Networking Tips from the White House


Love him or hate him, Clinton was arguably the best networker the White House has ever seen. ((c) St. Anselm College)

This week I interview Christine Comaford-Lynch. This five-time CEO not only sold or took public all of her companies, she has also assisted more than 700 of the Fortune 1000 with accelerating innovation. Bill Gates has called her “super high-bandwidth,” and she’s consulted with both the Clinton and Bush administrations. The best part? She never graduated from high school.

I convinced her to take time out from her new book, Rules for Renegades, to discuss one of the most important skills she’s used to climb to the top–networking.

1. How did you get yourself in the White House, and what were the most important networking lessons you learned there?…

I do a lot of favors for people, because I believe in “palm-up” networking, which is networking to give and not to get. I figure the universe has a perfect accounting system. If I do favors for others, someone will do favors for me. It works.

I was asked to help out TechNet, a bipartisan group of tech execs, and one day (after working countless hours for free) I was invited to a party at the White House. There were only about 200 of us there, Stephen Hawking gave a fascinating lecture, and it seemed everyone I met was a Nobel Laureate. I felt a little insecure, being a high school dropout, but I shrugged it off and starting connecting with people.

After watching President Clinton for a while, I approached him. Our interaction blew me away for 3 reasons: 1) he was incredibly charismatic, 2) he wouldn’t let go of my hand, and gave me the “I’m-hanging-in-for-the-long-haul-shake,” and 3) when I asked him for more government support for American entrepreneurs, he expected me to follow up. He sent me a note about a month later asking where the proposal was that I had offered to write!

Throughout the evening at the White House, I shook a lot of hands. Some people gave me the, “Isn’t there someone more interesting here shake,” you know this one: the person is looking over your shoulder, looking to find someone influential. Hillary Clinton gave me the, “I’m sincerely pleased to meet you and I mean it shake,” solid eye contact with genuine interest. This is the shake I strive to master. It requires you to be totally present and paying attention to the person. Isn’t this what shaking hands should be about? Connecting?

2. Why was Clinton such an effective influencer?

When he is talking with you, it seems you are the only person in the world. His focus is intense, but softened with his southern charm.

Step 1, he makes you feel important, so you listen up. Step 2, he has the 2 key qualities I learned from Bill Gates and Larry Ellison: 1) supreme self-confidence (This is a choice, by the way. You often have to adopt it before you have evidence to back it up), and 2) an unshakable core (no matter what is thrown at Bill and Larry, they shake it off, hunker down, and emerge triumphant).

The rich and powerful think, act, and speak differently from the rest of us. If you try adopting supreme self-confidence, even for a day, you’ll be stunned by how the world responds. It treats you as if you deserve everything you ask for.

3. What are the most common mistakes that people make when trying to connect with high-profile influencers or celebrities?

They network palm-down and have a lean and hungry look. Ugh. It oozes “gimme” and desperation. This is a massive turn off. Were they to network “palm-up” and find out what someone cares about and offer to be of service, they’d connect with the rich and powerful.

I think they do this because they’re seeking short-term gain, not long-term connection, which will ultimately lead to gain. Don’t fall into the trap of stuffing your rolodex with contacts. Contacts are just names and numbers. Connections are meaningful relationships that enhance your life. Yes, they take more work. But life = the people you meet + what you create together. It’s all about relationships.

4. If you could give just 3 unorthodox but critical recommendations to the aspiring uber-networker, what would they be?

1. Fall in love with people. They are fascinating–everyone has amazing stories of trials, triumphs, moments when they had epiphanies. Every day you are taught by people. It can be the mailman, the woman making me a cappuccino, anyone or anything. The more we pay attention, the more we see how we’re all students and teachers of each other. This also boosts our interest in people, which boosts our authenticity when networking.

2. Do the “drive-by schmooze.” We’re all busy, and we need to optimize our networking time. Here’s how:

-Set a specific amount of time to network, such as 30 minutes.

-Set a goal for the # of meaningful connections (such as 5) you want to make in that time.

-Here’s the fun part: enter the room and stop your thoughts. Don’t look for VIPs, simply feel the room and let yourself be drawn to people. Then introduce yourself and ask what business they are in, how they got into it, and what their ideal customer is. DON’T talk about yourself.

If you know people who might be potential customers for them, or great possible connections, mention it. Write a few notes on their business card. Promise to follow up. Then do it. Make your personal brand synonymous with results. People say life is 90% about showing up. That’s nonsense. Life is 90% about following through.

3. Tell someone you appreciate them daily.

This can be done via email, via the phone, or in person. Watch the person’s face light up as you genuinely express why you appreciate them. Then move on. You’re not doing this to get them to return the gesture. You’re doing it because it spreads great energy, it’s fun, and it strengthens your connection with the human race.


From Tim: The big fish need to like you before they’ll risk lending their name to help you. Focus on being likable, which means finding and connecting on common interests, then offering help or fun on a few occasions (not just once) before even suggesting that you could use help.

For it to work, the other side needs to see you as a relationship, not a transaction. In other words, the real players don’t need your help, so you can’t use that as the incentive. They need to enjoy spending time with you, whether on the phone or in person. I still hang out and grab drinks with the bloggers and technologists who helped me launch the book. That wasn’t the end game for me.

Remember–at the end of the day, it’s not whom you know that matters… it’s who knows you.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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Joerg Weisner
Joerg Weisner
16 years ago

Thank you very much,

Tim for asking this questions

Christine for these great advice,

you seem to really live a life full of Job&Joy.

16 years ago

Great tips here…focus on “palm up” networking is great advice. 🙂

16 years ago

Please stop with Bill f’ing Clinton. You have no idea how much you lose crediblity in the “take this guy seriously” department when you reference a liar and swindler like that. Yeah fine – let’s hear all those who hate Bush chime in the same – exactly… that’s why you don’t list politicians if you want to be taken seriously as someone decisive and above the usual bullsh*t. Clinton is the opposite of that. You’ve lost a great deal of credibility by sucking up to his ilk.

6 years ago
Reply to  Johnnie

The fact that you can’t recognize the good networker he was, is evidence that you’re still lingering in some staunch mindset that you have succumbed to about Clinton in general. Everyone has good qualities, there are even some in our current POTUS. Dig deeper into where that comes from for you. Tim talks to the best qualities in people. He doesn’t lose credibility by continuing to do what he has always done. What is your one quality that Tim might interview you for one day? Work on being the best at that thing and use it to encourage. The world doesn’t need more people pointing out the bad in others.

16 years ago

Excellent – I really enjoyed this. Clinton’s networking skills are legendary. I’ve seen snippets here and there, and some anecdotes about Clinton in college, but never a real study of charisma.

Tim what are some of you favorite networking books/tools?

16 years ago

Excellent – I really enjoyed this. Clinton’s networking skills are legendary. I’ve seen snippets here and there, and some anecdotes about Clinton in college, but never a real study of charisma.

Tim what are some of your favorite networking books/tools?

16 years ago

These “3 unorthodox but critical recommendations”…great, first two are regular practices of mine, the third will be!

franke james
franke james
16 years ago

Christine has recently joined our Advisory Board — your interview was a treat to read with excellent questions that drew out some terrific responses. Your publicist should contact me about reviewing your 4 hour work week book.

J Sandifer
J Sandifer
16 years ago

Thanks for the interview and content. There really is some terrific advice in there. The idea of giving, matched with follow through would do everyone wonders!


[…] Contact the Webmaster Link to Article bill gates Networking Tips from the White House » Posted at Tim Ferriss’s 4-Hour […]

Jack Tackett, Jr.
Jack Tackett, Jr.
16 years ago

Great Post Tim. As a high school drop out too its inspiring to see what others can do. The ‘supreme self-confidence’ is something I need to practice more – as an INFP – with an extreme I rating (always 100% in every test I take) it can definitely be painful to approach people I don’t know and chit chat with them. Hopefully practice makes perfect….



16 years ago

Tim, thanks for this post. Christine’s book looks great. I just ordered it.

16 years ago

Great post. I’ve often heard similar reports about Bill Clinton’s great networking skills. Even people who don’t like his politics are quoted as saying he’s a very likeable guy. I appreciate you sharing this.

16 years ago

Okay, okay–last week I got my e-newsletter from Jack Canfield’s Success Principles about Christine’s book, and I went almost all the way through the online purchase process until I noticed that the book wouldn’t be out until September, so I backed off and figured I’d just wait. Now I after reading this interview–from yet another respected source–and seeing the effect of the very connections she speaks of in action, my interest is more than simply piqued. I went back and ordered the book and am looking forward to its arrival. Good interview Great connections = Highly effective marketing technique!

James Greene
James Greene
16 years ago

Thanks Tim for another great interview. I enjoy learning about these famous networkers. I hope to use these simple strategies enhance my network of connections. I enjoy the blog and keep it up!

16 years ago

My sister was invited to the White House and had the same experience. He had the ability to make the least guest feel like he was really there to hear what they specifically had to offer. He seemed to literally thrive on meeting people and encouraging them to do more with their projects. I only ran into the guy leaving restaurants a few times so I got waves. I saw the first President Bush twice and Reagan three times and both times got “campaign waves.” 7 years into this administration I never hear about W going to one single restaurant in town, never seen him, never been invited to the WH. As soon as the weekend rolls around, he disappears. I have no idea what he gets from his isolation, but it must appeal to him somehow.

16 years ago

This is excellent advice! I’d always found networking events a necessary chore at best — I’d never thought of framing them as opportunities to ‘fall in love’ with people. 🙂 I’ll try that from now on.

Walter B
Walter B
16 years ago

Christine’s advice to “introduce yourself and ask what business they are in” is soooo utilitarian. I hate people who are too stupid or self-seeking to ask that question first. It immediately reveals that they are about to make an assessment of your potential usefulness to them. It is incongruous with a “palm-up” attitude.

16 years ago

thanks for this post

good job!

16 years ago

in these times, it’s hard not to love Bill.

16 years ago

Very interesting indeed. I just need to get to some decent events to network now! I am trying to get something up and running in my town for designers / developers / web marketeers, so fingers crossed…

I think Walter makes a valid point, you could be taken for someone looking for a useful person and perhaps not genuine / authentic. If the conversation comes round to this naturally, then all the better, but as an opening, I am not sure.

chris Batseth
chris Batseth
16 years ago

Great blog entry Tim!

Another great resource for the power of networking is, Work the Pond, by Darcy Rezac who is the head of the Vancouver Board of Trade. In this book Darcy talks about the power of positive networking: asking what you can do for someone else first before asking for something.

Aaron Bennett
Aaron Bennett
16 years ago

Fantastic article, Tim. This is what networking should be – helping others get what they want. Thanks!

16 years ago

[…] quote from an interview of Christine Comaford-Lynch, author of Rules for […]


[…] off the coattails of Tim Ferriss’s latest blog post, I decided to reveal two books that surface when my successful friends and I discuss networking […]

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
16 years ago

Hi All!

I don’t really use any tools for networking (e.g. I don’t really use LinkedIn for business, but for connecting with cool people), and I can’t really recommend any books on the subject.

In my experience, in-person meetings rule, and non-profits are a great place to meet the real movers and shakers. Volunteer for reputable and well-run non-profits at their events.

I don’t think Christine means that she opens with “what do you do?”, just that it’s one of the main questions to determine if you can help them. I usually like to find some other common ground first, and you can do this by asking:

“So, what do you do outside of work?”

“Where are you from?” followed by “What do you do there on the weekends?”

So on and so forth. Learning how to “bridge” from topic to topic in conversations in crucial. Good interviewing books, as well as any media training for TV/radio, can give examples of this. Since I dig sports, I’ll often ask someone what sports they play or take a stab at a guess. I’m about 80% correct, and it opens up the conversation to something more interesting than the 9-5.

Hope that helps!


Paul Pichugin
Paul Pichugin
16 years ago

Hey Tim,

Just finished reading your book, so I know you probably won’t read this comment for at least a week, if at all. I’m in the middle of trying to get out of my 8-5 with 2hours of commuting and develop my own business. I love the concepts in your book and have already implemented several of them into my business.

I’m also in the process of starting a “muse” in my niche, with 2 products so far. They are both electronic products and I should be able to automate the entire process, thanks to the tips in your book.

Thanks for such a great book, a real eye opener in many regards. I particularly like the story about the mexican fisherman and the american business man, just shows the mentality of the majority of the west.

Thanks again

Paul Pichugin

16 years ago

Hey Tim,

Thanks for featuring female role models… on the blog in the book.

It may seem like a no-brainer, but there’s so many books by guys who forget to connect with half their audience!

The tools in your book are excellent for entrepreneur Moms who went into business with the dream of spending more time with their kids.



Dr. Jason
Dr. Jason
16 years ago

Great work once again Tim! Your information has and will change my life. Kudos to Clinton as well….if only he were here right now we would be much better off. Can’t wait ’till this kook we have now leaves. :>

Victory Darwin
Victory Darwin
16 years ago

Here’s my PALM UP NETWORKING OFFER (brilliant advice so I’m going to give it a try!) I have a Ning site which is an open platform for niche topic networking. (Ning staff have said it’s one of the best examples on Ning of this concept.) I would like to offer a reader here the opportunity to admin my 4HWW group.

Also opportunities for some to suggest their own group to admin. Ad revenue is shared and SEO/SEM benefits are huge. See for yourself, Google search: 4HWW entrepreneur

You will see we are positions 1,2,3,4,5 on page 1.

While you are there, check out my “World Vision Entrepreneur” project. There’s big reciprocal benefits for anybody who wants to help promote it.

You will see the 4HWW philosophy and techniques have been infused into both of these projects!

~Victory (click my Name above for the link)

p.s. Thanks Tim for turning me on to Ning in the first place, and for letting my use my posts here for 15 seconds on the soapbox!

Carl of PseudoPower
Carl of PseudoPower
16 years ago

Wow! I love this post!!!

I know networking is extremely important and I’ve definitely butchered it in the past.

My question is that some people are just needy for some companionship, but you really don’t have that much in common or they might even annoy you. Should you keep spending your time talking to them? I guess you have to unfortunately drop some people out of the network for your own sake.

Anyway, we all can learn a lot from Bill Clinton. I wonder of the scandal made him more likable because he seems more human due to making that mistake.

Amber Bristol
Amber Bristol
16 years ago

Isn’t it interesting, when we feel small we try to make others feel small?

It seems like, the true leaders produce within us a “feeling of significance.” So many of the of self help books like Executive Charisma, tell us to “accept people as they are, not as you would like them to be” or “Regardless of how people treat you keep a relaxed smile and look them in the eye.”

If you’ve ever tried to follow ALL of their suggestions you really gain an admiration for the ones who get it right.

Inspiring article. Thanks,

Amber Bristol

16 years ago

Hello Tim. Thank you very much for sharing this post with us. It is one of those that instantly inspires us. Maybe you can find some similar articles in the web, but THIS one has that “I dunno what” that keeps you sticked to it and makes you feel and act better after reading it.

By the way, I live in Peru, and I bought your book a couple of months ago. It´ great, congrats…!

The best for you.


[…] first Power Meme goes to Tim Ferriss’ post about Networking Tips from the White House. You may know Tim for writing his recent #1 New York Times bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape […]

Rebecca Thorman
Rebecca Thorman
16 years ago

This is an extremely valuable post. Thank you. I especially like that you’ve responded that philanthropic involvement is a key networking tool. I couldn’t agree more. Volunteering helps your career, makes you feel good and is good for society- what more do you need?! 🙂

Christine Comaford-Lynch
Christine Comaford-Lynch
16 years ago

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! I am not an expert on networking–not by any means–Tim and my riffing simply settled on that topic. Walter, my main point re: networking is to connect with others, to learn about them, to get to know who someone is as a person aside from their title/positional power/temporary role in life. A sincere question/comment is what you want to offer. If you can’t, talk with someone else!

I vary the questions I ask when meeting people depending on the setting. I talk with people all the time, and the more I pay attention to others, the more I learn and remember that the world is full of tremendously diverse perspectives.

For more info on networking, business-building, etc. I also recommend you take a look at the resources on

Christine Comaford-Lynch
Christine Comaford-Lynch
16 years ago

One more thing… a few of you have commented on isolation. GREAT point! As someone who couldn’t ask for help until I was a 32 year old totally burned-out workaholic, isolation is something I know just a wee bit about.

I really (seriously) thought I could live as the Lone Ranger, that I could do it all myself. I had to resign as the General Manager of the Universe to get over my isolation/control freak schtik.

Prior to joining the world of business (quite late, I might add) my life plan was to meditate the incarnation away, helping humanity by essentially avoiding it. After 7 years as a monk I realized this wasn’t the right path for me. I had to get down, get into society, hang with people, that’s how I would contribute most. All the networking things I talk about (the Drive By Schmooze, etc) are ways I made this awkward social ritual fun, instead of what it used to be for me: excruciating.

One of the many reasons networking is so transformative is because it is often so awkward and uncomfortable. That’s why tips on how to make it less so are crucial!


[…] Tim Ferriss » Networking Tips from the White House […]

16 years ago

great, eye-opening article! thank you, tim.

Shine With Grace
Shine With Grace
16 years ago

Thanks for the post, Tim. Particularly appreciate the self-confidence part – I think that’s the source of charisma – attracting the right people into your life..

Akhil Shahani
Akhil Shahani
16 years ago

Great article.

It’s amazing how the good old fashioned values of being nice & helpful to others are still the best route to success in today’s cynicism driven world.

Maybe my mother was right 😉


[…] » Networking Tips from the White House […]

16 years ago

I have somehow never heard of Christine before reading this post, but I’m off to learn more about her after I hit submit.

Every person I know who has met either Bill or Hillary has described a similar experience. Politically I’m more liberal than Hillary, but she has my vote.

16 years ago

Great stuff, be a giver not a taker is what this is about.

Giving and receiving are one and the same.


Lissa Bergin-Boles
Lissa Bergin-Boles
16 years ago

What a phenomenal post! Thanks for following the impulse to have, and share, your conversation with Christine.

One thing life has – and is still – teaching me is that being likable comes naturally when I’m authentically interested and really listening to the people I connect with. Especially the people I feel pulled to connect with vs making straight for the ‘VIPs’.

For me, I go where there’s spark, chemistry, pull. Like between actors, it’s either there or its not. When it’s there magic flies – its palpable and it can’t be faked.

That kookily uncomfortable scene from Groudhog Day just popped in my head – the one where Bill Murray’s TRYING to recreate the exact, and natural, connection between himself and Andy McDowell. I cringe every time I watch it.

The lengths we got to to manufacture what’s magic and natural if we just follow the flow…

Chemistry pulls at the box office. And chemistry build’s Fortune 1000’s and Presidential Teams. Maybe it’s time something we’ve been putting down to ‘new age’ frou frou’ we admit is ‘now wise’.

When I focus on and follow where the chemistry leads, sparks fly – and I don’t have to work so hard. Chemistry (and follow-through – Christine’s right on the money there) work for me. Not to mention networking becomes a pleasure.

Theree’s less game-playing and score-keeping and a whole lot more blessing-counting.

When you think about it it’s pretty self-evident – I mean, who wants to be ‘hunted’, ‘leveraged’ or ‘played’? But it sure feels counter-intuitive sometimes when you’re starting out, uncertain or hungry.

Love her reference to supreme self-confidence: a great term! I realize that it assumes likability and trusts the wisdom of chemistry, doesn’t it? Supreme self-confidence shakes off (without the edgy affront that can cause friction or damage connection when you don’t want it to) self-doubt when we’re ‘looked past’ cause folks are hunting and can’t see what’s right in front of them: unique and real value.

What I hear Christine talking about is essentially that – value: seeing and knowing our own, finding, seeing and appreciating value in the people around us, finding, seeing and valuing the chemistry in connection.

Her focus is on value, and the accent of value is on the benefits of connection and chemistry in and of themselves, all while trusting additional benefits will follow without manufacture. It means, in the end, not on going for the benefits our connections will give us before connection is actually and genuinely established.

In our work we call this ‘premature intimacy’, and like the other premature problem, things tend to fall flat when performance and results are the focus and not intimacy itself!

For myself, when I (remember to!) live driven by value I find myself tapping into the ‘unshakable core’ Christine talks about. Sparks fly and magic happens. I am likeable. I live in and am lead by value.

And – like you Tim – when I’m there, I am (more often than not) solid in my sense of things, and square with myself, whether people love me or hate me.

Please keep the great posts coming. You’re live learning – post 4HWW publication – is teaching us all, and your posts about it all as its happening is providing us with a kickin’ forum for us all to notice what’s happening, how it’s happening, build on it together and take it up notch by notch.

Sounds like ‘palm up’ living to me!

lead and live from it.


[…] via the 4 Hour Work Week Blog […]

16 years ago

I have very little interest in what people’s favorite TV Shows are or their sports teams or their hobbies. I find that information is a drag on the conversation and a drag on me. I ask about jobs, friends, parenting, last-books-read, philosophy and business management. This does mean that my brother-in-laws friends find me “utilitarian.” They’ve said it to my face. But on the other hand, how do their discussions about sports predictions help them in any way? How are they better people because they wish a reserve quarterback would play against a particular opponent? How do they create more, how are they better parents, how do they make more money, how are they more creative, how to they develop new skills, how are they better-informed citizens and how are they more motivated by whining, complaining, or lamenting sports losses?

Now, how many people, when I ask what they do, have alerted me to new experiences, new business ideas, new clients or suppliers, etc? I think at least 12, maybe 20.

I am called utilitarian all the time, but I only have one life to live and I’m not going to end up working until I’m 82 like my father unless it’s doing something I love.

R. Kuja
R. Kuja
16 years ago

I’m with you Tim! With regard to Walters particular situation, a good starting point is another part of Christine’s advice: focus on loving the people when you walk in the room, then maybe you can open with what you appreciate about one of a persons qualities. If all else fails you can just restate the obvious, “Sharp suit, that really looks great on you!…”


Another Homerun! I can see why President Clinton wasn’t letting go of your hand!

Karl Schmieder
Karl Schmieder
16 years ago

Tim – Another fantastic post. Great interview and great tips. Keep interviewing movers and shakers. You definitely have a knack for it (small understatement) and your interview subjects respond in-kind. Look forward to the next posts.


[…] Marketer and self-promoter extrodinair Tim Ferriss of The Four Hour Work Week, posted an interview with Christine Comaford-Lynch about networking on his blog.  For a short-form interview, it covers […]

Dominic Hrabe
Dominic Hrabe
16 years ago

Tim –

You have really outdone yourself on this post. What value?!

I’m buying her book as I write this, if you can imagine the unparalleled magnitude of this multi-tasking.

Once again, thanks for all the effort, my friend.

You have one stellar vision. And an even brighter and clearer strategy for carrying out that vision.

Cheers (back at you),

Dominic Hrabe

16 years ago

Clinton was indeed the best networker the whitehouse has ever seen. Clinton is very charismatic and people are naturally drawn to him. Those are traits that are God given, imo.

Even after his error in judgment 😉 his approval rating was at an all time high. The man definately had/has “it”.

Erika Moore
Erika Moore
16 years ago

In my view, you have in fact GAINED credibility with the Bill Clinton reference (though you had plenty to begin with). Whether or not there is agreement with every decision the man made, he is a master at connection — we can all learn a great deal from him. It is also to your credit that you clearly don’t delete posts that attack. Again, well done.

Tom Anderson
Tom Anderson
16 years ago

It seems to me that most recent presidents are good at networking. I don’t think you can win an election without having a solid network behind you. I don’t care for Bush’s ideals but I’ve heard that he is very “charming” in person. But if I had my druthers I’d rather network with Bill. 😉


[…] Ferriss interviewed a successful multi-CEO, Christine Comaford-Lynch, about her key networking lessons. My take-aways […]

Teena Mason
Teena Mason
16 years ago

Great Advice….This is an awesome site! Thanks!

Teena E. Mason

Teena E. Mason
Teena E. Mason
16 years ago

Thanks for this incredible post. Your book is great too!

16 years ago

What a great article. The acting with supreme confidence was great. It can be a lot of fun to. My Father taught me this. We used to walk around campuses after football games. He would just start trying doors. If it was open he would walk in and start looking around. He told me that if you see anyone just act like you are supposed to be here.

One time we stumbled onto the biology department. They took us into the labs in the back and we feed and played with a whole bunch of exotic snakes, lizards, and other creepy animals. It was great!

chrisse morton
chrisse morton
16 years ago

Hi Tim:

read ur book of course. utilized many suggestions and ideas with great results already. Just wanted to let you and your readers know that there are a ton of (really) old motivational books, about 50 of which I forgot I had and read about six years ago. I dug them all out and am now reading the Magic of thinking Big by David J Schwartz. Although this was first published in 1959 (a year after I was born, yikes!) it still has some of the best advice that still makes so much sense today, although some of the $$ bits and bobs seem a bit 50’s! Another great author is Dr Wayne Dyer, I have read most of his many books too and although there is a lot of spiritual reference it holds up whenever you are having one of those days! which I am sure despite your great success, you still experience them once in a while!

As for confidence, if you have nothing else going for you, that will get you just about anywhere you want to go.

Keep up the good work!

16 years ago

Thanks for this post, the “palms up” concept is something that I practice but I just realized that I need to go out there and network, in person. Most of my clients are somewhere in the US and our communications are basically over the phone and email. I do make it a point to make a “personal” connection as much as possible and have been pretty successful with this approach but I definitely want to try the live networking more.

This was super! Thanks!


[…] Tim Ferriss at 4-Hour Workweek and Lifestyle Design Blog – Tim wrote the excellent and ridiculously popular 4-Hour Workweek. He now blogs about improving your life and lifestyle experiments. Often quite original posts with a good bit of value to them, like this recent interview: Networking Tips from the White House. […]

Alex (Intellimind)
Alex (Intellimind)
16 years ago

this is some of the best advice i’ve heard in a while, thanks for this enlightning post


[…] “Networking Tips from the White House” from Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek […]


[…] Networking Tips from the White House […]


[…] כל הגולשי×? Networking Tips from the White House00 תגובות יו×? שבת, 8/9/07, 12:38×›×?ן דרג ×?ת התוכן:0מומלץל×? מומלץהוספת […]

16 years ago

Aloha Tim!

You are brilliant and 4HWW reignited a lot in me after some years of being stuck in society’s reality. I don’t really know what the online etiquette is but I wanted you to know that I refer to you a lot on my website (which is brand spankin new and still under construction). I hope that’s okay:)

Thank you for writing that book! Truth is- I am not even done with it but makin big changes…


16 years ago

Let me tell you. I am a negative and bitchy person. I was blown away by how beautiful this woman’s suggestions are. I think my life has changed forever. Thank you!

16 years ago

I am in the middle of reading your book. One of the steps I am taking as a goal is to write to you and ask what method you consider as the best one to get my book published and if self published, which groups do you like.

Thank you.

Matt Bailey
Matt Bailey
16 years ago

Hey guys,

I’m curious if anyone here has taken or knows of the Dale Carnegie course and if you recommend it. Im asking because it is very expensive (1800 cnd) but if it has worked then I will dive intoit.. pleaselet me know soon!


Matt Bailey
Matt Bailey
16 years ago

Hey guys,

I’m curious if anyone here has taken or knows of the Dale Carnegie course and if you recommend it. Im asking because it is very expensive (1800 cnd) but if it has worked then I will dive intoit.. pleaselet me know soon!


16 years ago

Hello Matt. My wife took the course 17 years ago in Panama. She says it was great, it helped her improve her relationship with people, work teams, etc, it also helped her to eliminate the fear of interacting with people, making her a better “speaker” and, the best of all: she is a person who smiles all day long. That was something she was born with, but it was “reinforced” with the course.

Hope this helps.




[…] treats you as if you deserve everything you ask for.” Tim Ferris of The 4-Hour Workweek fame interviews Christine Comaford-Lynch, five-time CEO who wrote the new Rules for Renegades: How to Make More Money, Rock Your Career, and […]

Matthew Cornell
Matthew Cornell
16 years ago

What a great interview, Tim. Thanks a ton!


[…] August 16th, 2007 · No Comments I do a lot of favors for people, because I believe in “palm upâ€? networking, which is networking to give and not to get. I figure the universe has a perfect accounting system. If I do favors for others, someone will do favors for me. It works. (Networking Tips from the White House) […]


[…] Networking tips from the White House from the 4-Hour Work Week blog […]


[…] A gem from Networking Tips from the White House […]


[…] Tim Ferris did a post that inspired me to buy Rules for Renegades by Christine Comaford-Lynch. […]

16 years ago

Tim, do you get involved with politics? Are there any candidates that you support? Can you talk about how politicians could use tactics that you have used to get a following of your book and your blog?

16 years ago

Very Good.. 😉

Thx and happy new year !


[…] Networking Tips from the White House – Just don’t let Bill campaign on your behalf. He forgets who’s running. […]

16 years ago

Thanks Tim! This is great. I personally personally don’t like Clinton, but i think credibility and wisdom is really shown when we can learn from both those we don’t like as well as those we do. Great post, very helpful, I’m definitely going to apply all these points to my life.


[…] making progress in what we do, no matter our jobs or fields. I love this “formula” from Networking Tips from the White House: Life = The people you meet + What you create […]

16 years ago

I now genuinely enjoy people after a lifetime of being “stuck-up”.

What made the difference? I finally grew up and realized that people really do need people (for any hope of happiness in this world)!

Think about it!


Jerry Howard
Jerry Howard
15 years ago


I read your book last fall and have enjoyed it. You mentioned getting into an Ivy league school and doing it without the grades. I would really like to know more to that story. You said you made cassettes to sell, but later destroyed them.

In short, I put on sporting events for athletes to get “exposure” from college scouts. I do a talk called inside recruiting helping parents and athletes take control of their destiny of college.

I live near Boulder, CO. If you are ever speaking near Denver, I would love to come and hear you.


Jerry Howard

Danielle Bradley
Danielle Bradley
15 years ago

NSCS Convention Challenge

Danielle Bradley


Mr. Ferriss,

I just wanted to give you an update on the contacts I have made. Prior to August 1 I worked hard towards reaching the various “unreachables” but ran out of time in receiving their responses. Since, the first time I posted I have received 2 more responses. Charlie Crist, Governor of Florida called me 2 days ago in response to 2 voice mail messages and an email I sent to him. In response to the questions, “what were your dreams and goals that helped lead you to where you are today?” and “what would you say are the main contributing factors to you reaching your goals?” he said, “I wanted to try to serve others and help the people of Florida” and the main contributing factors were “hard work, being tenacious, and having strong support from family and friends.”

I also received a nice letter from Jack Nicklaus. He said his “career goal was to always be the best-to always aspire to win…more important, however, is my goal to be the best husband, father and grandfather that I could be.” The main factors that contributed to his success on the golf course were “hard work, dedication, and the desire to be the best” as well as “a loving and supportive family.”

I am still awaiting a reply from Shimon Peres. If you have seen the recent news, you will know that he has been extremely busy with all that is going on with the prime minister. But, when I receive a reply I will post it.

I realize that all that I am posting is past the deadline, but I want to take this challenge to completion. I feel that it is important for myself to finish it.


Danielle Bradley

14 years ago


This article is truly fantastic. I don’t know why it hasn’t received more retweets and diggs than it has, but it has certainly gotten my vote.

I just sent this along to a friend of mine who started doing network marketing, and was getting into a lot of trouble with his friends and people on his soccer team for talking about this “business opportunity”. I’m guessing he was coming across as a “palm down” networker.

Maybe this article will give him a new philosophy, help him to shake off his discouragement, and get back in the game with the intent of actually helping other people before he helps himself.

Thanks for everything Tim. You’re a champ.

And I’m loving The Magic of Thinking Big by the way. I’ve decided to re-read the first two chapters like you do “whenever self-doubt creeps in”. Great stuff buddy.

All the best,


George Millo
George Millo
12 years ago

Hi Tim,

Just thought I’d let you know that this old post isn’t displaying correctly. I’m seeing ‘“’ every time there should be an apostrophe.

I’m reading this in Google Chrome on Mac OS X Lion if that helps.



Timothy Moser
Timothy Moser
11 years ago
Reply to  George Millo

Same here.

10 years ago

Hi, nice post, but there are a lot of strange characters, like:

“palm up�

interesting here?� shake—you know

It makes it difficult to understand (especially for people who aren’t native english speakers).

8 years ago

Tim, please fix the ASCII/UTF characters popping up in this article. I want to share it with someone but they won’t get the full gist of it until these characters are removed.

8 years ago

Awesome! My favorite line: “Make your personal brand synonymous with results.”

8 years ago

Heard numerous times whether you hate Bill or not, when you are with him you love him and Hillary has taken copious notes over the years.

I’m going to go ahead and just put into evernote every word of this post.

8 years ago

I would be interested in more information on the “supreme self-confidence” comments. I get what she is saying on the surface, but what really is that? What does it look like? How does one do it?

Kit kit
Kit kit
8 years ago

For some reason I found that a really uplifting read:) excited to adopt those tips all over the place just for fun! Thanks for the interview:)

8 years ago

Hi folks,

What do you do, if you haven’t got much to give? I am looking for tips on how to think about the networking business from the bottom of the food chain. I am a grad student in NYC trying to reach out to people in the companies I wish to work in when I’m done. If they are senior people I try to ask for more junior contacts at their firm but regardless I am a student looking for insights and eventually work.

What should be in my open palm?

Carl Kruse
Carl Kruse
8 years ago

This is one of the best posts I’ve read in the Four Hour Work Week blog and perhaps one of the best posts I’ve read anywhere on networking.

“Palm-up” networking, imbuing supreme self-confidence within yourself and falling in love with people — all fantastic, and somewhat unexpected, tips.

Thanks again for the great discussion/info.

Carl Kruse

8 years ago

Great practical/usable info.

7 years ago

A nice way to. Treat all people not just those who can do something for you.

Rattreparation Veteranbil
Rattreparation Veteranbil
6 years ago

Thanks on your marvelous posting! I seriously enjoyed reading it, you are a great author.

I will make certain to bookmark your blog and will often come back later on.

I want to encourage continue your great job, have a nice evening!