How to Live Like a Rock Star (or Tango Star) in Buenos Aires…

[Editor’s note: This was written in 2007 but much still applies]

One of the most common questions I’m asked is: what is your favorite place you’ve visited? While I love dozens of cities and just as many countries, I have four that immediately jump to mind: San Francisco, Tokyo, Berlin, and Buenos Aires. I’ve listed them in descending order of expense, and this is where I’ll tie it back to an oddly common question I get:

How do I become a tango expert?

I’m the first American to hold a Guinness World Record in tango, which was done on a lark while I was living in BsAs (that’s Buenos Aires) in 2005 and competed in the world championships. Fortunately for you, dear reader, becoming a tango expert and living like a rock star can go hand-in-hand if you hack BsAs properly.

First, why BsAs? Four reasons off the top of my head:

  1. Created by immigrants from Spain, Italy, and Germany, you get the best food, architecture, and culture from all three. This mix of genetics also produces some incredible physical specimens. In fact, I rank Argentines right up there with Norwegians as the most beautiful people in the world.

  2. In my experience, it’s one of the safest cities in South America. It looks like Paris in many places, and I have never felt threatened on the street, even after 2am. Try that in SF or NYC.

  3. Argentina is the New Zealand of the western hemisphere. From tropical rain forests in the north to world-class skiing in Patagonia, it has it all. Check out rare tropical birds or watch penguins get eaten by killer whales — it’s your choice. Argentina is the most beautifully diverse country I have ever visited.

  4. It is possible to live like a millionaire on $30,000 a year. I’ve been there four times and can tell you this: dollars get you a quality of life that is all but impossible in the US. Even with the getting-there costs, I saved more than $10,000 on my last trip when compared to just sitting on my ass in Silicon Valley, and I was living like a rock star the whole time in BsAs: 5-star meals, VIP tables, you name it.

So, should you take the jump and move to Argentina? I have friends who have done it, but I recommend you take a 1-3-month “mini-retirement” first to take it for a test drive. Here are a few recommendations to get you started:

1. Timing:

Airfare will run between $500-850 roundtrip, so ensure that you’re staying for a while. Remember that it’s summer and hot as hell in BsAs in December-January. November or March-April are gorgeous, and summer time in the US is perfect for skiing in Bariloche or Las Lenas.

2. Flights:

I generally fly Continental/Copa through Panama, as I like to spend 1-4 weeks snorkeling in Coiba in Panama (why not get two trips for the price of one?). If not, Aerolineas Argentina often offers good prices, and you can sometimes get deals by flying into Rio or Sao Paulo, Brazil and then to BsAs on Gol or TAM. Check airfares immediately after 1am on Saturday nights (Sunday mornings), when many airlines lower prices based on “flight load” (ratio of sold-to-empty seats).

3. Housing:

One negative to Argentina, especially BsAs — people will attempt to overcharge you. This will happen in any country with weak currency. I’ve rented rooms with families, used Argentine brokers to get shared apartments, rented posh penthouses from expats, and found hidden gems through Germans. My conclusion? It’s not worth the headache to deal with most Argentines and attempt to save a few hundred dollars. I had a huge pain in the ass with a dishonest Argentine landlord who refused to return my deposit — and I speak fluent Argentine Spanish — so now I deal exclusively with non-Argentines. There are some great Argies, to be sure, but they have the reputation among South Americans for being unreliable (!). Use or my favorite outfit: I’m not gay, but I do like how gay-friendly agencies keep their apartments: impeccably clean. [Update: Airbnb is a great option, as the platform mitigates a lot of the issues.]

No matter what, you’ll likely end up paying 3x more than an Argentine. A decent room in a good location can be found for $300 USD, a great single bedroom apartment can be found for $700-800 USD, but here’s one tip: if you can get a friend to come with you (or if you have a family), a two-bedroom or three-bedroom can be had for $1,200-1,300, and it will be 10x more luxurious than the one-bedroom. My favorite areas to live are, in descending order of preference: Recoleta (I like near Plaza Francia), Palermo, Barrio Norte, and San Telmo. Puerto Madero is the most expensive area and people fight for it, but it’s quite boring unless it’s a weekend evening.

4. Clubs, VIP treatment, and Food:

Spend an evening walking around one of the best hotels in BsAs, such as The Four Seasons, Sheraton, or Hotel Alvear, and make friends with one of the managers on call. They get VIP tables at all of the top clubs — Asia de Cuba, Opera Bay, Mint, Amerika, etc. — and can get you on the lists, so invite them for drinks and ask them for suggestions of where to meet. If not, just visit the clubs around 10pm on a Thursday or Friday and ask to meet the director of special events, or the manager (“gerente”). Tell him you’d like to bring some friends to the club and ask how to get on the list. Keep his card in your wallet to flash at bouncers. Worst case scenario, just spend $50 USD with a few friends and you can get a 6-person VIP table with unlimited champagne for the night 😉

For wining and dining, my faves are Gran Bar Danzon and La Bistecca, but more than both combined, I love all of the hole-in-the-wall parrillada (Argentine BBQ) restaurants. Just wander down Lavalle off of Avenida Florida and take your pick: the beef sandwiches for $3 USD (use plenty of chimichurri) will blow your mind.

5. Tango:

I had no interest in tango before visiting Argentina. I thought it was effeminate and ridiculous, something out of Shall We Dance? (the Japanese original is not to be missed) The truth is that social tango is completely improvised (much like my first love, breakdancing). Chest to chest, strangers will embrace and get to know each other more in three minutes than 10 dates would otherwise accomplish. Every night of the week, tango rules the night, only really getting started around 1am. Here are some of my favorite milongas (tango dance halls):

“New wave” (nueva onda) tango and 20-30-something crowd:

“La Viruta” at Armenia and Cordoba, inside the Armenian Cultural Center (odd, I know). 1am+ on Wed, Sat, and Sunday are awesome. I took a kiwi friend of mine there the day before he flew back to NZ, and he said to me: “Thanks for ruining my life.” He had been in BsAs for three months and had never seen such wildlife.

Traditional and older crowd: “Sunderland” or “La Baldosa” — find “El Tangauta” magazine in any tango shop, or at La Viruta, for addresses and all the tango info you can handle. Also use Ctrl-F to find any of the milongas I mention here.

If it is your first time in BsAs, I would recommend having an Argentine friend call the teachers and ask for pricing for an unnamed “friend,” not mentioning that you’re a foreigner. Otherwise, I promise that you will be overcharged. Smelling dollars, someone who should cost 50 pesos/hour will ask for 80 dollars. You should be able to get excellent private lessons for 50 pesos/hour. Good group lessons can be found at the Carlos Coppelo school in front of Shopping Abasto. My favorite private teacher is the young prodigy Gabriel Misse, but he’s going to be more expensive than most. He trained me for the world championships and is amazing. Here is a clip of Gabriel and his partner Alejandra Martinan. It starts off slow, but watch the amazing footwork as they progress. Most amazing? It is ALL improvised on the spot.

If you want to live like a king, it’s just a few thousand miles south. Viva la Argentina!

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13 years ago

Hi Tim & others, Thanks for the great article and comments! I am an SF resident planning to live in Argentina this April through June (for a about three months.) Am really looking forward to the Tango and Soccer. I have lots of Qs, and any help is really appreciated:

– What US websites are accessible from Argentina? US govt. websites (I need these for my work – can someone who lives in Argentina check

– Do I need to learn Argentine Spanish or do lots of people speak/understand English?


13 years ago
Reply to  ET

@ET English is not so widely spoken in Argentina. Taxi Drivers, for instance, typically don’t speak English at all.

13 years ago

Hey Tim,

Folks here gave you plenty of much deserved praises, so i’ll jumps straight to the point … I am in a comfortable hands-off financial state now (thanks to many of your advises, though I don’t think I’ve actually used a single income generating advice 🙂 .. but my time is occupied now by a 6 month daughter, so I actually only had 1 short mini retirement so far (about a month long in Israel / Eastern Europe) …

Any way, my buddy and I are planning to go to Argentina very soon and actually for only about 10 days (because buddy has a job) and I wanted your advice or that of other people who’ve been there, on how to spend these 10 days most “productively” … we don’t have too much time to plan this either, as we just decided to do it and want to go there end of march.


I heard Americans have to pay $140 to get into the country – is that so?

When is it best to shop for air tickets, and are we better off getting an airplane + hotel deal or separate these?

Will we need a car there?

Where else should we go this time of year besides Buenos Aires? I love snowboarding, and so does my buddy – is it season now? If so, what’s the best place?

Things to watch out for?

Places not to go?

I’m not into tango – especially Argentine tango, but I do dance ballroom Latin – any good joints for that?

We don’t speak Spanish – will there be enough English speaking folks?

Which hotel is best to stay quality / scene / cost wise?

How is swimming there this time of year?

Any other advise you can give?

And of course – great post, keep up the good work!

12 years ago
Reply to  Leo


I myself have lived in argentina for 4 months, back when my internet business was pumping out cash. You probably gone already but here are the answers for anyone else

1. Yes they now charge you the fee (I was there when they were just starting to charge) but ONLY if you come in via the airport. They don’t do this if you go in via another route or land through chile. You can always take the 5 star bus from Santiago.

2. Seperate of course, package deals are a complete rip off.

3. No, Taxi it all the way you dont want to deal with the headache that is B.A. traffic

4. Patagonia

5. Thieves, beggars, shady people, seems to me this author did not really live there for a long time. Every single local I knew has stories of getting “armed robberies” and the police in B.A. are absolutely incompetent.

6. Avoid the southern parts of the city, ESPECIALLY “la boca” or the surrounding areas at night. There are a lot of shady people, and usually are immigrants from other countries. They are high from this cheap drug called paco.

7. Dunno about latin dancing, lots of raggaeton places if thats what your looking for.

8. Learn espanol or your gonna be a lost in a sea of spanish

9. I never used a hotel

10. Swimming in B.A.?! HAAH take a pass on that.

11. BA is in ridiculous inflation, and prices keep going up. It is no longer the “cheap haven” it was when the peso took a dive from 1:1 to 3:1. I highly advise people check out other latin countries. Central America is still very, very cheap, and Nicaragua is relatively safe.

13 years ago

Leo, I am originally from Argentina but have emigrated to the US 10 years ago, I am going on vacation to Buenos Aires in late April/early May, if you are interested I can hang out with you or point you in the right direction. If you don’t have a trusted person in Buenos Aires, you will probably going to be charged serious $$$. Typically, in Buenos Aires there is a price for the locals and a price for the foreigners, especially if they can’t speak the language. If you are planning on skiing, you need to head south to Bariloche, but you will probably need to spend $$$ on airfare (Bariloche and the skiing resorts are very far from Buenos Aires). Also, transportation in general is not as convenient as transportation in more developed countries, be careful with “estacion retiro” which is an area where there are a lot of pick pockets. There are some shady taxy drivers too… I don’t mean to scare you, but you should have a trusted local in Buenos Aires or please read every travel book you can get your hands on. Contact me via my blog if you are interested in more info.

13 years ago

@Leo, sadly, the $ 140 charge to American travelers is true. I am not sure if it targets only Americans or also other nationalities. But it will apply if you arrive from the US on a US passport.

13 years ago

Another comment, as of today April 13, 2011, the US dollar won’t buy you the same amount of goods and services that it would have bought you when Tim visited Argentina. During the last few years, Argentina experienced a rate of inflation exceeding 20% (close to 30%) per year, and the dollar and the Argentinean peso are pegged at a rate of 4 pesos to 1 dollar. Long story short, Argentina is not the bargain that it was back in the early 2002/2003.

jackie from Buenos Aires
jackie from Buenos Aires
13 years ago

While reading your blog and an excerpt from your book, I was wondering if you have ever been to Argentina, at all.

EL RURAL doesn’t exist. It’s LA RURAL.

FLORIDA is not an avenue. It’s a street. (CALLE FLORIDA).

Somewhere you wrote, with u$ 30.000 per year you can live like a king in Argentina. That’s a lack of respect to argentine people, most of them living with less than u$ 300 a month, and dreaming of going Europe or the States to finf a job and escape poverty.

I guess you have a lot of sponsors from here, like the owner of “gran danzon”, you should tell them to re-write some parts of your work.

Yo said you never felt any danger walking in Bs As late at night. Have you ever been to real Buenos Aires (not just calle corrientes or recoleta) and visit real neighbourhoods and meet real argentine people, you would know it’s a difficult place.

My city is beautiful and very human, and tango is just a small part of it.

Excuse my english. It’s not as good as it could be. But it’s not my mother tongue, since I was born in Rosario, Argentina, and I’m living in Buenos Aires since 1994.

PD. I never heard af a dance competition in LA RURAL, but I could be wrong.

12 years ago

Hello, Jacky I dont know why you attack Tim… But maybe you do it out of anger… who knows? he might have some mistakes on naming the places as far as La rural y el rural… but if you do your research, there is the “mundial de tango” in la rural ( ) ( ) Thats the first thing…

Second… as far as calle florida or avenida florida… thats a mistake too… but i bet you that if you go to a foreign city you will not remember exactly what road is an avenue and whats a street… (try coming to cancun)

Third… as far as safety in Buenos Aires, i lived there for a year, and i never had any issues with nobody never got robbed or felt like i was ever in danger… then again i never did go to the villas ( i bet thats another story) but as far as safety i never felt so safe in such a big city.

I worked on a bar in uruguay and santa fe (El Alamo Bar), and i used the bus to and the subte to go all over the city at every hour of the day and i never had any problems… Ohh yeah i lived in Pueyrredon y Arenales. (nice place full with real argentine people, i never saw a fake argentine there)

Let me quote you : “Have you ever been to real Buenos Aires (not just calle corrientes or recoleta) and visit real neighbourhoods and meet real argentine people, you would know it’s a difficult place.”

Well if you ever go to the US or even here to Cancun, there are also places that you dont want to visit because its sure that you might get robbed, but why in earth will you want to go there??? Not even I go there… and im part of the “real mexican people”, as far as i know im not an hologram, and my friends are real people also…

My point is, if recoleta, barrio norte and palermo are nice, why go to the places where “real people” might be of danger??

Last but not least on this: “Somewhere you wrote, with u$ 30.000 per year you can live like a king in Argentina. That’s a lack of respect to argentine people, most of them living with less than u$ 300 a month”

Why is it a lack of respect????? He is just saying that you can live good with $30k in argentina, why is that a lack of respect?? Let me tell you how the world works, some people make more money, some people make less, the ones that make more live better, thats not a lack of respect thats a fact… and if you make MORE money and you go to a place where cost of living is LESS then you live better that back home… thats mathematics, not a lack of respect…

I have friends from Mexico and US that live in Argentina right now and make a lot more that people that live in the US and Mexico… The idea of the 4 Hour Work Week is to liberate yourself from living in X country to make X money… unless you lack the vision and want to enslave yourself on a 9 to 5 job…

This is just my humble opinion.


Im moving back to BsAs from Cancun this year because i love it so much!

12 years ago


I’ve also been to Buenos Aires a couple of months ago, and as Drew, I stayed in a small but charming hotel. Racó is a beautiful place, where all the employees are very helpful and are in every detail. They really make you feel like home and arrange all that you can imagine, and always with a smile on their faces. The neighborhood is very quite, and you can really have a nap without noice! (I could’t do it in other hotel that i’ve been before).

I think those are the best reasons why they have a great ranking in TripAdvisor, which really helped me to find this lovely place.

I’m planning going to BA next year again, and i’ll definitely stay again in Racó =)


12 years ago

Do you think telling a South American clerk/vendor you’re Canadian instead of American results in less of an overcharge?

12 years ago

Incredibly inspiring. I’m a 28 year old female who has caught the traveling bug for the first time ever (went to Mexico once, when I was 20, and barely left the resort unfortunately). I’d like to go to BA for at least 3 months… can anyone tell me what it’s like to try and find some work down there? Do I need a visa? I’m a fitness instructor/Personal trainer and figured it might be nice to get a few hours in a week while there to supplement fun times, since I want to go sooner than later and not sure if I could come up with a product to sell online in time, as the book recommends..


12 years ago


One thing you do not mention is whether you obtained a residence visa while staying in Argentina. If you come as a tourist, I believe you can only stay for 3 months in a year, and, in case you’re American, pay an entry fee of $130.

12 years ago


Great review. I will be using this information to plan my trip this January. After traveling for the last four years, I have yet to be to a South American country.

12 years ago

Anyone have any tips on landing a job in B’sA’s?

I’m a recent Univ California, Riverside, U.S. History grad and have some managerial experience. I speak broken spanish. I’m completing my TEFL to teach abroad. I thought I would do BsAs before Tokyo.

From an e-mail transaction with a professor:

“Jobs for a foreigner are extremely difficult to find, for one thing you would need a work permit. Your best bet is to teach English, you can get paid in cash under the table and not have to go through the enormous red tape required to work legally. There are lots of English language institutes in Bs.As. I would track them down online and go personally to see if they will hire you. Can you speak Spanish? Without Spanish you are limited in the teaching market and the institutes would be your best bet. If you do know Spanish, you can advertise privately in the Buenos Aires Herald and negotiate classes on your own. Good luck.”


12 years ago

Hi Tim,

I’ve been thinking about you recently. We never met but I’ve found you fascinating ever since I read 4HWW a couple years ago (and longed to have the freedom to live like you do). I’ve also enjoyed looking through 4HB. I know this original blog post is old, but I absolutely love this story of how you decided to become a championship tango dancer. I’ve wanted to travel to Argentina ever since I read about you, to learn Tango and perhaps even espanol. My newest interest is circus arts and I decided it was about time to start a blog, partially dedicated to that topic. I noticed your cover comment on “…Crush It” which I just started reading last night. This book was the final nudge I needed. I’m linking your blog to mine and following you there. Congrats on being awesome!

12 years ago

Well I recently returned from a 4-month long mini retirement, where I spent 2 and 1/2 months in Buenos Aires and 1 and 1/2 months in Brazil. And I will tell you that after this experience, I will never seriously date any other types of girls again. I dated 5 Argie girls while down there and they seriously do not get enough PR internationally for how gorgeous they are (unlike Brazil).

Yes they are a bit hysterical, but it’s usually just a small facade and they are really sensitive and warm and caring underneath, unlike US women who are cold inside. If you are a single healthy male, BsAs is the PLACE TO GO!! The average age of the population down there is about 28, there are young single people everywhere.

The city is fun, I would take Tim’s suggestion and live in northern Recoleta / Palmero close to the parks. The reason why is that Buenos Aires is so massive with a lot of small one-way streets and I found the air to be quite polluted (even though I come from SoCal) from all of the buses and crowded streets.

And of course, if you meet a nice Argie girl you may get a place to stay for FREE 😉

11 years ago

What’s up Tim. I am a gringo that lived off and on over the past 4 years in Buenos Aires. I recently made a video called “Cosas Que Dicen Los Argentinos Hecho Por Un Gringo” and I thought you might appreciate it. You can search for it on youtube or click this link:



11 years ago

Currently spending a month in Tokyo, Japan and also have fond memories of my time in Buenos Aires. San Fran is another city I frequent, but not much time ever spent in Berlin. Adding it to the list!

11 years ago

guys thanks for the great advice! Tim you opened up my eyes to what i knew was there but didnt know how to see it until i read you book. How far does the rabbit go in this lightening fast information age we are in? i love it! so the plan in December 2012 is take a direct flight panama for 4 days, then down to Santiago for a week then take the bus over to BA tor 3 weeks(maybe shoot over to Uruguay), then back home to Vegas. all the advice is awesome, this trip is to find the city i want to live in half the year. im a 31 year old male going alone, wanting to learn to cook south american style, speak spanish, hike, give tango a shot, and meet some amazing people. any additional advice from anyone will be much appreciated. thanks!

Judi Bola
Judi Bola
11 years ago


I am the admin of a website the agen bola in Indonesia who is currently the most reliable and safest. This site provides a very satisfactory service.

Thanks for the great advice, Tim, I look forward to hearing your traveler’s advice for Tokyo, and to planning a trip myself, taking that leap of faith in going from blog-reading aspiring lifestyle designer to savorer of life’s many great opportunities and adventures. Keep up the great work.

11 years ago

Hello folks,

Cool post. I still don’t get how to live in a penthouse apartment in bsAs for $550 a month, like stated in the 4hww book.

If I check google I get prices of $3000-5000 for a decent penthouse in bsAs. How is it possible to get all the goods for only $550 a month?


11 years ago

I may be 6 years late in coming to the party but I want to say that I totally agree with your description of the wondrous city that is Buenos Aires – and the delightful people who live there, the incredible food (a carnivore’s fantasy come true..). ..and the beauty of the people and the architecture..the local tango bars and clubs are fantastic places to hang for an evening.. I would say however, that when I visited in 2001, the economy was completely in the toilet and BA was probably one of the most dangerous cities in the world back then…glad to hear it is different now…

Jose ramirez
Jose ramirez
11 years ago

great article Tim- I can’t believe one place can offer all the best of Western Europe for cheap. How cool!

What place has the most beautiful women and wildest night life in Europe and Eastern Europe. I was thinking Budapest but they look mainly brunette (Hungarians ive met are gorgeous) and I prefer blondes. Prague or Kiev perhaps?

11 years ago


What should a foreign national (I.e. American on a 2 month mini retirement) do in Buenos Aires for health insurance in case they get hit by a car crossing the calle?

What about other medical services ( prescriptions doctors visits for colds) etc for American visitors to BsAs?

10 years ago

I’d like to add Medellin, Colombia to the list of cities with beautiful women. I’ve been to some of the hottest spots in Las Vegas, LA, SD, NYC, Paris, San Juan, Oahu, Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, and Prague.

Medellin, had the impact that stood out the most to me.

You don’t even have to go to a “hot” club. You’ll see them just walking around.

If there was a metric for beautiful women per capita. Medellin would be #1.

Although, I haven’t been to Ukraine yet. Plus, I’m biased because I love Latin women.

Forgive me ladies. This is a major “bro-post”. Hahaha

On a side note, the weather is similar to San Diego, which is amazing.

And the culture and people of Colombia are some of the most GENUINELY nice people I’ve ever met.

It’s no wonder I haven’t left.

Danny Flood
Danny Flood
10 years ago
Reply to  Erik

Thanks Erik for the heads up. I still need to make it down to Colombia, hope to do so next year. Just noticed I commented on this post in April 2012 after living in BsAs, since then I’ve spent 7 months in Southeast Asia and have to add Bangkok, Thailand to the list of cities with hot girls per capita.

They are very friendly and easy to meet too, but since Thai is a much more “exclusive” language than Spanish (native to Thais only) I found it is much easier to meet and set up dates online –,, etc. where their English ability is easier to assess than in real life. On a side note, if you see a beautiful woman in a foreign country, “Do you speak English?” works as a suitable opening line virtually any where.

10 years ago

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Nick Berry
Nick Berry
10 years ago

Great inspiration. For anyone currently travelling to Buenos Aires it’s also worth pointing out the ‘dolares blue’ – the unofficial or ‘black market’ currency exchange system. Since the Argentinian government restricts the flow of USDs out of its banking system, Argentinians looking to travel overseas etc are desperate for USDs. By knowing where to go (thanks to the concierge of the apartment tower I am staying in), I was able to exchange my USDs at 1 for 9.2 pesos, versus the official exchange rate at 1 for 5.82 pesos. Illegal? Yes. But the police turn a blind eye and on streets like Calle Florida currency hawkers publicly call out their wears. Certainly lends itself to living the rockstar lifestyle in BA!

Jimmy Naraine
Jimmy Naraine
10 years ago

Tim – I read this article a long time ago and decided to reread it today deliberately. I needed some steroids for my adventurous brain and this post served this purpose. I’ve just finished a mini retirement in Budapest, Hungary combined with some business work. Now is the time to plan another adventure! I went to BsAs at the beginning of this year and have to admit that it is truly amazing. I actually wrote an article about it: “Travel and make your money worth more”.

After reading your post again I find myself recalling all the great memories from BsAs and the adrenaline is pumping through my veins! You are so right. Buenos Aires offers so many great possibilities for lifestyle designers.The food is delicious, the weather is great and women are truly AMAZING;) Besides, Punta Del Este is around the corner for cool 2-3 day getaways to enjoy the ocean.

I am actually considering relocation to BsAs in January to learn tango 3h a day and to pimp up my Spanish. Great post Tim.

You should write more posts of this kind. I like your professional & long articles, but sometimes I’d love to see a spontaneous piece about one of your adventures around the world (e.g. loved the video you made with Joe Polish in Thailand).

All the best

10 years ago

I am here after many years of planning to go to BA for at least 3 months to escape another horrific Wisconsin Winter. I have the cash flow needed to kill this town. I am taking two dance class and yoga but am having the same problem as most places Ive been, no peers. Does anyone know people living the Rockstar lifestyle? 20-30 somethings? BA has enormous potential obviously but its takes a team as usual. Contact me if your interested in meeting up or have some local contacts.

Angie W
Angie W
10 years ago

Hi Tim, thank you for your advice and writing these articles. I’m currently reading your book “The 4-Hour-Workweek” and I find it so intriguing. Sometimes I feel what you have to say is unrealistic for us normal people (I mean, you did go to Princeton), but I think that’s my parents speaking for me. They’re always telling me to “think realistically” and “lower my expectations”. But like you, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with thinking big.

I was also very impressed that you’ve replied to quite a few comments. I’ve got to wonder, is it really you who is responding to these comments? It’d be so easy to hire someone to post under your name and picture. 🙂 Just curious.

Anyway, I’d just like to say that I think you’re absolutely amazing and I hope to one day attempt to do just a small portion of what you do. As soon as I’m not a minor, I can’t wait to hop on a plane and just go anywhere and experience what the world has to offer. There’s so much more to life than what most people realize.

David Acevedo
David Acevedo
8 years ago
Reply to  Angie W

I went to pton as well at the same time as Tim more or less. And I gotta tell you, there was a time a moment when going to Princeton was “being unrealistic”. My guidance counselor said as much on our first and only meeting. My parents encouraged me to shoot for the stars (in case you get caught in the middle) in terms of school but they haven’t always been in my corner. I’ve been down some dark alleys.

When ppl say ” lower your expectations” or “be realistic” they’re almost always worried about you. Uncertain about your future. But it is not to you to assuage their fear, they have to deal with their own. Don’t kill your possibilities to satisfy their uneasiness with uncertainty. Let them manage it. If you are tenacious it will treasure them.

Now there are two kinds (that I’ve seen) of unrealistic goals ppl. One is a dreamer who is pushing the limits of the possible and thinking big and taking action. The second day dreams as an excuse for inacction for not facing fears or for propping their ego. Usually the second can’t wait to tell you how great they are and wants admiration. The first is looking to do. So long as your doing the first, Then think big! For Princeton was unrealistic until the fat envelope arrived in the mail.

Recommend reading the magic of thinking big BTW.

9 years ago

It’s 2014. Is Buenos Aires still the safest city in South America? Everything I read about it now talks about tourists and locals being robbed, hijacked, assaulted, etc. This is a genuine question.

9 years ago
Reply to  noriodesousa
9 years ago
Reply to  Rogier

What a great graph! Thanks 🙂

Fernando Rivera
Fernando Rivera
9 years ago

Enhorabuena por el concurso y muchas gracias por enseñarnos tus hábitos!!

9 years ago

I read your book in 2011, it took me a while but i am finally here in BA ( palermo near Miranda’s on Costa Rica and Fitz Roy). Through your books, blogs, podcasts and referrals (im thinking of Ramit Sethi) I was able to change the quality of my life. A deep thank you dude, I am sure it’s super hard to do what you do and the advice you give is priceless. Huge fan! Keep doing what you do.

9 years ago

Without me reading the other comments I have to say that Tim explained he have been to Beunos 4 times but he never said for what length of time. I believe that if you stay their for 6 months then your point of view may be totally different.

andrea val
andrea val
9 years ago

did you look up other dances before getting into Tango? I know they do other dances like Zouk (I do zouk and salsa) what made you choose Tango over the other ones?

thanks Tim Im loving your book

8 years ago

I have just read this… Oh my God!!! I am from Argentina (now living in the States) and this article made me shed some tears…brings back so many memories! Yes, it is a beautiful country and people are amazing!!! Thanks for your words Tim!

8 years ago

Live like a likestar! I love it very much.

8 years ago

Thank you for the tips!

8 years ago

I forget to breathe when I watch someone dance like that. Much love.

Phil c
Phil c
8 years ago

Great article but glaring omission if you want to live like a rock star….exchange rate. There are two exchange rates ib BA, the official rate and the unofficial rate. When i visited last year 2015 The official exchange rate was approximately 30% LESS than the unofficial one . ATM’s are obliged to use the official rate. So bring USD or Euros with you ! On just about every street corner in the tourist areas ( i stayed in Recoleta) the are money changers. Sounds dodgy , but really, everyone in the know uses them.

8 years ago

I love learning about Buenos Aires and Tango through your eyes Tim. It is fresh and cool! Thumbs Up!

J. Ryan Tobin
J. Ryan Tobin
7 years ago

I’ve spent over 7 months there in the past year and leave to go back for another 2.5 months here in a couple days. Great BBQ (Asado), great wine, great coffee, great people, great city!!

David Stelzer
David Stelzer
7 years ago

Tim – I’m heading to BA in April. Suggestions?

Magda Nikolic
Magda Nikolic
5 years ago

Thank you, Tim! Loooove Buenos Aires! ❤️


P.S. We have a great Tango dancing and Tango Community in Vancouver, BC. Come to dance with us! 😊

Carla Yorba
Carla Yorba
4 years ago

I’m planning to fulfill a huge dream of mine…that is living and studing tango dancing in the culture…for 2 months or so…immersion- like..

I came across your article…great suggestions …great to share your best advice…

I travel alone and have no real tango friend with same possible bream… and thought I might ask if you are aware of other people who have this same dream …like a dream blog…people sharing there plans..information..and experiences?

I would love to hear your suggestions..

Sincere thanks!

Federico Cachero
Federico Cachero
3 years ago
Reply to  Carla Yorba

Haha, was so funny to read all the page!!

Let me help you Carla, I was born and rise here. I dance Tango from my early youth, and worked out in many teathers or milongas dancing or teaching it.

What questions do you have?

Harper Klay
Harper Klay
2 years ago

Hi Tim! I’m developing a TV series about the global subculture of the Argentina Tango community bookended by 9-11 and Covid-19. A procedural serial narrative set in 3 countries set for a global streaming service entitled CORTINA. Would love to send you the lookbook/story bible in case film production peaks your interest.

2 months ago

From One Tango Dancer to Another: Exploring Synergies!

Hey Tim,

Sometimes in life we have to be bold so here we go I am writing to you. As a fellow Argentine tango enthusiast and future author, I couldn’t help but reach out. With 15 years of tango experience and a fresh take on business and life, I’m writing a book Would love to explore potential collaborations and share insights! 

I know you dont do book reading and I respect your request to not to spam you, Although I would be grateful for a very short chat or just a few words from you how the tango experience enriched your life , and if you allow me I would feature that comment in the book coming up this December 2024.   

PS: If none of this works for you I am still grateful: I learnt a lot from your book when I moved  9000km away from home in 2016 and I had to restart a life after breaking up with the social pressure i grew up in, and while trying to adapt to a totally different culture, where entrepreneurship was my only solution. Thank you for the inspiration

Andrea Zsapka
The Dancing Economist

11 days ago

Thanks for this informative article.