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Shay Carl — From Manual Laborer to 2.3 Billion YouTube Views (#170)

The Tim Ferriss Show with Shay Carl
The Tim Ferriss Show with Shay Carl
Image from Instagram

Shay Carl (@shaycarl) got his first computer at age 27.

He was a manual laborer for ages and uploaded his first YouTube video while on break from a granite counter top job.

Flash forward to today:

Shay came to San Francisco to spend 2 days with me, we did a bunch of weird shit together (a lot of firsts for Shay), and we covered a ton, including:

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If you only have 5 minutes, listen to Shay’s thoughts on the decisions that helped Maker Studios become a massive success.

And here is the pic of his hilarious driver’s license that we mention a few times 🙂


You can find the transcript of this episode here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

#170: Shay Carl — From Manual Laborer to 2.3 Billion YouTube Views

Want to hear another podcast related to YouTube stardom? — Listen to my conversation with Casey Neistat. In this episode, we discuss how one renegade filmmaker breaks rules, reinvents himself, and gets thanked for it (stream below or right-click here to download):

#116: How Casey Neistat Gets Away With Murder

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This podcast is also brought to you by Born Fitness Coaching. Born Fitness Coaching offers concierge coaching, a 3:1 coach-to-client model that is customized to your needs, goals, and preferences. That means you receive unlimited interaction and coaching with one certified coach for diet, one for fitness, and one to keep track of all the rest (lifestyle, accountability, and consistency.)

Born Fitness Coaching is offering a special coaching experience based on the principles of The 4-Hour Body. You guys have asked me for this, and this is why I partnered with them for this offer. There are only 100 spots available because I insisted that quality never drops. Each Tim Ferriss Show listener receives $100 off per month. For full details, please visit

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…

Selected Links from the Episode

Canon G7X | Final Cut Pro X

Zoom H6 | XLR Cables | Shure Microphone SM58

The Joe Rogan Experience | Dear Hank and John | This American Life

WTF with Mark Maron | WTKGTS

Show Notes

People Mentioned


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