How to “Peel” Hard-Boiled Eggs Without Peeling

The baking soda is optional, but if you choose not to use it, be sure to move the eggs to cold water (use ice) immediately after boiling. Blow from the tip to the broader base for faster de-shelling.

My preferred eggs are Gold Circle Farms cage-free DHA Omega 3 eggs, which contain 150 mg of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) per whole egg. If you want to increase lean muscle mass, consider eating the yolks for their DHA and arachidonic acid content…

Do you have any cooking hacks the world should know about?


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Jose Castro-Frenzel
Jose Castro-Frenzel
15 years ago

Sweet video,

Finally the egg problem has been solved!!!!!


12 years ago

Except, I don’t want someone breathing on my eggs.

12 years ago
Reply to  Nope

Cool! I’m going to try it. wonder if it really works.

What? – someone said they didn’t want someone to breathe on their eggs?

just wash ’em…..ah…where do you think eggs come from…?

James W.
James W.
11 years ago
Reply to  Nope

The breathing problem is easily solved. Once you get to the step where you breathe on the eggs, simply peel a line from top to bottom. Then you should be able to “unwrap” the egg.

10 years ago
Reply to  James W.

I just burst out laughing at Sharo’s comment. Hilarious!

12 years ago

Do you need to “peel” them right after cooking and icing? Or can you peel them as your ready to eat?

15 years ago

Not very hygenic. I wouldn’t go to your place to have Deviled Eggs.


LOL… I wouldn’t do this with guests! Great for a quick de-shelling for eggs in the morning or solo acts.


12 years ago
Reply to  CookMan

To all the germophobes out there: would you rather have someone HANDLE each egg for 2 or 3 minutes while peeling it (all the time leaning over it and breathing on the egg)? Get real! Did you ever hear of rinsing something off?

12 years ago
Reply to  PW

Oh, come on….

The way I figure it, you can’t completely avoid germs in life.

I mean, I used to play in the dirt when I was little, and never used hand-sanitizer like some of y’all do, like it’s an addiction or something.

I’ve never got sick once.

Of course, you’ve got a point. I wouldn’t serve ‘blown’ eggs to guests, but if you’re alone at breakfast and you’re on a tight schedule, then go for it!

I did not mean to offend anyone, if I have done so.

12 years ago
Reply to  PW

Provided they wash their hands, handling. The mouth is home to ungodly amounts of bacteria at any given time.

11 years ago
Reply to  Doubleplus

Brushing your teeth might help too….if your the one “peeling” them

9 years ago
Reply to  PW

My thoughts exactly!

15 years ago

My favorite way of cooking hard-boiled eggs is in the oven. Alton Brown recommends this, and it allows you to cook a lot of them in a more ‘gentle’ fashion outside of turbulent boiling water. You still dunk them in cold water upon completion, so this trick would still work.

Alton recommends placing the eggs on the oven rack itself. (with aluminum foil on the bottom of the oven just in case something breaks)

325 degrees for 30 minutes.

12 years ago
Reply to  AH

Heating your entire oven for 30 minutes has to be one of the most energy-wasteful ways to cook an egg you could come up with, aside from following it through the air with a bic lighter while juggling it I suppose…

Lynette Nystrom
Lynette Nystrom
7 years ago
Reply to  JohnnyWhomper

Not if you are cooking something else in the oven at the same time. It actually saves energy if you are cooking for a large group or several dishes.

Andreas Climent
Andreas Climent
15 years ago

Hah, cool. I’m gonna give this a shot tomorrow! =)

15 years ago

Arachadonic acid is precisely the reason I don’t eat egg yolks. Long story short, it contributes to/triggers inflamation. This particularly bad for those with autoimmune diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Pick up a copy of Inflamation Nation for a well written and detailed analysis.

Emma-Lee Chase
Emma-Lee Chase
12 years ago
Reply to  Allen

I’ll second that one. I think he may have meant another healthy dietary acit.

8 years ago
Reply to  Allen

What? You realize this is actually sold as a bodybuilding supplement? With actual studies to support that it’s anabolic?

“Supplementation of arachidonic acid (1,500 mg/day for 8 weeks) has been shown to increase lean body mass, strength, and anaerobic power in experienced resistance-trained men. This was demonstrated in a placebo-controlled study at the University of Tampa. Thirty men (aged 20.4 ± 2.1 years) took arachidonic acid or a placebo for 8 weeks, and participated in a controlled resistance-training program. After 8 weeks, Lean Body Mass (LBM) had increased significantly, and to a greater extent, in the ARA group (1.62 kg) vs. placebo (0.09 kg) (p<0.05). The change in muscle thickness was also greater in the ARA group (.47 cm) than placebo (.25 cm) (p<0.05). Wingate anaerobic power increased to a greater extent in ARA group as well (723.01 to 800.66 W) vs. placebo (738.75 to 766.51 W). Lastly, the change in total strength was significantly greater in the ARA group (109.92 lbs.) compared to placebo (75.78 lbs.). These results suggest that ARA supplementation can positively augment adaptations in strength and skeletal muscle hypertrophy in resistance-trained men."

And you're throwing it out and making your eggs gross? No thanks.

B Smith @ Wealth and Wisdom
B Smith @ Wealth and Wisdom
15 years ago

That is too cool. I’m going to go boil some eggs to try it out!

15 years ago

That was so cool! I would have never believed you could blow an egg out of it’s shell. That’s awesome!

15 years ago

cool tip i will try that.

my trick for hard boiled eggs is i hold the egg about 4 inches off the counter and just drop it on its side. it almost always breaks/shakes all the shell lose and i can remove the entire shell in 1-2 pieces in about 1 second.

also, cooling the eggs in an ice bath right after you boil them is important if you like a nice bright yellow color yolk when they’re done. 🙂

Alex Berger
Alex Berger
15 years ago

Fantastic trick. It’s a bit more mainstream but when dealing with garlic and some onions if you microwave them briefly – 2-5 seconds, you can peal the outer layers off much faster/easier.

Be careful though, the insides superheat quickly.

15 years ago

Before cooking your eggs, you may want to make a small hole (try a pin) in the top or the side of the eggs. This helps release the sulphur compounds that sometimes develop during cooking. The shocking of the eggs in ice water will also help.

Raina Gustafson
Raina Gustafson
15 years ago

I like eggs every which way except boiled, but it was still a cool trick.

Time for me to very nervously put my money where my mouth is in regards to strategic misbehaving. So, divulging my kitchen hacks will have to wait for later.

15 years ago

A faster way to boil eggs and not over cook them is to boil for 4 minutes then take off heat and cover for 5. Perfect every time. Going to try to peel this way.


15 years ago

I don’t even eat eggs and I find this impressive! I have passed along to egg-eating friends.

More kitchen hacks to keep you busy:

1. Always add mushrooms last to heat. They’re mass is almost all water, which releases itself quickly, thus moistening the dish.

2. Add a tiny pinch of salt to a mug of coffee. It takes out all the bitterness without sacrificing the real taste

3. Common myth: You need to add salt to water when cooking green vegetables. Just pop them out when *just* cooked and throw them in an ice bath. Cooking halts and green colour stays bright.

4. A complete protein can be digested by pure pinapple juice (see Harve This for more info here)

5. Chocolate, peanut and merlot vinegar are a near perfect trio because their molecular basis are so similar. Others include apple + lavender, olives + dried figs, oyster + kiwi

The most interesting “kitchen hacker” that I’ve been following lately is Hervé This. He has an incredible grip on molecular gastronomy which is where all the best hacks start from.

Great post Tim!

12 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Instead of tricking the bitter out of coffee, have you tried good, freshly roasted coffee and the correct brewing method?

If your coffee is bitter, it is a sign of over-roasted, over-aged beans or a brewing temp that is too high – at this point, your salt does not have any ‘real’ taste to rescue…

15 years ago

That’s Awesome! 🙂 Actually, think about all the gunk that may come out of people’s nailbeds when trying to peel the old-fashioned way, this may actually be a more “hygenic” method!

Some other tips: Start with very cold water or even better, refrigerate the eggs in the pot of water overnight so they start at the same cold temp as the water. (this works great with potatoes too, peel em the night before and put them in the pot of water and refrigerate overnight) – slow boil is a good tip. Then, let them cool all the way down still in the water – refrigerate again if you have time. (for potatoes – this stops them from breaking up in the water and makes them nicely mashable).

Also, a tip I recently read for deviled eggs, lay them on their side overnight in order to nicely center the yolk 🙂

I whole-heartedly agree with the organic grass-fed eggs (“cage-free” may or may not be “grazing” chickens) – you want chickens that are not totally grain-fed, that’s what gives you the extra DHA, they ate grass, etc., not just grains. Plus, it’s better to eat animal-based foods that come form happy animals 🙂 Good stuff!

Great timing – I just started eating a hard-boiled egg every morning (I am not a breakfast person) because I read protein in particular in the morning can help with your metabolism all day…I sprinkle some good sea salt and cracked pepper on mine, yummy!

11 years ago
Reply to  Marcie

If you are going to boil potatoes for anything, the easiest and best way is to boil them with the skin. When they are tender you can rub the skin off easily. You do not throw away as much and boiling in the peel keeps more of the nutritious value inside as well as less throw away. Then make potato salad, mashed potatoes or anything else you wish.

11 years ago
Reply to  Marcie

While chickens may eat a little grass occasionally, they are omnivores – so they need to be pastured not to eat grass, but to get access to insects. Vegetable & fruit scraps, and seeds are also good for them. They do not graze like cattle.

Raina Gustafson
Raina Gustafson
15 years ago

Kitchen hack:

For everyday: Mix a few whole cardamom pods or seeds with your coffee beans when you grind them. Cardamom is considered purifying and is reputed to mitigate the negative effects of caffeine. Also, keep a small bowl of cardamom by your bedside. Chewing a single pod is stimulating and cleansing in all the right ways.

For maximum indulgence: Try my favorite chai recipe. Yes, you do need to roast and grind the spices yourself. It’s well worth it.

In the excerpt below, James Bailey explains the medicinal purpose of chai spices in a little more depth.

“Four primary spices are used in yogi tea: cardamom, ginger, long pepper, and cinnamon. Cardamom and ginger are considered sattvic, believed to stimulate spiritual purity. These spices also help to reduce mucus, relieve gas, calm the stomach, stimulate agni, and eliminate ama (toxins). Long pepper (pippali) does all this, as well as reduces pain and rejuvenates tissue. Cinnamon is similar to cardamom and ginger in properties and is also good for the circulation and the heart.

…some yogis may prefer drinking just a simple infusion made from only the base spices, depending on their particular dosha, without the black tea, milk, or sugar. For example, kaphas, who may be burdened by sluggish digestion, gas, or constipation or suffer from dairy sensitivities, obviously should skip milk and sugar. Sensitive vatas and easily agitated pitas should avoid the caffeinated black tea.”


15 years ago

I like poached eggs and the easiest way to do it is to crack a raw egg into a pot of boiling water. 80% of the egg will stay intact. Boil for about 2-3 min (practice to get your version of the perfect egg) then rescue the hen’s progeny with a slotted spoon, drop onto a paper towel, pat the top dry with same paper towel and put over a toasted piece of french bread with a tiny bit of hard butter, add some salt and pepper and enjoy your trip to heaven.

Paul Suriano
Paul Suriano
13 years ago
Reply to  Jaq

I make a few of these at a time,, store them in cold water in the fridge and then just warm them briefly in hot water. Saves on time a bit and clean up a bit.

Gord in SK
Gord in SK
12 years ago
Reply to  Jaq

Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water before adding the egg. It causes the unshelled raw egg to “ball up” and stay together. When they are cooked, gently remove them from the boiling water using a slotted spoon or strainer-ladle. This is a trick I learned from a hotel chef years ago — that’s how the better restaurants can serve you nicely rounded soft-boiled eggs.

15 years ago

Was that your kitchen? nice…

15 years ago

That’s awesome.

Scott Fox
Scott Fox
15 years ago

Great use of online video, Tim.

Informative, entertaining and actionable – all in just one minute!

Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson
15 years ago


Met you in Sydney at the party. I was the one asking questions about the effect of social media on your marketing of 4HWW.

I know you avoid email like the plague and give email addresses that go to assistants and publishers, but I will try this anyway.

I have a very simple media opportunity for you here in Oz that will take about 30 minutes to address (written answers). Obviously can’t reveal all here, but if you / or assistant could reply to the email address supplied I will forward the details. (I will also send this to your standard channels).

Thanks in advance,


15 years ago

Extremely cool trick.

sunny beach
sunny beach
15 years ago

What happened to no peeling?

15 years ago

good stuff dude. have a fun holiday weekend…

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago


Yep, that is my kitchen. Tons of tools and gadgets. Fun place 😉

Happy 4th!


15 years ago

Hi Tim –

a) great (useful) trick

b) WAY better video than some posts – new camera? Any favorite small/tough/good in low light video units?

– Karl

15 years ago

another method:

dunking them straight away in cold water (after boiling them hard) causes the egg to contract within the shell, creating space which then allows the shell to easily unwrap, leaving a smooth egg behind. Literally unwrap them using the fleshy part of your hand and the shell will wipe away.

fun stuff.

15 years ago

That’s fantastic 😀

15 years ago

Similar trick with boiled potatoes:

1) Before cooking perform two large crossed incisions on the skin.

2) Cook the potatoes in boiling water

3) Put the potatoes into icy water

4) The skin just “slips” out when you press it sligthly.

15 years ago

This is fantastic. When we’re shooting our TV show I bring hard boiled eggs for snacking. This is a brilliant way of peeling. Thanks again.

Darin L. Steen
Darin L. Steen
15 years ago

Great advice Tim,

I have been eating eggs since 1981, raw ala’ Rocky. Recently when I pinned down two of my holistic / longevity mentors, Dr. Al Sears (Pace Cardio) and Dr. Mercola, I revamped my egg consumption techniques.

Dr. Sears and Dr. Mercola are such prominent sources of information on longevity that I flew down to Florida to have a chat with them.

After talking further with them, I now have a 10 egg omlette ( I weigh 220 lbs. and work out intensley) and drink the yolks raw & very slightly heat the yolks to create a soft mush. I know it doesn’t sound great, but it is not too bad. What the heck, if can drink them raw for 27 years & will put anything in my mouth for the greater good (more muscle, less fat, and healthier blood & organs).

If you or any of your Ferris Followers want more info on why or my results since I have been doing this egg consuming tech. (for about 4 months) just e-mail me.

Thanks and keep up the great work. You inspire me!

11 years ago
Reply to  Darin L. Steen

or you could just take this delisious shake ev day that has protien and all the essentials you need its awhsome

Ryan Anderson
Ryan Anderson
15 years ago

Great hack – I was peeling these little bastards for about a half hour this weekend, so I’ll be sure to use this way in the future.

My hacks:

1. A slice of apple in rock hard brown sugar will turn it soft and fresh again in about an hour.

2. Wrap fresh bread in wax paper – it stays fresh almost disturbingly long with no preservatives.

Gord in SK
Gord in SK
12 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Anderson

Head Lettuce Hack: Do NOT wash your head lettuce before putting it in the fridge. Buy a slightly larger head than what you think you want. Cut a cone shaped core out of the bottom of the head. Remove and throw away (compost?) at least one complete outer layer of leaves (they’re often damaged or “soiled” in some way anyway). WRAP the head completely in plain white paper towel (not a print pattern). Store in a plastic baggie (the same kind you get at most fruit / vegetable sections of your grocery store). This will keep the head fresh and crisp for 10-14 days! For LEAF lettuce, you can rinse — shake off well — and wrap completely around the bunch with paper towel (same as for Heads). Place in plastic baggie (as above) — will keep the leaves fresh and crisp for 5-10 days, depending on how much water you can shake off.

11 years ago
Reply to  Gord in SK

I disagree with the idea of cutting the stalk out. (If you do, just a sharp bash on the bench and it will pull out)

It will start to go off at the heart. A trim every time you take some leaves off will keep it fresh longer. No different than trimming the stalk off flowers to keep them fresh. Keep in bags as mentioned.

15 years ago

Tim, this is to let you know that the 4HWW has persuaded me, a devout non-book buyer, to buy your book (the only book I’ve purchased in 12 months is Walden). I took it out of the library, half expecting hype and disappointment (another round of “Turn your Blackberry off at dinner time” routine). I wasn’t even to chapter 4 before my order was placed on Amazon.

I have taken the past 9 months off from working, schooling, renting, owning – everything – to hash out some sincere, life-altering changes. As you may gather from the photo, it’s going very well and I can’t wait to take the next year to really implement some changes.

For me, your book came at a perfect fork in the road. Now that I OWN the 4HWW, I’ve mangled it with dog ears, highlighters and airport abuse. Thank-you for provoking some heavy duty thought and excitement, mixed with mid-grade fear and wonderment. You do great work Tim Ferriss!

15 years ago

So do you put the baking soda in the boiling water or the ice water bath?

Mike W.
Mike W.
15 years ago

The source of my eggs. Yes, it all starts with the chicken and the eggs! We enjoy our fresh, free-range, chicken (and duck) eggs!

London Matthews
London Matthews
15 years ago

Yeah, I’ve got your eggs, Tim.

IT Pilgrim
IT Pilgrim
15 years ago

Beautiful Tim, you have saved my morning. I eat hard-boiled eggs all the time and I HATE peeling them.

Thanks Again,


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago

Thanks for comments, all!

@Rex: The baking soda would go in the water before you boil it.

@Annie: Thanks so much for the kind words — your comment made my morning. I’m really happy you’re enjoying the book 🙂

All the best for a wonderful 4th, lads and lasses!

Pura vida,


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
15 years ago


Just so you all now, I will have a live interview with Robert Scoble and Shel Israel at 10am PT (1pm ET) at

THERE WILL BE A LIVE Q&A AT immediately after the show.

Hope to see you there!


suki fredericks
suki fredericks
15 years ago

skip hard boiling–go for the perfectly boiled egg a la molecular cooking

it’s all in the temperature

15 years ago

Do you ever mash the top of a banana when trying to peel it? Try peeling it from the bottom. Just squish the bottom and it comes apart perfectly.

If you want to keep your apple slices from going brown, sprinkle lemon juice on them.

A couple of fun fruit tricks:

A banana can be “pre-sliced” before you peel it. Take a clean needle and insert it along one of the seams. Scrape out a slice in the edible part. Once you (or a friend) peel it, all the evidence will be gone because the hole was along the seam.

Cut a baseball stitch pattern into an orange skin and peel as normal. The skin can be taken off in two whole pieces that can be fit back together if you’re careful.

John A. Davis
John A. Davis
15 years ago

Sheez. That’s not how you cook boiled eggs. That is way overcooking, you Viking!

Bring the eggs and water to boiling and then take the pan off the heat and let it sit for 20 minutes. You will get perfectly boiled eggs! Seriously. Who cares about putting all that energy into peeling an over-cooked egg?

Try it you’ll like it. Maybe the baking soda and your method will work with this type of egg too.

Paulo Jordao
Paulo Jordao
15 years ago


Great Video. I will try it also!!!



Paulo Jordao

15 years ago

fast way to open a coconut

Jamie Souef
Jamie Souef
15 years ago

That is awesome! Going to give that a try! 🙂

15 years ago


For poached eggs, put a couple tablespoons of vinegar in the water and 95% of the egg will stay together

15 years ago

Wow. That was just awesome! I just gotta remember now to do that next time I cook hard-boiled eggs.

15 years ago

This may be off topic, but as the man himself points out, you have to be unrealistic to attain a goal. Tim, you said the best way to reach you is to leave a comment on the blog and I have followed that advice. Using your ways of thinking, I’ve obtained a law internship at a top 5 New York City law firm at the age of 16, been elected vice president of a club which I had little participation in before being elected, and gained 20 pounds of muscle in a month. I read somewhere before that you created an audiobook entitled “How I beat the Ivy League.” I also know that you scrapped the audiobooks, however I am sure that the principles you used still apply. I am in the process of beginning college applications and could sure use some tips! My email is and any help will be appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon!

Jack Frapp
Jack Frapp
15 years ago

Wow man, that was pretty neat. Thanks dude.

Mary McNeely
Mary McNeely
15 years ago

Hi Tim,

I love getting your blog! I never know what to expect when I open the email. I’m trying the egg trick tomorrow. I also forwarded it to a few friends. Thanks for enriching our lives in ways big and small!
15 years ago

Here’s an awesome egg hack.

egg white





It’s on of those things that sounds like an awful idea in theory, but works out real well in practise.

Erwin Cammaart
Erwin Cammaart
15 years ago

Tim: an idea for a mini-retirement: biking the Pang La mountain pass near the Rongphu valley (Tibet). Not sure if you like remote areas.

leandro Flaherty
leandro Flaherty
15 years ago


all you have to do is crack the shell a bit all over and put the egg in cold water.. no ice, just plain tap water. wait 10 seconds, and the shell should come right off in 1 to 2 pieces.. the key is to get water in between the egg and the shell/membrane.

simplicity rules.

11 years ago

I did this for awhile, and realized that the eggs soak up a TON of water. It’s not a problem if you eat them right away, but when you want to hard boil and peel 2-3 dozen eggs at once ahead of time to save time, watery hard-boiled (and peeled) eggs are not appetizing and the extra moisture can encourage stuff like bacteria to grow, so they won’t last as long.

Stephen Pasquini
Stephen Pasquini
15 years ago

Tim, you are truly awesome!!! I was just complaining to my wife that I never eat hard boiled eggs precisely because I hate peeling them!! WA-LA!!! I am going to cook one right now in celbration

15 years ago

Pretty cool, though I think this is even easier:

(not sure if it matters how the egg is boiled, but since I never boil eggs myself, it’s always worked with any that have been presented to me)

Palm a hard boiled egg, hold it 6-12 inches above a hard surface, and then smack it down. Keep your hand on the egg, and while applying a medium amount of pressure, roll your hand over the top so that the egg does one complete revolution (the shell will be cracking while you do this).

Now, simply use both hands and try to pry the shell off from the middle into two pieces…it will usually come off in one piece (held together by the membrane inside).

I only eat them once every few months, but it’s easy enough to pick up right where you left off – impressing skeptical friends! If you’re good, you can do this in about 5 seconds.

Wyatt Lehmenkuler
Wyatt Lehmenkuler
15 years ago


Although this is really cool, I don’t think its very practical. I found that if I peel them under a flow of cold water from the faucet, the peel simply falls off with out any trouble at all. I believe this method is also much faster and easier then your method. Yet, not nearly as entertaining. 🙂


Wyatt Lehmenkuler

15 years ago

Obviously, I had to try this for myself and it actually does work! Amazing. The hours upon hours I’ve spent peeling every shell are gone forever. Thanks a bunch!

15 years ago

This is crap. You can do this without the baking soda mumbo jumbo. Well, at least the mumbo. Perhaps not the jumbo.

15 years ago

I used to love peeling the eggs little by little when I was little. I don’t eat hard boiled eggs as much now but will try your blowing trick!

Happy Independence Day!



Steve Munroe
Steve Munroe
15 years ago

Hi TIm,

That’s about as perfect as a life hack post gets. Short, to the point and a delightful suprise at the end. Loved it and can’t wait to give it a try.

BTW, I have (critically 🙂 ) reviewed your book here:

whaddya think? fair?


15 years ago

That is awesome. Peeling eggs is usually such a pain in the ass. I can’t wait to try it.

15 years ago

From an environmental concern position, there has to be a better way. Boiling for 12 minutes… boo.

Putting hot things into ice water just to cool them faster…. boo.

It may seem minor, but if millions of cooks start freezing water just to add it to tap water to cool things that they heated up….. it adds up, people!


15 years ago

Interesting technique. Your cute. If you ever come up to New England we should have lunch or dinner and then dance. 🙂

15 years ago

Tim, what country are you in these days?

15 years ago

You’re right, Freddy, I only boil mine for one minute or so (after they come to a full boil), and let them stand in the hot water until cool, and then refrigerate them – damn refrigerator is on all the time 😛 🙂

Just did this w/ baking soda – will try Tim’s trick in the morning! My son ate one of my previously boiled eggs this morning with much glee “I love eggs -wheee!” LOL. Can’t wait to try the trick tomorrow!

15 years ago


With the amount of bacteria that lives in a human mouth, this will never be done in a US restaurant (at least not very long after the healt inspector finds out). You can let your dog do it if you can teach it how to without eat the egg. But you’d probably find that disgusting even though dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans.

I for one would immediately leave a restaurant without paying and call the health department if I was eating at a place that did this. I don’t care how much food I had already eaten or even if I had ordered hard boiled eggs, I wouldn’t pay the restaurant a dime.

15 years ago

Hi Tim,

Cool tip! FYI, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the teachings of Charles Poliquin (one of the world’s most renowned strength and conditioning coaches — brilliant guy) but he essentially says that eating only the whites is for dorks. Even if you’re trying to diet/cut, you want the yolk, cholesterol and all. It’s good for keeping testosterone levels up, among other things, and cholesterol in and of itself ain’t harmful unless your LDL is REALLY stratospheric. Otherwise, just focus on keeping your HDL high and your triglycerides low.

I’m going to try the de-shelling tip today. 🙂

????? ????
????? ????
15 years ago

It may seem minor, but if millions of cooks start freezing water just to add it to tap water to cool things that they heated up….. it adds up, people!


What tha?
What tha?
15 years ago

Is this what you call filling the void? …

15 years ago

Great tip Tim… I’ll have to try that because peeling is so frustrating.

I tried many brands of eggs, and hands-down my favorite kind is not available in any store where I live. Eggs from chickens on green pasture, eating real grass. I highly recommend you give them a try. They have EPA and DHA (from the grass and bugs that the chickens eat) and taste delicious raw or cooked. You might have to ask around… I get mine from a fellow who has 24 chickens in his backyard as a hobby.

@ Anybody who thinks eggs or egg yolk is bad for you…

I have been eating a pound of butter and 1 dozen whole eggs every week for a couple of years and my cholesterol level was rated “excellent” by my MD (ratio is 2.3). Something to consider…

Alison Murdock
Alison Murdock
15 years ago

I use those cold packs instead of ice cubes after boiling. It works great and saves the ice for impt things like evening cocktails. Also, it conserves a bit of water.:)

Drew Price
Drew Price
15 years ago

A word to the wise, make sure your egg isn’t too soft boiled before you try this!

One more diet hack: 2 steps to never having an ‘off plan’ work meal again

1) The Pret Audit:

Have a look round the eateries where you work, compile a list of at least 10 dishes that conform to the diet you need an keep it in your desk. Select 2 dishes from the list before you go out and buy one.

2) The Double Dinner

Just cook 2x the amount of dinner you need and take it to work the next day. Prepare twice as much protein and vegetables as you need, divide or apportion carbs as needed (exercise, goals etc)

More ‘hacks’ at my blog (click my name)

15 years ago

Thanks so much! Your tip is fab. I have hens, so lots of eggs in our diet. We feed them flax seeds to get Omega 3 in the eggs.

15 years ago

Wow! Can’t wait to try this out. I’m linking to this post on my blog. 🙂

15 years ago

Very interesting tip. Thankyou!

Mine is on peeling onions…either hold a small piece of bread in your mouth or listen to a slight trickle of water. Believe me i find either of these works every time.


15 years ago

If this trick actually works when I try it, I will dub you king of the kitchen. LOL Loved the video.

Doc Kane
Doc Kane
15 years ago

Okay, so I’ve been holding off from watching this particular vid for a while now, thinking that it must merely be another “add vinegar, boil, ice bath, crack into a million pieces, then peel post.” I should have known better.

Had I watched it last week, it would have saved me from last night’s marathon peeling session for my curried deviled eggs. . .well, next time I’ll be prepared.


Thanks, Tim.

15 years ago

Please dont use utube if possible, as most of the time, one gets the message, this video is no longer available.

Tim Rosanelli
Tim Rosanelli
15 years ago

Hi Tim,

I tried your trick and it worked awesome. I did it without the baking soda with no problem.

15 years ago

@singa, the youtube video works fine on my site and I’ve had great feedback, people love this trick!

15 years ago

Very very good 😉 It works !

Justin Goldberg
Justin Goldberg
15 years ago

Hey, Tim, you seem to care about health alot. I personally have been getting interested in the living, raw foods lifestyle. I think it’s the healthiest, most energizing way of living, imho.

Joanna Bartlett-Gustina
Joanna Bartlett-Gustina
15 years ago

I was so excited to try this one. I did. It didn’t work for me. I think my eggs were too fresh — organic, local eggs from the farmer’s market. The baking soda addition did help them detach from the shell, though, so at least I had nice looking eggs that I ended up peeling by hand. It gave the baby sitter a laugh, though, watching me blow into eggs. (Then I rinsed them before we made egg salad sandwiches.)

11 years ago

I had the same trouble with my organic eggs. No go on the blow trick, but my wife got a good laugh. I do think the addition of ice in my cooling water helped.

15 years ago

What a super cute video!

Nice idea.

The Residual Income Lifestyle
The Residual Income Lifestyle
15 years ago

I absolutely love these eggs. And the blowing tip is AWESOME! I’ll have to try that one out tomorrow!


15 years ago

I just followed your instructions to a T with a dozen eggs. Only two worked. Buzz kill. I had such high hopes. LOL

15 years ago

Ha to all those worried about the food safety of a person blowing an egg out of the shell. Lets remember – you ARE eating a chicken ABORTION so I’d be more concerned about that than the guy’s mouth germs.

And that old wives tale about a dogs mouth being cleaner than a persons? I can disprove that in two simple steps – [1] I brush my teeth three times a day, my dog doesnt. [2] My dog finds poop an vomit to be a delicacy and eats them whenever possible. I dont.

Im thinking my mouth is cleaner 8-).

11 years ago
Reply to  dave

Considering as the eggs we buy have never been inseminated, I don’t know how you can call it an abortion.

15 years ago

I think peeling the eggs is a better option. If the eggs are boiled really well, the shell should be able to be peeled in chunks.

15 years ago

Wow, that is amazing! I don’t see why some people have so much of a problem with it, it’s not like a lot of us are planning on blowing on eggs to serve others, we’ll probably just be eating them ourselves.

This is really useful when in the morning I want to make a quick Bento box before running to classes, but don’t have the time to slowly peel the egg bit-by-bit!

15 years ago

Finally I can sleep at night. Why, only the other day I spent a whole 5 seconds of my life peeling a hard boiled egg.

5 seconds I will never get back.

15 years ago

Hiya …

Just got to see this vid. Neat trick … will try it tomorrow when I do my usual eggy breakfast.


Just have to let y’all know that the fresher the egg, the more difficult it is to peel. Good way of telling how old your supermarket eggs REALLY are, albeit a bit late! So if you’ve got wonderfully fresh eggs, forget hard boiling them. Soft boil, poach or make an omelette.

Bon Appetit!


[…] Here is a link to a blog post by Tim Ferriss showing him performing the same operation. Share This Post If You Enjoyed It These icons link to […]


[…] Here are some great facts that you may not have known about eggs. […]

Jason Davies
Jason Davies
15 years ago

This is awesome, I just tried it and it works.


[…] Th­e 4-H­o­ur Wo­rkweek) re­ce­n­tly­ m­ade­ a s­hor­t dem­on­s­tr­ati­on­ vi­deo to­ de­tail th­e­ te­ch­n­iq­u­e­. All […]


[…] everything more efficiently than you and who wrote the book, The 4-Hour Workweek) recently made a short demonstration video to detail the technique. All you need is water, an egg and some baking soda. How to deshell an […]


[…] the pile. The end result is that I have to go back and do a bit of shoveling. Today’s item is How to “Peel” Hard-Boiled Eggs Without Peeling . Posted in […]


[…] advice from Tim Ferriss! Hard-boiled eggs make a great snake. The only downside is the peeling. Tim solves that problem […]

15 years ago

Hi Tim! Thank you for writing 4 HWW!! I just finished reading it and I am now working on my muse :o)

Just a quick comment about eggs…yes they have a lot to offer nutritionally by think twice about recommending them for their arachidonic acid content. A previous post by “Allen” mentions the role of a. acid in inflammation and it’s an important point to keep in mind


Such inflammation can be combated with DHA/EPA and veggies, but women with dysmenorrhea are likely better off avoiding a. acid–namely found in meat, dairy and eggs)

15 years ago

I like eggs. They’re my friends, they were my only freinds for a while.

But along came cabbage.

15 years ago

thats slightly gross! i dont want to go some where and think they blew on my egg. great if ur the only one eating them though…

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