How to Rent Your Ideas to Fortune 500 Companies: Part II (Plus: Hacking Japan Tips)

This bear scared me when I was little, but it made $1,000,000 per month in royalties for the inventor. Stephen worked on it.

This is a continuation of my previous Q&A with Stephen Key, who has licensed to companies ranging from Coca-Cola and Disney to Nestle. He was also involved with the design of both Teddy Ruxpin and Lazer Tag. This second and final part will cover royalty rates, negotiation, and how he calls into companies to sell his concepts (including actual call scripts).

Before we get started, here are a few other resources that I have in my licensing and product design library, which really focuses on deal making and arranging revenue splits:

Inventing Small Products (Stanley Mason, like Stephen, is a specialist at tweaking/combining existing products as a lucrative shortcut to successful deals)

Secrets from an Inventor’s Notebook (Maurice Kanbar, creator of Skyy Vodka, among many others)

How to License Your Million-Dollar Idea

The Inventor’s Bible: How to Market and License Your Brilliant Ideas (stick to the licensing recommendations)

Now, back to Stephen and his approach:

-How much money does it take to license your idea? How much time does it take?

In review, I spend $100 on a provisional patent application so I can legitimately claim “patent pending” status for a full year, $80 or less on a sell sheet that I have created by a graphic design college student. My third cost is the cost of making phone calls to manufacturers. So for many simple products your total costs are $200 to see if your idea has legs. Of course there are always exceptions. Some products will cost more, but you’d be surprised at how little you can spend to be “pitch ready.”

Sample Sell Sheet


-What is a typical royalty rate?

Royalty rates can range from .0001% to 25%. Royalties are usually based on the wholesale price. This is the price the manufacturer sells to the retailers for, or that they sell to a distributor for.

A very general rough way of figuring out the wholesale price of an item is to just cut the retail price in half. This doesn’t work for all industries or product categories, but it’s a nice way to get a rough estimate of what your royalty might be for your idea.

If you think your product is going to sell for $10 at a retail store. You half that, to get a wholesale price $5. Your royalty would be on this $5 wholesale price.

So why would you ever want a .0001% royalty rate? Well if your invention went of every bottle of Coca-Cola that sold worldwide. That might not be a bad royalty rate. Or if you had a software product that only aardvark researchers bought, 25% might be very fair, since the manufacturer isn’t going to sell many units.

In my experience a 5% royalty is most common for consumer goods. I usually ask for 7% and settle on 5%.

I’ve licensed many novelty products that have sold in stores for one or two years and then never sold again. That can be fun, and I wouldn’t discourage people from licensing novelties, but that’s not where I made my millions. I’ve made serious money by selling ideas that I knew could sell 100,000’s or millions of unit every year.

My advice is to pick a product area that does high unit volume. This way that 5% of the wholesale price on every unit can really add up.

To further illustrate my point, I’ll tell you a little story. I had a student that had already filed a patent when he came to us. My approach, as you know, is to use provisional patents that only cost $100, so you don’t need to spend a bunch of money in advance of selling the idea.

It was to late for this particular student. He’d already spent about $6,000 on a patent. His invention was a drum key that made tightening the thumbscrews on a drum easy, so drummers don’t have to hurt their thumbs to get their drums tuned up.

Drummers loved it. He took our inventRight course and licensed his idea to a musical instruments manufacturer. The manufacturer was already selling another drum key and gave him an idea of how many of his drum keys they thought they would sell each year.

So he did the numbers, then realized that it would take a year just to earn back in royalties what he had spent on the patent. It was a low volume product. The lesson – pick high volume products and you’ll make much, much more money.

Six thousand a year in royalties just isn’t worth the time for me. It takes almost the same amount of energy to license a small idea as it does a big one, so why not go for the big one?

In my prior life, I worked as a product designer at Worlds Of Wonder (a now defunct toy company). I watched the inventor of Teddy Ruxpin, the talking teddy bear popular back in the late 80’s, make $1,000,000 in royalties a month!

I know that’s a long winded response to your questions about what a typical royalty rate is, but I wanted to give your readers some solid advice and examples that they can take and use when licensing their ideas.

-What should people consider when working on their first idea?

Most inventions are just slight variations of existing ideas. I’ve found it easier to sell ideas that aren’t too radically different. The easier it is for people to understand the idea, the better.

I prefer simple ideas, but I’ve worked on a few tough ones also. My Michael Jordan wall ball was super simple [a basketball hoop attached to a cut out of Michael Jordan, all of which was attached to a door]. I licensed the idea almost overnight and received royalties for ten years. It was a great product for me to start off with because it was so simple, required very little research and the manufacturing was easy. My spin label invention is much more complicated and after many years and millions of labels, I’m still working on getting it to where I want it to be.

My best advice is to make your first idea a simple one, so you can go through the whole process of selling an idea. Then work on the harder ones after you’ve gotten a little experience under your belt.

-Who do you call at companies when you try to license a new idea?

Sales guys are great, but my first choice is the marketing manager of a product line at the company that would easily understand your invention. Avoid purchasing. [Note from Tim: Find the manufacturers’ names by browsing the relevant categories in a department store, or online at a place like Amazon.]

For example, if you have a new comfortable grip hammer innovation, call and ask for the “marketing manager of the easy comfort grip hammer line” at Stanley. Use the product line name when you call. It’ll sound like you know exactly whom you are calling for. I think you get the idea. This is just one of many tricks I use to get into the decision makers at companies. If this doesn’t work, there are many other tricks you can use to get your idea in front of a decision maker.

[NOTE: For real scripts that Stephen has used in calling into companies, click here to download a PDF]

-What kinds of products can someone license?

You can license almost anything. You just need a new product benefit and some IP (Patent, Copyright or Trademark). In some industries like the toy industry, you don’t even need any IP.

However, I wouldn’t recommend licensing toys. It’s too competitive. You might have to show 200 ideas before you get interest in even one. I don’t like those numbers.

I prefer to sell ideas to industries that don’t see so many new ideas each year. I’m talking about industries that don’t currently have many innovative new products. The packaging industry is one of these industries.

I licensed my spin label invention to a packaging company. They thought I was a genius. I’m not a genius. I’m just more creative than they are, and they don’t see many new ideas.

I guess my little secret tip for you to contemplate is to consider coming up with new ideas in industries that may be a little stale. You won’t have much competition and they’ll think you are brilliant. [Note from Tim: a good method for examining industries is to browse categories or departments in a store like Wal-Mart and look for products that haven’t changed in a long time, or those where most products are nearly identical. Can you reinvigorate a commodity with a small tweak?]

-Do you have any words of advice regarding negotiating for those new to licensing ideas?

The ability to hold back information and dole it out in small intriguing bits and pieces is a critical part of my approach. It works almost every time. And more importantly, it keeps the dialog going. Once the dialog stops, the deal slows down and fizzles out.

If you keep the dialog going with a manufacturer, you’re more likely to close the deal. So don’t give them all the information up front. The manufacturer has no reason to call you back if you give them everything up front.

This is one of the biggest mistakes I see inventors make. They give up to much to soon and don’t know how to keep a dialog going with a manufacturer. [Tim’s note: Don’t oversell. This is as true for PR as it is for licensing — the goal isn’t to sell in one call, it’s to get a second conversation or spark questions that lead towards a deal.]


Odds and Ends: Hacking Japan and Living Like a Rockstar in Tokyo

A number of you have asked me to do a “How to Live Like a Rockstar in Tokyo” post like the how-to article I wrote for living large on little in Buenos Aires. Now you can get some of my top picks and tricks for Tokyo. I have a series of sidebars called “Tokyo Tips” in the debut issue of Everywhere magazine, which is out now. It’s a gorgeous magazine and one of the best I’ve seen in the travel genre. It should be available starting today in most bookstores.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Consuelo Walker
Consuelo Walker
9 years ago

Hi great article….. very informative. … I’m looking for a company tollicense my new dessert product. …. it is amazing. …. if u know of any companies can u email me.. Thanks. ..

9 years ago

Consuelo, Food inventions can most definitely be licensed, but they can be a little harder. As far as your list, you need to make that yourself. Look for companies that sell similar products. That’s your call list.

9 years ago

I have a great idea… It would be considered a modification/improvement to an already exsisting product. I just don’t know where to begin with it!

stetforme cockrell
stetforme cockrell
9 years ago

Well god bless my name is stetforme cockrell my invention is already patent. Now I need someone to help me get it in the stores. My patent is cool the people will love it like I do. I need the company’s to rent it itwill make us a lot of money now and in the futher far a long time to come thank you for taking the time mr. Stetforme cockrell.

Lua Chung Liang
Lua Chung Liang
9 years ago

‘Hi author,

I have a great idea about an invention which I saw somebody created it but it is not comerciallized yet. I have made some modification of that prototype that which is physically different but functionally same. So my question is can I claim it as my intellectual property for my patent design although it is not originally invented by me in term of its functionallity? If i eligible for that intellectual property claims, to whom I should go for patterning it? I am not US people.

eric plummer
eric plummer
8 years ago

looking for somebody that is well finance to check out my idea

8 years ago

i have an idea for a social network that can makes users number 3 times mor

Michael Filmore
Michael Filmore
8 years ago

I’ve reinvented some disney products and made them better. Is there someone who would review the new and better concept in the “Night Lights arena?

8 years ago

You guys are so helpful.I have a brilliant idea and reading this has just given me more psyche to ‘launch’ it.No more procastination.Thank You

8 years ago

I want to pitch my idea to a cell phone manufacturer. When I call who do I ask for? I found each cell phone company manufacturer. But before i call i need a good pitch. HELP

Frances Terrell
Frances Terrell
8 years ago

I feel i have a great idea. Id like to discuss my idea and hopefully you will like it to. Rent it ir buy it. Pls contact me so we can discuss it further. Thank You

8 years ago

I would like to know how to contact Fortune 500 companies to rent or sell my idea/invention.

Goran Dulic
Goran Dulic
8 years ago


Im Goran Dulic, Hungary citizens,but noe currently I live in Bangkok,Thailand.

I have many good ideas by which I mean that I can not experienced worldwide popularity. I do not have financial possibilities to realize them nor protect.

Somebody have any suggestions for me?

Best regards,Goran

8 years ago

i need distributor ship licence in dubai old licences , please advise thanks fareyy

Jappie Vincent Skhosana
Jappie Vincent Skhosana
8 years ago

I have a technological idea that I want to sell to companies

Nermin Dubravac
Nermin Dubravac
8 years ago

Hello gentlemen,

First if all, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for all the useful information you guys put on here. I would love to sign up for your guys’ course, but due to the fact that I am a sole provider for my family and am currently on short-term disability, the money is very tight at the moment. Having said that, I hope that you can still provide some insight for my idea. I cannot say that the idea has particular benefits, but I hope that it would appeal to many consumers across the U.S. It is a slogan that I would like to print on various garments, but it already exists in a complete different industry and after thorough research I could not find it being used in the way I am proposing anywhere. It is just fun(ny) and, like I already mentioned, I believe it could sell. Now my question is, can something like that be protected with a patent, copyright, or a trademark? Or is that something I definitely need to consult a patent attorney about? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards,


Thurman Ray hammons the2
Thurman Ray hammons the2
8 years ago

I love seating around all day creating ideas that haven’t exsisted yet because also I can afford it from my disability a super power ful imagnating calculations of visions processing form …bio magnet mutated nano by mutated micro sound waves going throw the phone in to your ear and mutatingly shouting off your brain killing you in my own vision

8 years ago

Hy Tim, my question is, can you license you patent to an investor in another region, far from where you get you patent rights. and once you have gotten your patent rights, can you sell your idea to many other potential investors?

8 years ago

I have a new charger powerattack I’m trying to sell the patent

8 years ago

I have an idea I have spoken to Davison but I’m unsure if they are genuine can anyone help I need some advice they won’t money soon

8 years ago

Hi Tim

I have thought of and submitted at least 3 chip flavors and 1 recent powder drink flavor that I now see on the grocery store shelves despite receiving an email stating the company doesn’t take unsolicited ideas or loosing the contest. Is there a way to profit from simple or big ideas without the tech no how? I have a medical and safety idea and told my parents there should be disposable training pants for babies when I was 4 y/o.

Wanda Nicholson
Wanda Nicholson
8 years ago

Hello My name is Wanda Nicholson i like this idea!

8 years ago

Stephen keys I have been looking at youtube I had a idea I had it for 12 years didn’t do it because I knew I didn’t have the money and still don’t I decided to try to market it I don’t know who to call How to get a number for any company it’s something you put in your hair I had it search to see if anything was out there like it they said it wasn’t and it was patentable. It will cost me $9,988.00 to present it to companies and to patent. Who has that kind of money not me I’m new at all of this I have got very discouraged been looking at your videos.people that I went through no I don’t have no experience on any of this.and they told me to borrow the money from my family and friends please let me know what I should do .

8 years ago

I have a paten pending. One of a kind never found one so I made one would like sale with royalties any advice

john Carney
john Carney
8 years ago

I have been trying to get my completely new innovative cork screw remover to market so simple a child can remove a cork with ease ideal for anyone with arthritis.Corks are making a big come back.Can you help.

John Carney.

jayesh kakadiya
jayesh kakadiya
8 years ago

The name is not free without the master of him self…. Jayesh kakadiya

Barry Osbourn
Barry Osbourn
7 years ago

Thanks for all of your great thoughts, I was hoping someone might have an answer to my question, What if you have an idea for a specific company like Pringles Chips (its not them) , more of a simple product line addition that would make them millions. How can you make a suggestion to them and make money off it, not just sit back and watch them make a fortune off your suggestion.

Nihal S
Nihal S
7 years ago

Can you list some Stephen Key’s innovation and how much loyalty did he get for it?

Joyce j newton
Joyce j newton
7 years ago

i have an idea and need to get it off the ground bathroom item name is joyce thanks

Manuel Mountcaste
Manuel Mountcaste
7 years ago

Plz email me more info. Ive learned tons off of you by just reading a little. Thank you and i have many great ideas to tweek and so on.

gm w
gm w
7 years ago

An experienced person can utilize their work experience to generate ideas that work, yet the hurdle becomes apparent when attempting to capitalize on ideas. Thanks for your efforts to date.

Joshuae wall
Joshuae wall
6 years ago

Great, More, More, More

Dave Refuerzo
Dave Refuerzo
6 years ago


Carlos Chou
Carlos Chou
4 years ago

Would you submit an idea to a company that has terms like the following?


Acceptance of your submission imposes no obligations on 3M, and in particular:

3M has no obligation to acknowledge or review your submission, or otherwise respond to you in any way regarding your submission,

3M has no obligation to keep your submission confidential, and may publish or otherwise publicly disclose your submission in any existing or later developed media;

Your submission and its contents automatically become the property of 3M, without any compensation of any kind owed to you;

3M may use or redistribute your submission and its contents for any purpose and in any way, including but not limited to using it in new 3M products or services, or to improve existing 3M products or services;

You are authorized to make the submission, and that your submission does not include the confidential information, proprietary know-how, trade secrets, or other intellectual property of any other person or party.

Thank you

Carlos Chou

Fort Worth Tx