot and all i can say is listen to closer by n.i.n.

15 years ago

Hey Guys,

Read the book, love the idea… question? Does outsourcing work for us in the UK? Have looked for VAs and they all seem to be purely business task orientated.

A gentle push in the right direction would be much appreciated.


15 years ago

Has anyone, or Tim, had any experience/insights with personal and business outsource tax preparation and CPA services? Any experiences, companies, websites would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

15 years ago

rmca, I have a similar problem in Australia. Tim, I’m wondering whether you’ve thought of adding some country specific data on outsourcing, dropshippers etc to the FHWW?

El dumass
El dumass
15 years ago

Read the book…nice.

Is it just me or doo others ahve the problme of NOT KNOWING how to get a business started?what to seell, how to sell???

15 years ago

Two years ago, I hired a Marketing/ Grant writer out of Florida, USA to write Letters of Intent, Proposals, WRAGS, etc for my non-profit called Urban City Renewal ( In short, I lost $4000.00 to someone who was highly recommended by another non-profit and did zero work. As the founder, my mission is to revitalized distressed communities by building/ renovating housing for people with Disabilities (Mental, Cancer, Physical, Immune Disorders, etc). Our latest project is to create a 6 bedroom Cancer Respite Center in our community. I have turned into an army of one. We were considering contacting HGTV to profile and renovate our Victorian Rowhouse in Washington, DC. We did get our first grant for the whopping amount of $800.00. I am very grateful for the $800.00 and was considering donating a portion to a children coats fund and a low income/ homeless food pantry at a local church. We need ” serious help/advice” to write proposals, Letters of Intent, raise cash to renovate, operate, pay mortgage, website design, (I was thinking of buying a template from and then outsource), etc. Any ideas out there, please?

15 years ago

Hi Tim,

Having been in the outsourcing business for a few years now, reading your book was like meeting a long-lost friend! There is, however, one point I’d like to add (disciple to guru, if you don’t mind!). A common complaint about outsourcing which I was hearing regularly, and I’m sure you heard countless times too, was the language barrier. Way too many people were saying that the additional time and effort that was necessary because of the language barrier just made outsourcing unattractive. Not to mention all the mistakes it caused, which also made it less of a money saver. It was actually because of this, almost consistent, complaint, that we revamped our company. We took advantage of the huge pool of American expats here in Israel, to offer our clients actual and real American English (and service), at offshore rates – the exact arbitrage you said was required to win! Indeed, we’ve spent the last year and half growing really fast and now have more than 300 corporate accounts across the US and UK, besides the countless mom and pops including the Wilburns! Although our company is unique in this fashion, I think that this is the best response to the only downside to outsourcing.

I thoroughly enjoyed your book, and we’re all big fans of yours here at GlobeTask!


Richard Weinberg


15 years ago

I have a full time graphic designer in Pakistan. He earns 18,000 RS per month ($1.30/hour). The great part is he works by the hour and takes much time off. So he only costs me about $150/month. It's easy to pay him with Elance escrow too. I use Team Viewer to monitor his work (

My advice is do your research on typical salaries in foreign countries. Don't listen to Elance bids or Americans. $1.50/hour is like $2,000 to $3,000 per month standard of living in Pakistan. But if you excepted their elance bid for graphic design of $4 or $10/hour you'd be a smuck.

He has a friend who has an MBA and wants to work for me for $4/hour. The future looks bright.

15 years ago

hey ron i was wondering how your business got on, did you get 6 figure income after 90days?

14 years ago

After reading the T4HWW I have been toying with the outsource idea but cannot seem to make the leap to outsourcing, mostly because I am hesitant to opening up my personal space to complete outsiders.

Now for my question(s)

1. Are there any service providers that T4HWW community can vouchsafe?

2. Any service provider I should avoid (ok, not a pc question, I know)

Brendan Wenzel
Brendan Wenzel
14 years ago

The best thing about reading case studies like these are the ideas that come to mind of tasks that I can and should be outsourcing. When I first listened to “The Four Hour Workweek”, I knew I wanted others to do the work, but had no clue what to actually have them do. Now, I am actually getting my first Virtual Assistant next week to take do most of my research and to handle my appointment setting. Starting small and going to grow from there. Thanks for showing us how others do it Tim. You da man!!

14 years ago

Hi Tim

Good story as always. Inspired by your book, we have started to outsource some tasks for our New Zealand website helping homeowners outsource their DIY to tradespeople (Moderator: link removed.). We started small – first designed a viral video, and then the monthly newsletter template. The people we have used (ironically in the US, and also in Portugal), have been as good and responsive as any employee. Its giving us confidence to take it further, and also giving us more hours to spend with family!



John Fawkes
John Fawkes
14 years ago

Hey Tim, I am starting a vitamin supplement company myself. I was wondering which contract manufacturer you eventually settled on for BrainQuicken, and also which “dishonest supplier” it was that you mentioned almost bankrupted you in the first few months. And did you ever deal with a company called Atlantic Essentials out of Hauppauge, NY?

13 years ago

Hi everyone just wanted to share a virtual assistant company that we setup after reading Tim’s book! If anyone is interested in trialling out the service we would be very happy to hear from you!

Sergio Rodriguez
Sergio Rodriguez
13 years ago

Outsourcing is definitely the way to go. For the longest I was trying to do EVERYTHING related to my on-line business. I was building the websites, writing articles, posting reviews, working on SEO, etc. I was doing it all, plus working full-time. It was just too much. That’s when I read about Elance. Wow, what a difference it made to my business. I get so much more done know in a fraction of the time. Thanks Tim for your AWESOME book 4HWW. It must feel special to know that you have made such an enormous impact in so many lives. I for one am eternally grateful. You are the best.

11 years ago

Me Likey

11 years ago

Is the article available anywhere online? The original link has expired – & I’m keen to read more!


Randy Wilburn
Randy Wilburn
11 years ago

Here is a link that works to the original article.


Katie Bauer
Katie Bauer
10 years ago

The link in the article above no longer works. The new link, I believe is

9 years ago


The link to the article is broken.


Ian Alexander
Ian Alexander
9 years ago

Link to the articleis is out of date.