The Bet (and Resources)

“Re-establishing wolves in western Colorado could connect the entire North American wolf population from Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan through Canada and Alaska, down the Rocky Mountains into Mexico. It would be difficult to overestimate the biological and conservation value of this achievement.

– Dr. L. D. Mech, biologist

Hi All,

I’m making a $100K bet on a time-sensitive opportunity: reintroducing wolves to Colorado, and, in doing so, reconnecting wolves from Canada to Mexico. Western Colorado is the missing piece.

As ecologists have told me, and as far as I know, this is the only clear opportunity in the world to reestablish a major carnivore at a continental scale.

The first step is getting the wolf reintroduction measure on the ballot, which requires securing roughly 200,000 signatures in CO. My goal is to help gather as close to 200,000 by the end of September 2019. Volunteer effort is a powerful force, but professional signature gatherers are also needed, and it’s estimated that $600,000 USD should help ensure the 200,000 signatures.

I’m offering $100,000 of my own money as a matching grant. If my listeners and readers donate $100K to the Rocky Mountain Wolf Action Fund (below) by August 28th, I will then add $100K of my own, getting us at least 1/3 of the way there.

This is a rare opportunity to have a massive impact… and there is a limited window of time to help make it happen.


Rocky Mountain Wolf Action Fund (DONATE LINK)

Please note on the above: If you would like to make a major donation or contribute stocks and/or securities, or cryptocurrency, please contact Rick Ridder at 303-832-2444 or Rick(at)

Rocky Mountain Wolf Action Fund (Homepage)

Rocky Mountain Wolf Project (Take Action petition page)

Rocky Mountain Wolf Project (Homepage)