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4HWW Readers' School in Vietnam Opens its Doors — Time for a Trip?


Napping after lunch at the new Vang Lam preschool in Vietnam. So cute a lumberjack would cry.

Remember LitLiberation, the social media educational experiment I ran with bloggers not long ago?

With zero financing or hard costs, this new model ended up raising more than $250,000 in less than a month, more than Stephen Colbert, TechCrunch, and Engadget combined during that same period.

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Hundreds and thousands of you participated and spread the word, helping thousands of children in fundamental life-altering ways.

Here is one fun new example: our first school in Vietnam has been completed and is now full of pre-schoolers!

Funding was raised on this pledge page, and top donors are featured on a plaque at the main entrance to the school, with a few names going on a second school that is under construction as we speak.

For an incredible look at detailed maps, feedback from teachers, “challenge grant” specifics and more, I strongly recommend you take a look at the 4-page completion report. It’s a great example of how accountable giving should work.

It will amaze you how much $2-5 USD matters to people in a rural village. The real-world feedback highlights the enormous impact this school and its sister school — created by you all — will have on 500+ students this year and next.

How would you like to add the final $170 for a school in Nepal? Here is your chance. [Postscript: Though it’s not displaying properly, this school is now 100% funded! Thank you!]

If you want to build your own school — trust me, it can be done — then click on “I want a page like this” or check out the how-to on this page.

I’ll be planning trips to both Vietnam and Nepal to visit these and other schools. Bigger and bolder plans to come in the next six months or so.

You guys rock. Here’s visible proof.

Long live karmic capitalism.

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