5 Tips for E-mailing Busy People

Even after outsourcing my e-mail to a virtual assistant, there are still a few messages that come over the transom.

Since the success of the book, I’ve been able to see some of the worst e-mail pitches out there. Here is an example of how to do it properly, with 5 tips and good template phrases bolded:

Hi Tim,

I hope all is well (and I gather from your celebrity that it is—I can’t seem to go a week without seeing your book or name somewhere).

I know you place tremendous value on your time so I’ll be brief. The website I launched last fall (www.SmartRaise.com) has evolved into a much more far-reaching venture: a software company that provides fundraising optimization and online advocacy solutions for nonprofits. I’m raising $500-750k for the business, called Donor Loyalty Corp, and have a meaningful percentage of that already committed from various Angel investors.

Naturally, I’m courting a number of prospective Angels from my personal network to hopefully fill out the rest of the round. However, I was curious if your experience has taught you any lessons about identifying seed-stage investors and, more specifically, if you’ve come to know any Princeton Alums or other individuals who have an appetite for deals like these. I’ve attached my fundraising deck for some context.

I understand if you’re too busy to answer in depth or would prefer not to discuss the topic given our limited interactions in the past. However, if the professor in you has any pearls of wisdom or specific thoughts, they would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance and I hope we can connect.


Robert J. Moore ‘06


Here are a few notes on this e-mail and what makes it more likely to get a response:

1. It’s short and what he’s requesting is clear. No “let’s jump on the phone for 10 minutes; it’ll be worth your time.”

2. He made an impression in our initial meeting, and he hasn’t irritated me with zero-content “keeping in touch” e-mails. He hasn’t worn out his inbox welcome.

3. He makes it clear that he’s doing his part and has explored other avenues before asking for my help. It’s amazing how many would-be mentees or beneficiaries ask busier people for answers Google could provide in 20 seconds. That puts you on the banned list. Explicitly state what you’ve done to get answers or help yourself.

4. He used the executive recruiter referral trick. Seldom will a headhunter call a gainfully employed CXO-level executive and ask them to take another position. They’ll instead ask the exec if they know anyone who might be interested in position X. The intention is clear (might you consider this job over your current employer?), but it gives the executive a comfortable decline option.

5. He makes it clear that it’s OK if I can’t help or if I’m too committed elsewhere. This — paradoxically — makes it much more likely he’ll get a response, which he did.

The above 5 tenets should be considered for any e-mail to someone who probably deletes more e-mail in a day than you read in a week. If they appear in media regularly, assume that you are competing against at least 100 similar requests.

E-mail is like food. Good recipes produce good results, but you need to follow the proper steps.


Did you like this? If so, please share it! Better email = less headache = a better world.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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16 years ago

I wish I could say what the cartoon character says sometimes. I think I am too scared that I will hurt my business if I don’t respond quickly to emails. I guess it is a leap of faith.

Neil Ennis
Neil Ennis
16 years ago

Tim, thanks for the excellent advice.

One technical issue. Most of your social bookmarking icons (e.g. digg, del.icio.us, stumble) appear in your RSS feed at the end of your article, which makes it easy for readers to use them to bookmark while viewing the article in an RSS reader.

But the “Buzz Up!” icon doesn’t appear in your RSS feed, so readers have to actually follow the link to your website before using that icon.

It may be an issue with Feedburner.

Hope this helps.


16 years ago

Nice advice. I actually came to your blog for the first time in a while because I just wrote an e-mail to someone who will hopefully become a mentor. I was doubtful that I would get a response, but he actually wrote back! I was so happy. The thing is, his response was only about 10 words long. So, I came here looking for whatever I could find on seeing if I can develop this relationship and get past this first e-mail. This post was really helpful (and I actually did a lot of the things you mentioned in here), and it would be great to see more on contacting busy/famous/”impossible-to-contact” people.

Stephen A.
Stephen A.
16 years ago

Tim, I know you place tremendous value on your time so I’ll be brief.

I liked this post.

Your book is quite inspiring to me and has been for others with whom I’ve shared it.

I have launched a few microbusinesses and am testing out which ones are going to be moving forward and perhaps one day soon becoming my “muse.”

I was curious whether you have any suggestions about what you have used, and what micropreneurs with NO cash or little cash can use, in the way of new media and old media guerrilla marketing techniques.

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Stephen A.

(I realize, of course, that this response is probably too cute by half. But nevertheless, the question is a serious one.)

Jared Goralnick
Jared Goralnick
16 years ago

These tips are immensely valuable. Thank you once again getting right to the meat of the matter with a real example. Though I get far fewer messages, I get a far amount that deserve a DELETE. This guy gets it and I appreciate your sharing. I’m going to pass it on…

Jeremy Dyck
Jeremy Dyck
16 years ago

Thanks for the information.

Just wondering how your plans for Melbourne are coming? I imagine that Sydney has left a favourable mark on you, seeing as you choose to mention it as one of your top spots in your book. Melbourne, however, can provide a much more cultural and meaningful experience. (The girls aren’t too bad either)

What would it take to convince you to make the short 800km trip down to Victoria?


16 years ago

I would like to echo Stephen A.’s request. I’m always interested in a little Web 2.0 and guerilla marketing advice. What’s your take on what works?

Anna Sabino
Anna Sabino
16 years ago


Great post! Thank you.

I was wondering if you had any advice for someone who would like to get attention and meet a celebrity, what I have in mind is no career talk or advice, just some coffee and cupcakes.



Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes
16 years ago


What was written in your “subject” box of this email? Was it something flashy and crazy, or simple and to the point? What made you open the message before you read it, and realize that it was worthy of a quick glance?

I am probably guilty of emailing to stay in touch a few times, so I will be sure to put these proper tips into practice.

Thanks again,

Lewis Howes

16 years ago

Hi Tim,

Your visit to Australia is timely as I am a Melbournite. I’m reading your book at the moment and was wondering when (I knew it wouldn’t be a matter of if) you were coming to Australia.

I know you are extremely occupied with things outside of your inbox, but I wanted to share that I am young woman who was earning oddles in a corporate job (glamarous description for a wage slave) until I developed a debilitating illness some years ago. I have struggled phsyically since as has my income, but no dent has been made on my enthusiasm for exploring other avenues. And maybe things happen for a reason anyways.

The great news is that I have been tossing around e-based business ideas that I intend to put into practice from home/bed if necessary to generate myself an income. Your book has given me some great ideas and much inspiration. It has also made me laugh out loud many times! I know I will be successful in my endeavours and I look forward to telling you about it someday.

If you come to Melbourne I would love to come and meet you somewhere if you intend to have a lauch party or anything at all. Melbourne is well worth a visit. It’s a city of understated elegance with a great cultural hub… and a great tango community amongst many other things.

You have my email address and if you have time I’d love to hear from you. If not, I wholeheartedly understand… and express my thanks again.

My best regards,


Torley Lives
Torley Lives
16 years ago

Here’s another trick: write a good email like this, but don’t finish it. Cut it off in the middle because your time is precious too, and send it forth. Chances are it’ll pique a busy person’s curiosity even more if it has a strong beginning. It’s worked for me a surprising many times and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the people it’s worked on are reading this.

Jennifer Bingham-Heart
Jennifer Bingham-Heart
16 years ago


I am amazed you have anytime while in OZ to post but always happy that you feed my personal addiction to your ideas. Thanks! 🙂

I have a question what if you want to introduce yourself to the hard to get, to build a real friendship? Would this work as well? I figure by email friendships can be hard to cultivate. I like building new friendships because I learn from others. “I learn by watching you, as a PSA of a the 80’s or 90’s used to say. How does one cultivate new friendships via email to the busy. I notice with certain folks out a sight out of mind. Is myspace the only way? Some different peeps who I may like to meet may not be on myspace or their PR firm is.

Life is to short to stay in the bubble of the same ideas and new friends can give you a new perspective even if you have some commonalities. Is there a way to show your personality and interests in an email without being a advertisement for desperation?

From please be my friend LOL



Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
16 years ago

Hi All!

The subject line was:

“Moore ’06 Update”

As for cultivating ‘real’ friendships, which I take to mean long-term, I pretty much only go face-to-face. I don’t find it lasts otherwise, unless you connect through an introduction and have serious shared DNA AND are equally busy.

Like the coincidental palindrome? 🙂


16 years ago

I like the cartoon.. I’m going to try it out.

16 years ago

Thanks TIm!!!

I have had extreme difficulty in forming emails that use this sort of format and you’ve given an excellent framework.

Again Thank you


David B. Wright
David B. Wright
16 years ago

Great post – thanks for sharing such useful information. I quoted a large part of it in one of my blogs.


David B. Wright

Author, Get A Job! Your Guide to Making Successful Career Moves


Tim Ferris Shares 5 Tips for E-mailing Busy People…

Many of you have read Tim Ferris’ outstanding book, The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich.  If you haven’t – you should!  It’s one of the three most powerful books I read all of last year.  

If you…

Brad - Your Virtual Biographer
Brad - Your Virtual Biographer
16 years ago

I’m thinking that all rules and expectations should be set aside in favor of an emotionally engaging discussion that expresses your genuine thoughts on a matter. As long as your email sounds like it came from a soul, instead of a salesman, I think you’ll be just fine. And if the person on the other end doesn’t respond to such an approach, you’re better off moving on without them.

Brad – Your Virtual Biographer

Erik Jonsun
Erik Jonsun
16 years ago


This is a great post. Remember the part in your book where you talked about contacting best-selling authors of (at the time) 2 to 3 years ago? In other words, after the flames die down . . .

I contacted you recently in spite of that part. Yet you found the time to reply, in signature style, to explain that you unfortunately didn’t have time for coaching or the like. You then went on to describe several specific steps I could take, and areas on which to focus, to achieve a pretty intense list of dreamlines. So in a paragraph, I had six months of coaching right in front of me.

I wish I could tell every recent Veteran, or anyone who’s had injuries or traumas, trying to work his way back into our world to pick up your book. Things have changed, are changing, so much. Work that I used to have in New York, pre 911, that was quite lucrative, is all gone. It’s crunch time to figure it all out. After reading 4HWW 3 times, for the first time in about 4 years, I feel in command of myself, my life, my world again.

I had to unplug and reset whether I was ready or not. So I am tightening my belt, ceasing debt spending, applying 80/20 all around, and getting ready for the ride.

For me 4HWW is a book of Spirit as much as it is of Business and Enterprise.

Safe travels,

Erik J

Jose Castro-Frenzel
Jose Castro-Frenzel
16 years ago


This blog serves as a good fountain of knowledge. How do you keep up with all these new tech things coming out? Rhetorical question, I am just amazed at times, bc it would seem you spend lots of time online to be on the forefront of so many different technologies.

Just my thoughts,

Jose Castro-Frenzel

check out Red Belt if you get a chance Carlos Machado’s brother is in it. Interesting movie…..

Richard Brownsdon
Richard Brownsdon
16 years ago

Thanks Tim,

But I just emailed a couple of mentors moments before reading this post! Well, it will help for next time.

Any tips on travel coming up? My vagabonding mini-retirement starts in August!



Tamsin Butters
Tamsin Butters
16 years ago

Useful post and confirms my thinking that ‘in touch’ emails that say nothing really irritate more than they cultivate a trusted relationship, which is usually their aim. However, they do have their place if they say something, which is consistently useful information. It strikes me that the key to you continuing to read this particular email could be because it’s written with a clear understanding of the perspective of where you will be coming from when you do. It also has a somewhat deferential tone, which says engage if you want and not if you don’t, which immediately takes the pressure off, but, at the same time, causes that old emotional response in all of us of being made to feel our opinion is the only one that really matters – very cleverly crafted email!

16 years ago

Thanks Tim. I think these are great tips.

I also think in this is an important subject in an educational setting. I’m a teacher and my students often send me emails without a clear subject, without a clear question. And then they expect to have a conversation over email, which doesn’t work when 50 others are waiting for your reply too. I think it would be a good idea to teach students this.

16 years ago

Tim, great points. I feel the same even when talking to non-CEO types. After using outsourcing you MUST write emails like this, so that your point comes across in all those words that can seem to just MASH together. Normal type font is so bland and it gets abbreviated by the eyes. I wish I could use bold and underline here as easily as in a word processing tool. Bold and underline and italics are only the beginning of hopefully a better way of reading……..

Also, I am writing a book and would like to request interview questions of you. I wouldn’t want to post them on here, is there any way to send them to you privately?



Carlos Echeverry
Carlos Echeverry
16 years ago

This post could’nt of been posted at a better time. I was just about to send an email to a very succesful business man and I did’nt know how to start. When he responds to my email, should I ask if I could contact him in the future like you suggest in your book?

Thanks Tim

16 years ago

Hello Tim ji,

well to be frank my emails are even shorter. i don’t even write 2 – 3 lines to some very busy ppl. I just want my email to be read by the other party. so instead of beating around the bush i just write to the point.

B Smith @ Wealth and Wisdom
B Smith @ Wealth and Wisdom
16 years ago

Tim-This advice is great any time you contact an executive or busy person.

For my day job I regularly call on executives. I find them to be the most pleasant and enjoyable part of my week, but that is because I keep it short and stay focused on the agenda.

I always have an invitation to return. They always return my calls. They know that I have a specific reason to call them, and it directly affects their company and their job.

Save the relationship building for community and industry functions!

Hunter Ogletree
Hunter Ogletree
16 years ago

Good post. It is interesting how many people think that email is the center of their world. I admit, that I sometimes fall into that trap. I find myself checking my email every five minutes for no reason.

Your post provides some clear insight on writing and communicating in general, especially when requesting help.

Keith Winship
Keith Winship
16 years ago


A bit off topic but I’m in Vietnam and am curious where that firing range you went to, is. I was going to go in Cambodia but it was quite expensive (enough to feed families for weeks, fix their roads, etc.). Do you recall?

Thanks man.


PS Got in some good Muay Thai training in, in Thailand… wish I could have done more!

16 years ago

Very good advice; although, I would consider most of your points to be common courtesy. Unfortunately personnel attributes like courtesy and common sense have become so rare they might as well be a superpower.

I know there are exceptions, but most people really aren’t as busy as their ego would have you believe! Fact is, you’re just not of any real great concern to them at this point. Meaning, you have nothing to offer them and if they just ignore you, there will be no significant consequences.

Man dad once told me, “If you want to get something done and you need some help/advice ask the busiest person you know”.

Gina Rafkind
Gina Rafkind
16 years ago

Hi Tim,

Loved this post. I’ve just started to get involved with networking so this advice comes to me at the perfect time.



16 years ago

Sorry, that should read “personal” not “personnel”! Just so busy:)

16 years ago

“My dad” not “man dad”

16 years ago

One further tip regarding the subject line – use the first name in email.

I get large ammounts of emails from people asking for help or wanting to connect. But the ones that have a “Hi Sital” title are the ones i usually feel more comfortable opening.

Works much better than “here’s a great opportunity” type titles which sound like all the rest of the emails.

It’s a small thing, but it gets me to open and read.

Keep up the great work Tim.


16 years ago

Tim, your subject is misleading and I’m annoyed you wasted my newsreaders time.

This is 10 tips for PITCHING busy people. I came to it hoping to find out how to get a response from coworkers.

Not every email is asking for commodities.


Hi Chad,

Take it easy, big fella. This is for contacting extremely busy people, not necessarily pitching them. The “busy” I refer to here is — I suspect — much busier than your co-workers.

You are right that these tips are for first contacts, however. Sorry if it didn’t help.



Jennifer Bingham-Heart
Jennifer Bingham-Heart
16 years ago

Ah… I guess my friendship with John Cuscak or his PR firm won’t lead to drinks in LA or Chicago. Boo!!! LOL

Thanks for the advice. My best friend and I don’t see each other that often because of the busy lives we lead. Such as life. I guess like the friends I have now, the relationships developed more organically than a pitch to a CEO. If I am meant to be friends with John, I am sure I will meet him on a plane or at a bookstore.

Thanks again and Hugs,


16 years ago

Now that we’ve seen a copy of what a good attention-getting email is all about, I’m curious to “see some of the worst e-mail pitches out there.”

I just hope there’s nothing in the worst pitch scenario from me… 😉

16 years ago

Hey Tim,

I’ve just come back from Sydney myself and it would have been interested to attend your book launch there:) I loved the beachy look to the Aussie front cover!

I do find what you say and how you say things interesting, and more suited to how a man wishes to receive information, getting to the ‘heart’ of the matter,’ and the facts and getting really clear, as opposed to a lady, who build up her approach in a more emotional, and relational way, with quite a bit more empathy. I wonder then, whether you feel that you respond more to guys more than ladies ‘cos men are more direct, like your good self who is very, direct and very rational, I am sure you are emotional too, it just appears to be well-hidden beneath your ‘superintellect.’!

I know that from my experience to date, the responses that I have had, have been very different with similiar emails from the men ‘in high places,’ compared to the women, and it has revealed quite A LOT, in terms of how our genders receive and process information.

Namaste, light & love,


mike carroll
mike carroll
16 years ago

Hi Tim, im curious do you have a physical office for your operations or do you work from home/remote. I run web based muses small ecomm sites, social networking sites etc… and last year i got an office. The office is nice but im paying 1,000 a month and everything i do there i could do from home and im wondering if i should work from home again? It got me wondering if you have an office you work from or if you work from home and abroad. Many thanks!


16 years ago

I just want to say thanks for these very concise guidelines–having more clarity on what this type of email should and shouldn’t contain encourages me to go ahead and take the chance on sending it.

Also, who would have thought food and email could have so much in common?

Love the cartoon as well 🙂

Marsello Oentoro
Marsello Oentoro
16 years ago

First of all, how do you filter all the incoming emails that you received and would you actually have the time to scan through 4 paragraphs of email? Should we use direct marketers techniques of sending creative attachments?

16 years ago

Dear M. Ferriss,

I’m reading your book and I simply LOVE it!

Please MARRY ME!!!

Raina Gustafson
Raina Gustafson
16 years ago

Yes, yes, Tim – the coincidental palindrome is obscenely adorable. Makes me think of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory – which I’ve seen only twice but am absolutely in love with. http://youtube.com/watch?v=a8P0YmgQTbA

Some thoughts for Jenn:

I think high profile friendships and relationships can be approached in a very similar way to what Tim has outlined. Perhaps the most important step is defining what you want to create with a friendship/relationship and how it will benefit both parties (just like you would a business interaction). Simply admiring someone is not a foundation for friendship – there has to be more at stake. Social interactions are based on emotional needs – so you want to develop your ability to recognize them in others. Particularly with someone you don’t have physical interaction with, this will include quite a bit of trial and error. You could visualize it like rock climbing – you look for a firm hold. Sometimes you can step right up on a ledge, other times you have to stick your hand into a gap in the rock and hope it stays put while getting bruised and bloody. It’s a crazy sport, I know.

To adapt what Tim has written specifically for reaching out on a social plane,

I’d condense #’s 1 & 2 into essentially the same rule – brief, meaningful and memorable is better than overdone and unfocused. #3 doesn’t quite apply, and #’s 4 & 5 can again be combined. Be confident that anything of real value – whether a business deal, friendship or relationship – will be worthy of many people’s interest (so no need to get too caught up on any one person’s reaction).

To provide a real-life example…

There’s this guy I know and like. I genuinely believe there’s a lot of potential, possibly life-altering potential. So, it’s a venture worthy of patience and reflection and continual course-correction. At times I share information with him just as food for thought – not expecting any direct response. When I really want a reply, I ask for it. If I just want to stir things up, I might casually drop that the documentary-maker we met together at the party invited me away for the weekend and could he please tell me what he likes best in Vancouver?

A few months ago I asked a guy… if he wasn’t interested, did he know anyone he could set me up with? Worked like a charm, but hard to execute that one online. Of course, these things can never be mere tricks or they will backfire – they have to be genuine and heartfelt. If the man in question had set me up with his friend, I would have been just as satisfied. Emotional cleanliness and transparency is the key, I think. Ditto with Vancouver boy. If he answers what he likes best, I’ll be happy that he cares enough to want me to have a good time. If the thought of me spending quality time with someone else motivates him to ask me out, even better. If I get no response, it’s course correction and explore other options time.

So to sum it up:

1. Recognize other’s emotional needs

2. Create a scenario that illuminates those needs so the other person can confirm or deny that they exist

3. Show the person how you can help meet their needs while remaining unattached to the outcome

Joel Mueller
Joel Mueller
16 years ago

I see this email as wasting more of my time, because he keeps repeating how “busy” I am, and that I can’t always read / reply to all of the emails. I say, just get to the point, and don’t add things in that are frosting.

16 years ago

Great advice, thanks. Nevertheless, I think getting a reply is also a question of the personal attitude of recipient towards you as well as the situation you catch her or him in.

Adam Davis
Adam Davis
16 years ago

Pretty good sample template. I think face to face meeting will always trumps email or phone – just the extra steps. I have had success sending something in the mail (something small, and relevant to the face to face conversation) and then following up with an email.

Bottom line: it’s all about having a plan of action and having respect.

Tim, what do you think about specific times of the day to send emails or certain days of the week for optimum ‘eye-ball’ time results?

Keep it coming!



[…] on Screning Emails, Virtual Assistants & Outsourcing Tim Ferriss recently wrote a post on 5 Tips for Emailing Busy People. It actually was a very interesting article, that talks about how when he would respond to […]

Dawn Marks
Dawn Marks
16 years ago

Hi Tim,

3 quick observations:

1) I can’t think of anyone on this planet who wouldn’t gain something from reading your book. (I often recommend it.)

2) You’ve got to be the most interesting guy alive under the age of 30.

3) You really ought to meet my 26 year old daughter.

(No kidding on all accounts!)

Keep up the good work!

Dawn Marks

16 years ago

Thank you for being so concise. I will consider sending the link to this post to at least some of the people that send me emails that i would normally not read…


[…] Maio 2008 de Miguel Cavalcanti Acabo de ler um artigo muito interessante sobre como escrever emails para pessoas importantes. Tim Ferris, autor do livro The Four Hour Work Week, […]

16 years ago

Can I meet your daughter? 🙂


[…] Ferriss shares some tips for being a more effective e-mailer. As much email as I get these days, these tips speak volumes […]


[…] Ferriss shares some tips for being a more effective e-mailer. As much email as I get these days, these tips speak volumes […]

Shawn Graham
Shawn Graham
16 years ago

Size matters. Busy people don’t want to read novel-length emails. Think about the two or three things you want to accomplish with your email and build your content around them.

And, just as referrals work for headhunters as in Tim’s template, they also work equally well as subject lines. Busy people are much more likely to open a message if they see you were referred by someone they know (just be sure to ask for permission to do so from the referrer).


[…] how to contact them with tact. I just saw one of my favorite posts from Tim Ferriss’ blog, 5 Tips for E-mailing Busy People. The essence […]

Kiat Huang
Kiat Huang
16 years ago

Years ago the Harvard Business Review had a great article on managing email effectively, and today I rediscovered it: Some good things in there…

Tips for Mastering E-mail Overload = http://hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/4438.html

Kiat Huang
Kiat Huang
16 years ago

Years ago the Harvard Business Review had a great article on managing email effectively, and today I rediscovered it: Some good things in there…

Tips for Mastering E-mail Overload = hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/4438.html

16 years ago

Wow, I can’t believe it.

Prior to reading this post, I just sent a painstakingly crafted e-mail asking for advice from a potential mentor, who I am also hoping to build a relationship with…! Good news is, I think I would score a 4/5 based on the points you emphasized. But I definitely could have fine tuned a couple of things.

Another coincidence – I actually just ran into Rob Moore a few days ago at reunions here at Princeton, so it was pretty funny when I saw his e-mail up on your site.


15 years ago

Hello Tim,

Excuse me for my english which is not very good.

I am 46 years old and my salary is 3000€ per month for 35 hours labor per week and 38 days af hollydays per year.

Now, i can take my early retirement with 1500€ per month but if i continue my job, my retreat can be 2000€ in 2017 (at 55 years old).

My question is : what do you make in my place ?

Thank you for your answer


Michael Erwin - Time Management Coach
Michael Erwin - Time Management Coach
15 years ago

Great tips. Following these guidelines will certainly help you to have your email read rather than deleted. One thing I would add is that the Subject Line needs to capture the readers attention. In my experience busy people will delete emails based on the sender and the subject before they even set eyes on the email body. Tim, what was in the subject line and what do you suggest for the subject line for these emails?

15 years ago

You didn’t mention the single best thing he did: he flattered the crap out of you. Done right, this always helps!

15 years ago

I used the email tips above and the person I wanted advice from actually phoned me 10 minutes after sending the email to set up a 1 hour face-to-face meeting!

Thanks for writing this article Tim.


[…] Ausführliche Besprechung der Ratschläge und Beispiele hier: 5 Tips for E-mailing Busy People […]

15 years ago

From France this tips regarding good emailing are great. What I like about this short text is the ability to do mass mailing with this type of message while staying very personnal. The 6 th tips might be the ability to have a touch of humour and style.


[…] gone.”  While true, this can use some unpacking.  I’m grateful to recent articles by Tim Ferriss and Copyblogger that display how to craft an email to achieve the required response in honest and […]

Jeff Larsen
Jeff Larsen
15 years ago

Very good advice. Will apply it and see how it works.

14 years ago

Hey Tim,

I still don’t understand exactly how you would get attention of a busy man with email.

By the way, not all emails can receive the bold sentences.

I think the subject is the most important. You need to catch his attention.

If you can put the name in the email subject, that’s great.

Follow up is another important factor.

Anyway, thanks for the tips.

your average crazy dude
your average crazy dude
14 years ago


moderator. In the name of FUN, let my comment opps, “slip” thru, will ya? 🙂

Mehul Kar
Mehul Kar
14 years ago

I would never write an email that long to a busy person. There is so much unnecessary text in there for the sake of being grammatically correct and proper. It’s a waste.

It has a nice flow though.

Liz DiAlto
Liz DiAlto
14 years ago

Thank you so much for this great post and example. I am a first time author trying to bolster my writing resume before I start contacting literary agents with my proposal. I have been reaching out to magazines for writing opportunities or to be a fitness expert consult. Your post really helped me improve the quality of the emails I’m sending out. I’m looking forward to a more positive response!


[…] did a great post on this a few weeks ago but he’s missing one thing: Humanness. For young people, your emails […]

John Marlow
John Marlow
13 years ago

It’s a little cumbersome to get to, but if you’ll go to http://benderspink.com/, enter the site and click on SUBMIT SCRIPTS, you’ll find a fabulous (handwritten!) example of how not to write to extraordinarily busy people. It’s both funny and sad…

Daniel Lu
Daniel Lu
13 years ago


Thank you very much. After reading 4HWW, I no longer fear contacting “famous” people. I’m now working on building a school in South Africa but needed some help fundraising. I emailed Seth Godin for some advice on raising money. Though he did not respond back with advice, he promised to blog about it, which I never asked him to do.

Regardless of what comes of it, I feel fortunate to have read your book, for revealing to me that it doesn’t take much to contact “celebrities.” As for Seth, I’ll send him another email.

With respect,

Dan Lu

12 years ago

I eat as much and as often as I want. I don’t skimp on fats, and I eat as much fat and low carb food as I wish. I am never hungry, and I don’t count calories. I do eat carbs, in moderation, but usually keep them as low as possible.

J. Critelli
J. Critelli
12 years ago

We especially loved your line: He hasn’t worn out his inbox welcome

This is an especially delicate balance as I’m sure you remember when promoting your initial book…

Good information, especially when conversing with executives.

10 years ago

I would really like to know what the subject of the Email was too, since thats what intrigued you to open the Email and read further. Thanks!

Mark Eichenlaub
Mark Eichenlaub
10 years ago

Great stuff Tim. You put some stuff here on the blog that really is worth quite a bit of money and could have its own book.

10 years ago

This is good ideas on emails…

10 years ago

I lost weight because I eat less processed food – not just because I went gluten-free. Albumin and globulins are common in may grains, including grains acceptable on a gluten-free diet, such as corn and rice.

Mark Cronin
Mark Cronin
10 years ago

Perfect timing, the post hit my inbox as if it had been written just for me 🙂

Just putting a Kickstarter project together and planning the pre-launch, so putting together greats email is going to be vital.

Loved how it seemed to use a real life example, anyone can say do ‘x’ but good to know what you responded to .



Kevin Phillips
Kevin Phillips
10 years ago

Great post and great timing for me.

I’m sure that with all your success and experience since releasing 4HWW you could easily write a just as important and even more successful follow-up book. Thank you for all you do!

10 years ago

I’m not going to kiss someone’s ass for the sake of reverse psychology in hopes of a response.

James Mason
James Mason
10 years ago

Great advice Tim

I literally just sent out half a dozen EOI’s only yesterday, wish i saw this then, on reflection they are way to long…..

Rivka Caroline
Rivka Caroline
10 years ago

Excellent post. Especially love the line ‘He hasn’t worn out his inbox welcome’. #classic

Cheval John
Cheval John
10 years ago

That is really good. He choose to be sensitive to your time and showed that he is a giver and not a taker.

10 years ago

Kewl. I think I’m going to use this as a base for a cold email sales conversation starter for my bitcoin wallet security project, responses have been less than desirable. Stay hard.

Rick Lomas
Rick Lomas
10 years ago

Is it not just a bit too humble? I like to just ask one question (so they respond) keeping it fairly simple. So in this case it would be something like “I’m doing X and was wondering if you were able to help? If you like I can call you tomorrow morning to discuss it.” That way if they don’t want to get involved with a call, they will reply to the email.

Adam bawa
Adam bawa
9 years ago

Hi, i want to write a message to a very prominent person who does not know me to get me a job. How will i constract it? Please i need your help. Thank you

Janet Burgess
Janet Burgess
8 years ago

I am a Texan and I have just discovered your books I read The Texans’ Dream I read a lot so I pace myself but not with your writing I want to know what is next I read till 2 am fell asleep woke up and read to the finish wonderful I felt like I was a part of the story I can’t wait to get another book I will be reading awhile but I will get them read if I can find them all and with th Internet I sure I can find them thank you I live in New Mexico now with my daughter d/t health I was raised in white settlement Texas outside Ft. Worth and I miss Texas a lot but your books will fill that void for awhile lol

7 years ago


I just got off the phone with a past president of the APA.

Thank you.

7 years ago

Why so busy? I thought you only worked four hours a week. Ha ha ha. Also, the gist of this email is, if you kiss up to an egomaniac, they will respond. That’s such new information. I had never heard of that.

7 years ago

Tim, it’s a great advice, thank you

I am trying to communicate with few people of a company and attorneys, who are supposed to give me answers on a particular issue related to me+company+consul which they are working on.

Any suggestions!

Though I’m getting 1 reply for 4-5 emails, answers are very generic and not informative looks like time pass.

6 years ago

I receive far too many emails containing the line “I know you’re incredibly busy, so I will be brief.” As a fairly — not “incredibly” — busy person, I’d prefer it if you: A) don’t use language that is obviously copied and pasted. B) just cut to the chase already!

6 years ago

Congratulations you’ve made it onto my 30-day challenge of gratitude! (Day 9)

A small contribution to my overall mindset.

I’m sure you won’t read this, but O well… At least I gave out some thanks! 🙂

Your podcast, books, and blogs have all had an impact on my perspective towards work, fitness, family, and friends… So! I am here to send a small letter thanks. It is extremely reassuring to see someone pursuing whatever suits their interest without concerning themselves too much with what others think.

Also, the amount of free advice and content you give out without any expectations from others is CRAZY, which I appreciate and love.

So don’t stop, please!!! Unless of course, you find a measurable reason to do so.

Thanks for making a small impact on a long life and keep up the great work. I hope one day we cross paths! 🙂

Violeta Madzharova
Violeta Madzharova
3 years ago

Hi Tim,

I´m reading “The 4 Hour Workweek” right now and it´s giving me one epiphany after the other. It´s brilliant and as timely as ever.

I decided to put the “Tim Ferriss Technique” to practice right away and ask you how You navigate being so far ahead of your time?

With gratitude,

3 years ago

Hi Tim!
How could somebody contact you? (We are also from ’77, we follow you from 2007). We invited you to Hungary long time ago.

I really like the Biorhythm observation nowdays. Could you post a new video about it. Related to peak performances?
It is also a huge lag for the average person in both sports and intellectual fields. Special competition diets, getting ripped, hiking. We know that you have tremendous knowledge and experience in many areas. New videos are warmly welcome. Breathing techniques and meditation, group meditation. Individual and social dances, circle dances. Circle dancing is especially interesting right now, including women-only and mixed circles.
A similar blog like yours would be very useful in Hungarian (Content and wordpress design form).
Happy birthday in advance! After the age of 44 you will feel an extra energy ;).